Monday, November 15, 2021

Will You Have Done Your CoinGood Research?

 Will You Have Done Your CoinGood Research


Here are SOME things that need to be researches.

Above all, get a team together, with a director. Things move fast.

First, read Altucher’s ‘Money 2.0’. Free on the web.

Then, consider that CoinGood is Money 3.0—a true imperative, compared to ‘if-then’s, (sic) or vocatives (half-imperatives’.

Thus, third, CoinGood qualifies aa the beginning of a Rosenstock revolution. (I prefer advolution).

Fourth, read Casey’s ‘Assassin,’ especially pages 304-314. This describes the launch of his coind which pays for, incentivizes, spying on the corrupt.

Fifth, Casey lists 3 in the beginning of the book that helped him with encrypted coin. Can they help you?

Sixth, MiamiCoin and other U. S. municipal coins are coming. Akoin will try to run a city in Senegal with his coin. Bancor is helping communities in Kenya with economic development, using community currencies. In the 1950s in Iowa there was a store that only took Gold Bond stamps, which housewives got when buying groceries. Medieval city charters (per Berman ‘Law and Revolution’) had provisions allowing them to mint municipal coins.

Casey had a white paper telling what his ‘Paladin’ coin would do. We’ll need one. Use something I’ve written previously as part of it.

100 million GoodCoins, @7000 each of 5 from Matthew 25:31-46 to be awarded for what has been done, and another 35,000 for things to be done, and another 35,000 for suggestions, which gets the whole culture working with us, should make 90+ years of awards.

Jay Abraham costs $160,000 a day, but at ‘5 Shades of Jay’ he has a lot of FREE marketing wisdom. Strategy of Pre-eminence is a great one. The director and team should be acquainted with and use this wisdom.

As I’ve written, my $50,000 for 5 million CoinGoods should give capital to start.

I’m sure there is more. The field is moving fast. Search the internet for companies that help you meke your free crypto.

Contact Chris Campbell at  Altucher. He’s wise. Hewould be a good advisor. He’s written good things,apecial email addresses, for one.

This can be run as only a checking account, but that misses much of the cultural command that CoinGood might have.

Update CoinGood

 Impact Culture Let's simplify--like Nobel Prize

'Coin' 100 million
My $50,000 should provide some seed capital
Retain an expert
Give out 7,000 per year, in each of the 5 categories of Matthew 25-31-46
Feed hungry, give drink to thirsty, take in stranger, visit prisoners, clothe naked
Also set goals that will receive prize
To really impact, give rewards to those who set goals
Example--an air-droppable house, self-sufficient
Example--desalinate water at X cost
Example--whatis the Biblical case for changing prisons?
Example--a clothing for heat and cold

Lindbergh flew that Atlantic solo for a prize. Diamandis has X Prizes

Friday, November 12, 2021

Bowyer re Coin(the)GoodTheopolis


Money 3.0 Brief—Theopolis CULTURE REVOLUTION

(1)    I’ll buy 5 million Coin (the) Good (CoinGood)  for $50,000—of 100 million.

(2)    That gives a total of $1,000,000 for Theopolis. Bible, Liturgy, CULTURE.

(3)    You should head up the team, with members listed below  or added.

(4)    Things to study, Altucher Money 2.0 (on the web—90% are scams). Casey’s “Assassin’ pages 304-314, and 52-56, 131-34 … . This  shows how his fictional hero created a ‘currency’ to pay for spying on the corrupt. He gave away 1 million units to ‘crypto’ owners, had a manifesto.

(5)    Casey’s 3 mentioned in dedication, Chris Campbell (with Altucher) Mike Bulll and other Theopolis businessmen, or in congregations, Casey himself (?), Jay Abraham (great marketer), etc.

(6)    Uses—for Chi Prizes (compare prizes for early aviation feats, Diamandis X Prizes).

(7)    Not just prizes for having  done, but for achieving goals Theopolis sets, or suggestions for same.

(8)    Based on Matthew 25: 31-46. Feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, take in the stranger, visit the prisoners—and, I say, make arrangements such that that eventuate.

(9)    Copies to Bull, Dr. Leithart, Biblical Horizons list.

(10) 3.0 because of Rosenstock-Huessy’s view that all revolutions start with an imperative, and CoinGood is an imperative.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Most Exciting Time Since The First Century

 Most exciting time

And there’s more

Brief: 'Most exciting time since the first century'

Let's list how things are being destroyed, as we reach the end of an age, but not the end of all ages.

Land, Labor, Capital, Management.

Landi s paid in rent, property titles obtained by mixing labor with land> Locke, homesteading, Rothbard.

Most of the world is off-limits to homesteading. (Oceans, whales, 90% of Wyoming e. g.) though the technology exists for mining claims, self-sufficient homes and food, remote work, etc. See also Fuller's 'Critical Path') Off-shore drilling rights could be sold for enough to end the national debt?

This does not include rent control, recent CDC forbidding of eviction, etc.

Labor: Carlson points out that FHA did not loan money for houses with shops. Labor is in decline, in the face of robots and AI--but see Gilder.

Capital in the US is paid far less than inflation.

Management does not use the wisdom of 'The Puritan Ethic'. It's paid far more than worth. Is it to deal with the bureaucrats.

So, there's room for a title-guaranteeing agency/business,and all the rest above.

Now to important stuff. Trinity defeated Greece and  Rome because it could handle the problem of The One And The Many. (Cochrane: 'Christianity and Clssical Culture.Put 21 Key Truth about Trinity in 'lectionary'. I have some.

The Eternal Calendar is the life of Christ and our response. TheBothAnd. Do 21 of Him.

Heisenberg destroys correspondence, Goedel destroys non-contradiction. What is left? Not only thinking God's thought after Him, but doing his deeds.Liturgy. I'll post that soon.

Brief: 'Most exciting time since the first century'

And there’s more