Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Christendom Advance by Cooperation in Pella--Greek and Community Currency

 Christendom Advance By Cooperation In Pella—Greek and Community Currency
1—Nobody needs to change church membership.
2—Two examples.
NOTE: We can do this without community leaders. See below. They’ll want to join US!
3—EXAMPLE ONE—Sanjee Benjamin Ang teaches Greek. This should appeal greatly to homeschoolers. He has videos which show him teaching Greek to his two-year old (!?).
4—EXAMPLE TWO—Pella Community Currency (toward PeaceCash+).
Sanjee is an expert on cryptocurrencies, and In James Altucher’s book ‘Cryptocurrencies 101, he give a simple code that can be put on the Ethereum platform to create a cryptocurrency. (I have a copy).
I envision an updating of ‘Stuart Wooden Nickel Highway’ in which we would give out free electronic coins at Tulip Time. Merchants would then join, as merchants take bitcoin and other coins.  See ‘Stuart Wooden Nickel Highway’ here:
Someone will do this.  All I want is my ‘9 percents’—9% of stock, 9% of coins, 9% of gross.
Money will also be made by showing others how to do this in other communities—a book, monthly consulting, etc.
You guys should get together: Sanjee Benjamin Ang, Michael Shover, Doug Roorda.

Stuart Wooden Nickel Highway

HostA998 Stuart Wooden Nickel Highway
Stuart Wooden Nickel Highway
According to Wikipedia, U. S. Route 6 in Iowa (1) ‘Before the U.S. Highway System came into being in 1926, roads in Iowa were maintained and promoted by local organizations which sought to drive traffic into their communities’. Stuart can adapt this to get tourist family traffic from Interstate 80 to buy more from Stuart businesses.
What if we got only another dollar from each vehicle  going through Stuart on I-80?
The idea is to get Stuart Wooden Nickels our along I-80, to be distributed by restaurants and others. On one side, we’d have offers, on the other, a link to our YouTube channel. The YouTube Channel can change as more and varied offers are made, and more information is added.
Our ideal client would be a vacationing family, to start.
Offers would only be good with an out of state identification.
We would make GOOD, FREE offers, but ones that would still make money for the offerer.
Example: Could a free gallon of gas result in enough additional gallons of gas and/or food purchases to pay for it? Could a ‘Happy Meal’ result in enough additional meal buys to pay for it? Could a free oil change—customers buys the oil—result in other purchases?
In, Around, On(line), Back. That’s a plan. A tourist family comes into town, with a wooden nickel for a free gallon of gas, for example. When they pay for it, they’re given the most recent pamphlet with great offers for around town, their email address is obtained so that the town can send offers to them, and we hope they come back for Good Egg Days (Father’s Day weekend), or even to live or start businesses.
Stuart, population 3000? It won’t be easy.
(1) (2) Test everything. The great marketer, Jay Abraham give away free much material:

Monday, June 25, 2018

What's in a name? and 100 top brands

Dear Ones:

This is a nice comparison, and such should be heuristic. What's in a name? and 100 top brands

(Note that a avocative in Latin is @ 1/2 an imperative)

Top 100 brands (names?) in 2018--many VERY recent.

What conclusive action should be taken?

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie 'name it' Hartman
PS: I had mistyped, Spoonerismistically, 'neme'!

#1 liabilities into assets--'immigration'

#1 liabilities into assets--'immigration'

Immigration: This could be a 'liability' that could be turned into an 'asset,'

Give me some proposals. 

Example: in Jones' 'Dismissing Jesus' he tells the 4th C. (?) story of a bishop who had a new city built outside an existing city for refugees from famine. What would be similar? (Note: Large churches are in the pay and seek to be in the pay of the fed. gov., and earlier immigrants were helped, by 'tithing agencies'.) 

Charlie 'liabilities into assets' Hartman 

#2, #3 liabilities into assets--Creveld--justice, money

#2, #3 liabilities into assets, Creveld--justice, money

#1 was 'immigration'

I'm limning some possibilities for The Christian Era, when liabilities are turned into assets (Rosenstock)

'The State,' which claims a monopoly on [-initiation of?] violence in a given territory came about when the person (the king, let us posit) was replaced by the organization. Hoppe has much to say on this in 'Democracy, the God that Failed'.

This is in Creveld's 'The Rise and Decline of the State'. Transcript of a lecture on this is available from

But in the book, he says that the state is failing, and will fail, because of it's inability (not HER inability--and the\at is key, for the Church is the Bride) to provide justice,and its inability to provide sound money for retirees.

The time is ripe!  I propose something in the sound money category such as a cryptocurrency, LETS, Hour Money, Depression Scrip. Hey, in the early 20th C. I believe that my grandfather was one of the men from Stuart, Iowa who got together on a Saturday morning and built a road to Dexter, 5 miles east. And Highway 6 across Iowa was built in an hour!  How? Teams of men were arrayed  such that they would build an hour's worth of road each. I'm tying this together--towns, per Wikipedia, built roads to entice travellers into their respective community. To see a modern day version, a proposal, see Stuart Wooden Nickel Highway. Also see my post on Kenyan community currencies. Who has the vision of those of 100 years ago?

As for justice, Christian Court TV sounds goo, and could easily be done with smartphones, lapel mikes, and some Jordan and North books on the law of Exodus, etc.  The goal of the law was Jusus, of course, but earlier it was shalom--peace, wholeness.

Judge Judy makes $47 million a year (2016). 2-minute, 5-minute tp 8-minute, 15-,minute+ videos would do it. Solicit videos from other churches.

If you want academic 'compare and contrast' do Sharia TV, Buddhist Court TV, etc.

What will be #4--what do you propose?

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie 'the time is ripe' Hartman

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Good, excellent on cryptocurrency/blockchain, decentralisation?

Good, excellent on cryptocurrency/blockchain, decentralisation?

One quote:  “Just as the technology of printing altered and reduced the power of medieval guilds and the social power structure, so too will cryptologic methods fundamentally alter the nature of corporations and of government interference in economic transactions”

This 'space' seems to be expanding rapidly. If creation ex nihilo (or into nothing, Jeff) is a Holy Spirit thing,

then could the movement be away from FedGov?

Charlie 'Times are mode by speech: ERH' Hartman

PS:  They claim a billion views, a billion.

PPS: Will people trust your speech enough for PeaceCash--or is it even needed?

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Fathers' Day--Let's father

Fathers’ Day—Let’s father

PeaceCash 3, a breath of introduction toward helping explicit reconciliation of opposites.
Think of how urban/suburban railroads were paid for in England.  The builders bought land on the outskirts cheaply, and paid (at a loss, as an investment) for the building of the railroads, and made their money by selling the land at a much higher price, because it was worth more because of the railroad to it.
Similarly, PeaceCash will enable much more productivity and inventiveness, and pay those who buy it cheaply now, and get it into the dynamic position of begetting such. In the cryptocurrency ambit.
Make sure to credit others in the past--persons, institutions, etc.: breaths. And it’s all within Christendom, as JBJ has said, ‘We’re all in the city now, because we are connected, as we all have access to, for instance, symphonies, via recording, and we don’t have to live in the city to hear a symphony in a concert hall only.
Note: Consider this a part of a continuing prayer for the next social order, something under ‘father’ in James B. Jordan’s rendering of history as a succession of emphases, respectively, on the Father, and then the Son, and then the Holy Spirit (‘Breath’: CHH). He has written that it’s a 700-year period, after the Resurrection, of the Church, the Christian State, and the University. We wait upon the Lord for the next. My writings are a prayer.
Anniversary of meeting Louise, 1962. Various days, shebas/weeks, etc. in my different calendars. Years/corams…
Charles Howard 'conductor--seeking help' Hartman (on Facebook) (More to come)

Friday, June 15, 2018

Google Site for PeaceCash

You can help with PeaceCash

You can help with PeaceCash
I'm thinking PeaceCash now. There are a lot of cryptocurrencies, and the 5-step that was the heart of the order of worship in the church for the first 1000 years seems to have resulted in indulgences and simony since 'If your outgo exceeds your income your upkeep wil be your downfall.' And the 5-step that was the scientific method became under the command of the violence-machine, so I'm hoping that the 5-step now, oneanothering one another, can be better. I'm reading Altucher's 'Reinventing Yourself,' and suggest that it be read with the thoughts above, and Hour Money, LETS, and depression scrip, etc.--moneys for specific purposes--so that we can help explicitly reconcile opposites, which Rosenstock defined as Peace, conducting a symphonic history. You can help with PeaceCash. I have many ideas, but the best way at this time might be to give a copy of Altucher's book to 5, and then see what they come up with? Charles Howard Hartman on Facebook, chuckhartmanhistoryconductor We are in the business of The Word, we should know something about communicating peace through this medium of exchange.

(A recent article, among many: )
Altucher’s ‘Crypto-Currencies 101 has a short piece of code with which one can create one’s own cryptocurrency on theEthereum platform, it claims.
There was a recent article by a Jesuit about how the Vatican was once 'Silicon Valley' and how it could be again.

And then there is Berman’s statement in ‘Law and Revolution’ that medieval cathedrals had budgets for (really, actually) literally 1000 years.

There are at least 1300 cryptocurrencies now, many of them scams. HealthCoin, a currency for New York City arts, there’s the projected for a purpose ‘Stuart Wooden Nickel Highway’—local communities used to improve highways to attract motorists.

Monday, June 4, 2018

June 10--Public Vindication

June 10—Public Vindication 
No Psalms
June 3, 2018:  4s by 4152637 for each day. See Jordan’s ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament’ at Biblical Horizons.
June 4, 2018: Send to BH, mentioned Conduct History Helpful Healing Herovolutionary Calendar. Also, remember retuned days of week, and Axial Age Conquering days (dias). And that it was celebrated at Zion, Dexter (LCMS) when they worshipped in German, readings from Josephus. This is Cleansing (Confession/Absolution) in the liturgy written on the year, Newton’s not knowing why the apple dropped, but affirming he could figure it out.  There are analogs in history, what say you is the analog of the time from the Resurrection to the conversion of Iceland @ A. D. 1000?
PS: I've changed so that Jeremiah's 51 prophecies do, do run through all weeks but Totus Christus, which will summarize. How does, or doe Jesus fulfill these?

Sell Pollys, offer service in Pollys—that’s the imperative stem start!

Sell Pollys, offer service in Pollys—that’s the imperative stem start!
Note: I found this when searching:
AppleCoin: Why Apple's next big move could be its own currency
The iPhone is so successful that it practically prints money. Which gives me an idea: what if Apple combined Apple Pay with cryptocurrency to actually print money?
That’s a coin, a currency for a specific use. Decades ago, green stamps were given with retail purchases, put into books, and the books were spent at special stores. The one Mom used was @ 20+ miles away.  This built loyalty.
Here’s another example: Health Coin: HealthCoin Plus
We are paving the way for the FUTURE of #health services with our new #cryptocurrency - HealthCoin Plus:
OK, those are 3+ examples of specific uses, narrowly-focused.  I’m thinking of ‘toward peace,’ something similar to revolutions of the past. Creveld says that ‘the state’—organization, not person—is failing because of lack of justice, and because of lack of sound money for retirees. Can a currency, let’s say, ‘polis,’ pronounced ‘pollys’ help?
Can study and application of The Word produce more peace—the explicit reconciliation of opposites?
I believe it can, were we to have enough vision, and that vision is itemized in exampples from the past in the above ‘quintillions,’ and here: At least 4 assets: TSOCHI and app (books too), Conduct History Healing Herovolution Calendar, Herovolute Math!, Christian Court TV and my other stuff, such as Godparents For Eldsters…
The question is this: How do we get from here to there, what are our first steps? 1—Have the vision—new technology is destroying old groups and allowing us greater, and quicker fields of action. 2—Theopolis, e.g., studies and applies ‘Bible. Liturgy. Culture’. 3—Start by selling Pollys, and changing for services in Pollys. 4. See examples in ‘quintillions’ post. 5—Justice? ‘…the least among you…’: Paul.
6—Money? Emulate the monks who had agricultural wisdom for peasants. Cities were started by mutual oath-taking, and Jacobs says cities should by money-issuers. (The Lutheran Larger Catechism has a strange passage, indicating that every civil government flag should have a loaf of bread on it.) 7—Our flag would be more symphonic in symbol, and/or hands healing ‘body,’ taken in many ways.
Love in King Jesus,

Charlie ‘between’ Hartman

Note to Rich Bledsoe: Steiner wrote that one communicates with the dead between waking and sleeping. I don’t hold with that necromancy, but I do note the ‘quintillions’ and this post came t me in the early AM, and that I get thoughts at my ‘dead’ job during the day and write them down, and that we are in the transition from one social order (‘state’ many say, others ‘university’) to another. And fourthly, I’m nearing my 75th Personhood Day—celebrating @ the time of the year that I entered my mother’s womb. A birthday celebrates when one successfully exits the womb.
June 4, 2018:  Add: Altucher’s Crypto-Currencies 101 has a short method of creating a ‘cryptocurrency’ on the Ethereum platform.  Some 12-year old you know can help you.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Too early for a quintillion 'polis' (pollys)?

Too early for a quintillion ‘polis’ (pollys)?
But not too early to think about it. (ERH: The only sin is to be too early or too late.—This would be ‘incubate’ of Listen. Read. Learn. Play. (Incubate) Doubt. Critique.  Protest. Win. Rule. Teach. Speak. Bequeath.)
Well, Jane Jacobs said cities are the best issuers of currency.
Theopolis—is it a city/community? A ‘polis’?
JBJ: We all live in the city now.
What city services does Theopolis provide? Webinars, emails, training, guest speakers.
Could it be like the Ancients in Anderson’s ‘Territory’? (Van Rijn)
Definitely not relief from Purgatory, that’s ‘free’. But…
How about a city that provides relief for famine-strciken, recounted in Doug Jones’ ‘Dismissing Jesus’?
For that, we should trace the development of science. (Note: Hartman claims that the scientific method is structurally a liturgy, applied to nature, the waters under, reality minus speech).
What services?  Maybe something similar to the agricultural science that monasteries provided to peasants and ERH relates in his history of the time from the Fall of Rome to the Truce of God, and  Berman says from that ToG—and mutual oath-taking—came founding of cities. One could even trace it through Cluny to Gregory VII?
Well, in ‘Anatomy of the State’ Rothbard says that monopoly of money is a key—but there are 13oo and more cryptocurrencies now, and the blockchain, I’ve heard, is even more basic, transactionally. Has the U.S. dollar become a cryptocurrency? Is this an opportunity for us, who are in the basics of basics business, and enterprise that seizes/offers (‘prise’) the Between/Way (‘enter’)?
Let’s take Creveld then. He says that ‘the state’ –organization instead of person—is failing because of lack of sound money for retirees (and 95 million Americans aren’t in the labor force!) and lack of justice.
A quintillion ‘pollys’ could handle the first, and Paul tells us to let the ‘least among you’ decide, rather than use pagan courts. I’ve though ‘Christian Court TV’ could be valuable, since Judge Judy made $47 million in 2016. There’s a market! ‘Mokhar it! Metathesis-wise.)
What would be a first step?

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie 'Sell me some polis!' Hartman