Friday, August 30, 2024

Lights and Liturgy

 Lights and Liturgy

Rich started a good topic when he linked sexual 'confusion' in culture to the church's 'lady ordination'.
Here's another.
1--Some churches light candles before worship, and extinguish them after. I propose that the amens Day One.
2--Others don't. I would say that this amens the the Providence of GodTrinity has given us Faraday, Tesla, Edison, electrical grids, etc. Note that Bledsoe quoted in one of his books that 'Since we have electricity, we donn't need Jesus'. Lenin said something such as 'Communism is electricity plus soviets...'.
MY POINT is that whichever you do, you should explain why.  This is because ther's a verse somewhere in the Bible which has Jesus saying something like 'If you know why you're doing this, that's ok, but if you don't know why, you're in trouble'.

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