Monday, July 31, 2023

Nisbet and the Future

 Nisbet and the future

He claims that 'the state' has taken over from intermediate institutions such as guilds, town, monasteries, church, kinshi, family, etc.
There were some liberating results. 'Capitalism' in 'Quest for Community'.
But this atomistic individualism has also led to tyranny.
Now we have Gurri's observation that we are in the Fifth  Wave of information. First=Writing, Second was Alphabet.
Nisbet does not want to go back.
But others (JBJ, ERH, GKN?) have pointed out tribalistic/decentralistic evidences.
Let's think.Let's imagine.
What would be 12 (a good Biblical number!) new intermediary institutions, small enthusiastic groups, that could be? Hint: Use the three-decker Creation, and JBJ's/ERH's 4 in each. Law/Imperative, Lyric/Subjective, Evaluation/Narrative, Fact/Objective. JBJ traces the Bible, ERH uses Speech forms.
Love in King Jesus,  Chuck 'the chess of pocket billiards' Hartman

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Maimonidesends in 216


202Not to eat untithed fruitsLev. 22:15
203Not to drink wine poured in service to idolsDeut. 32:38




Laws of Slaughtering
204To ritually slaughter an animal before eating itDeut. 12:21
205Not to slaughter an animal and its offspring on the same dayLev. 22:28
206To cover the blood (of a slaughtered beast or fowl) with earthLev. 17:13
207Not to take the mother bird from her childrenDeut. 22:6
208To release the mother bird if she was taken from the nestDeut. 22:7





Laws of Oaths
209Not to swear falsely in God's NameLev. 19:12
210Not to take God's Name in vainEx. 20:7
211Not to deny possession of something entrusted to youLev. 19:11
212Not to swear in denial of a monetary claimLev. 19:11
213To swear in God's Name to confirm the truth when deemed necessary by courtDeut. 10:20




Laws of Vows
214To fulfill what was uttered and to do what was avowedDeut. 23:24
215Not to break oaths or vowsNum. 30:3
216For oaths and vows annulled, there are the laws of 
annulling vows explicit in the Torah
Num. 30:3
 Now we know 2Timothy 3:16
We have the Meyers 5 (meaning individually then, corporately, fulfilled in Jesus, corporately now, individually now)
Add 3: Pray, Sing, Do

Pick one, what say you?

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

4 of 4 How did Christ fulfilll Maimonides #192

 4 of 4

#192 Not to eat blood

How did Christ fulfill this?

What it meant to them, then, individually and corporately, others know more, and explain it better, but surely it was part of Israel separating/being separated for the life of the world. Now Christ shed his blood for forgiveness of sins and we are commanded to drink wine (poured out then) in Communion, 'His death until He comes' and Paul is poured out (into us, the church, the glorified land) as a drink offering, etc. for the (glorified) life of the world, all.

How did Christ fulfill...Week 14 Maimonides 187-201


July 16 is #14 Ends in 201, so 187-201

Meyers and Maimonides. Maimonides’ 613 laws, divide into 42 @ 6 and forth fifteens and seven. Apply Meyers’ (Psalms) five questions to each: What did it mean then individually, what did it mean then corporately, how was it fulfilled in Jesus, what does it mean now corporately, what does it mean now individually. Add RJR’s purpose of the law—wholeness. Restoration? Add North’s ‘wrath to grace’. Add PJL (‘A House for my Name’) redemption-Holy War-maturity. Toward Christian Courts Video Ministry.

Ends in 6, 2nd ends in 21, 3rd in 36, 4th in 51, 5th in 66, 6th in 81, 7th in 96, 8th in 111, 9th in 126, 10th in 141, 11th in 156, 12th in 171, 13th in 186, 14th in 201, 15th in 216, 16th in 231, 17th in 246, 18th in 261, 19th in 276, 20th in 291, 22nd in 306, 23rd  in 321, 24th in 336, 25th in 351, 26th in 366, 27th in 381, 28th in 396, 29th in 411, 30th in 426, 31st in 441, 32nd in 456, 33rd in 471, 34th in 486, 35th in 501, 36th in 516, 37th in 531, 38th in 546, 39th in 561, 40th in 576,  41st in 591, 42nd in  613  including the last 7> Something’s off here. 40x15 is 600 + 6 +7 should equal 613.


Add: 6—Pray, 7—Sing, 8--Do

187Not to eat creatures that live in water other than fishLev. 11:43
188Not to eat the meat of an animal that died without ritual slaughterDeut. 14:21
189Not to benefit from an ox condemned to be stonedEx. 21:28
190Not to eat meat of an animal that was mortally woundedEx. 22:30
191Not to eat a limb torn off a living creatureDeut 12:23
192Not to eat bloodLev. 3:17
193Not to eat certain fats of clean animalsLev. 3:17
194Not to eat the sinew of the thighGen. 32:33
195Not to eat meat and milk cooked togetherEx. 23:19
196Not to cook meat and milk togetherEx. 34:26
197Not to eat bread from new grain before the OmerLev. 23:14
198Not to eat parched grains from new grain before the OmerLev. 23:14
199Not to eat ripened grains from new grain before the OmerLev. 23:14
200Not to eat fruit of a tree during its first three yearsLev. 19:23
201Not to eat diverse seeds planted in a vineyardDeut. 22:9

Sunday, July 16, 2023

I erred. I repent.

 July 16, A. D. 2023.

I’m missing, or maybe I took this as very basic, two key small, enthusiastic groups; family and church. Perhaps in the future, a type of technological Jefferson yeoman farmer family will be key, as well as smaller more homey churches. This, as the other self-maledictory oath organization, the ‘state’ fades, but remains in a more small enthusiastic group form.

Friday, July 14, 2023

New Abrahams Report--I'll pay you

 New Abrahams Report—I’ll Pay You


It’s time to write a manual.

This manual will tell what I’ve done (‘Baby, it’s messy!”) and outline what needs yet to be done.

It’s usable NOW though.


1—JBJ in ‘Crisis…’ says we can be New Abrahams, setting the course for thousands of years.

JBJ mentions that we’re entering tribal stage in both church and broader culture. Loneliness, bonds lost.

2--ERH says something similar in Dartmouth course ‘Universal History 1954’.

     Audio and transcripts FEE at  ‘Small enthusiastic groups’.

3—I have parts well started. These are additional layers to ‘the life of Christ and our response.

     a. A book a week. (With re-retunings) JBJ says we got our names for days of the seek at Ascension,

     Pictured in Revelation 5:12 and 7:12, universe retuned, etc.

     b .Liturgy through the year.

     c.  12 new ‘small enthusiastic groups’ Bonds of ‘state’ and ‘university’ idolatry attenuated.

     d. Yet to be improved. Keyboard of history (time) in first word and its letter-words of

          B, R, SH, T (house, head, eat, cross) and ‘fellowship, apostles’ doctrine, breaking of bread and            

          prayer’. Thus an operatic response like ‘A Mighty Fortress….’ To Psalm 46.

     e. Even more! Use BibleWorks8 (free download) to find the opera of each book. Thus d. and e. make

          an operatic unit. Cascione. So far, only Psalm 117 with 150:6 has been done.

4—But this, with 9000, 7003, and 8002 can be added to make a manual, out for improvement.

5—I’ll pay. We’ll know more in A. D. 3020.










Thursday, July 6, 2023

Galatians Opera Preliminary

 Galatians  Opera Preliminary

1-Use New Bible Commentary
2--Flesh vs. Spirit
3--Adjust B, R, SH, T entries to reflect theme
4--Bullinger (chiasm) as strustural
5--Begin and End with Ps. 117 with 150:6?
6--BibleWorks8 for words/notes
7--Basis, add chords, etc. to 6--
8--Instruments? Ps. 150, but organs can play instruments?
9--Elaborate as Ps. 46 and 'A Mighty Fortress...'
10--Remember Beethoven's Fifth and only 4 notes
11--3rd generation
12--Back and Forth as Exodus/Leviticus (?)

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Beatific Harmony and Marx

 Marx as poet. In Johnson's 'Intellectuals' he emphasizes this, holding that the poetic eschatological vision dictated the 'facts' that Marx selected. thus, Marx was not a scientific researcher. What is 'our' poetic vision? I propose, and now see myself as seeking, Beatific Harmony--sound, not sight as in Beatific Vision.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Opera of Galatians, toward Beatific Harmony,

 Opera of  Galatians, toward Beatific Harmony, My 9th decade of personhood Conceived on the 4th of July, A. D. 1943?

The opera of Galatians. July 9, A. D. 2023 is Galatians. I need to figure out its opera—instruments and singing (glorified speech). Then I can work on the B, R, SH, T with the keyboard of history, all toward the Beatific Harmony (Beatific Vision, only sound). The other parts are ok. A book a week, re-retuned, with years and days named, and parts of heptads from Creation. The liturgy through the year (coram—Celebration.Of.Resurrection.Anno.Mundi [of=that is]). And a start toward the small enthusiastic groups, which I name POFSPEGs adding productive, and oath-formed, and profitable. Sources, Universal History 1954 Dartmouth class—FRE transcript and audio, and Jaes Jordan’s ’Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament’ at Toward Beatific Harmany (fro sound, what sight is for Beatific Vision. NEXT: Manual for leaders

Chuck'1000' Hartman