Friday, January 14, 2022

Life is liturgy, liturgy is life

 Life is liturgy, liturgy is life

PPS:Liturgy wins out, because correspondence falls to Heisenberg, and non-contradiction to Goedel Also, we are liturgically-acted-upon. Brought into a new situation, we can't handle, He reassures us. He gives us Readings and Sermon, our theory is tested twise and what survives we take out to the world.
For the student: apply this to Newton. Start with the apple.

True History

 OK. 7 Days, across top,and down side. Light-light = both particle and wave,downstream from early creed. Firmament=asstronomy. Planats =photosynthesis. Then add 8, Resurrection, 9 Ascension (Man in Heaven), 10 Pentecost. 11, A. D. 70, and we live (Aristotle's Final Cause) in light of Day 12.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

This is a Prayer

 PPS: This is a prayer. Jbj in ‘Through New Eyes’ says that God is doing something, and we are not to play God. ERH says the next 1000 years will be tribes without warpath perpetual, small enthusiastic groups Thus, the EEE of Garden, Land, World, each with 4 groups of imperative, subjective, narrative, objective.

The Next Thousand Years

 I'll add 11 layers to the Perpetual Calendar (the life of Christ and our response).

1--Present Layer: Church Year and Lectionary
2--JBJ's 49 book Bible, one per week. Re=retuned and per ERH's 'Out', thus Hebrews to Exodus
3--And : Liturgy over the years. After 10 weeks (70) Public Vindication, A. D. 70, and Red Sea and Confession and Absolution. After 11 more: Sinai, Conversion of Constantine, Readings and Sermon. After 11 more, two weeks of Bread and Wine, with conversion of Iceland, and final conquest of Promised Land
4--Matthew as from genealogies to timelines--Fuller's 'Critical Path' timeline of technology and '100 Most Important Events in Church History'
5--Mark Business (ERH) Servants (Bullinger). A. Some that come to mind B. Write the Days of Creation along the top, and down the side. Where they intersect, that's fulfillment. Plants and Light, Kirlian photography. Plants and atmosphere (luminaries) Haber and nitrogen fixing--without such facgt\\tories 1/5 to 1/3 of people on earth would starve, some say.
6--Luke--How does each book show Jubilee (Luke 4, first words)
7--John--Last 7 weeks are the formation of a tabernacle, unto 'going' THEEEOS
8: Maimonides' 613 divided into 42 (as are the others)
9--New Testament imperatives. Online, Australian copyrighted, 2500 divided into 800 categories
10--JBJ's'Vindication' book
11--ERH's "Fruit of Our Lips'
12--OOPS, I forgot 21 keys on Trinity and 21 on God-Man

The last 7 end with a song, per JBJ 'Covenant Sequence' in This is 117 with 150:6, kjv. 7 Praised, 6 praisers, 5 commands to praise!. Lay 'Bible, Liturgy, Culture' on an octave of 12 notes, identify 7 with first 4, 6 with second (liturgy), culture with last 4, so notes are a, 5 and 9. Makes a tune.A prayer, searching for imperative

Love in King Jesus, 
PS: I see them as Jordan's 49-book Bible, liturgy throughout the year 10,11,11, and Money 3.o
PPS:Liturgy wins out, because correspondence falls to Heisenberg, and non-contradiction to Goedel Also, we are liturgically-acted-upon. Brought into a new situation, we can't handle, He reassures us. He gives us Readings and Sermon, our theory is tested twise and what survives we take out to the world.

Monday, January 10, 2022

They've run out of money

 They've run out of money

The Spirit (of exnihilation) has left them?

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Money 3.0 Shekel of the Temple today

 For Money3.0 Shekel of the Temple today

Find a 12-year-old in your congregation to help you
And it'll be even easier in a few years Chris Campbell with Altucher is sharp
Altucher: Money 2.03.0 has more KBD heaviness/glory since it's a imperative--the others are vocative
Maybe some libertarians will help you. Woods, McElroy
Immanentize THIS eschaton: Matthew 25:31-46
Start with chi prizes for doing, as rewards for set out goals, for suggesting such. I've offered $50,000 for 5 million of 100 million
If 7,000 CoinGoods per X 5 X3 are given yearly, that's 105,000, and 95 million will last many years


 We sometimes think that there is 'the' correct translation.

However, Luther 'translated' Psalm 46 (?) into 'A Mighty Fortress' and the New Jerusalem Bible emphasized the acrostic nature of Psalm 25 with their acrostic (not 'word-for-word') translation.
Love in King Jesus
Chuck 'Matthew 25: 31-46' Hartman

Saturday, January 1, 2022

The Year

 The 'year' has begun at different times.

Lady Day.
March 20.
Vernal Equinox
It makes a difference