Wednesday, March 27, 2024

The Next Doctrine (of evangelism) Protracted Game

 Expensive--also used by Sam Walton for Wal-Mart The Next Doctrine (of evangelism)

While still a teenager, Boorman wrote The Protracted Game : A Wei-Ch’i Interpretation of Maoist Revolutionary Strategy (1969), an analysis of the U.S. involvement in Vietnam. He shows that the U.S. thought it was playing Chess, while in fact the game was Wei-Ch’i (also known as Go). He systematically explores the similarity between the military strategies of Chinese Communist insurgency and the Chinese board game wei-ch’i, in contrast to parallel U.S. analyses of the same events. Boorman also argues that wei-chi’s analysis of a strategic system presents a more sophisticated and flexible form of game theory than the traditional western models of strategic choice.

[Compare Zechariah 8]

Monday, March 25, 2024

14 Steps Toward New Abrahams 1000


1—Send for ‘The Next Thousand Years A Prayer’

2—Do the 12, as I am.

3—Help another copy Deuteronomy in his/her own hand. Read Jordan’s ‘Covenant Sequence in Leviticus and Deuteronomy’. Free at www.garynorth.cim/freebooks. 4—Help another in chanting (before speech separated from song; ERH) a Psalm—monotone until the last 3, up-down-up-like. Get what is the significant number of same idea/concept/word and use cymbals or other appropriate instrument to highlight them as you chant. 4—'1000’ needs significant 42x4 so the Keyboard of History can make appropriate ‘Beethoven’s 5th’ 4-note response to Bullinger’s outline music. 5—Help one person find a person of peace/influential one to run a discovery session of Bible verses, as in ‘Contagious Disciple Making’. This system baptized a million. 7—Help one help one start a business. 8—Help one pray for a politician. 9--Help one start taking a good multi-vitamin. I like Molecular Multi. 10—Be ready to help one have a community currency. Buy some MicroStrategy.11—Pray The Lord’s Prayer with another daily. 12—Help someone connect with an African pastor online, build local support. 13—Learn the game of ‘go’, combine with Zechariah 8, Read ‘Protracted Game’ with eye on Wal-Mart. 14—bwabwa.


Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Oath and Sanction Week (sheba)

 Oaths and Sanctions Week

This is the sixth week of the year-long attempt to 'Christianize' the next thousand years.
It's based on North's THEOS for the first five Words, and Bull's expansion into THEEEOS, in which the 3 Es are for priest, king, and prophet.

For 'Oath' my 3-generationers will research Reformation works. Lawful Oaths and Vows, WCF and Monks' same, Lutheran works.

For Sanctions, if we don't, others will. Hitler, z.B. (Medieval churches had budgets for a thousand years, Berman, 'Law and Revolution'). ERH's great wisdom in 'Out of Revolution' should have eventuated in more.

Sanction. The Twelve--4 each in priest, king, and prophet. Garden, Land, World. Church, Civil Magistrate (hey, 'magister' is 'teacher' in Latin, and JBJ says 'Torah' is instruction on which to meditate--see Solomon and baby and 'how did he get that wisdom, it wasn't explicit).

I also use JBJ's 4 (Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact) and Rosenstock's 4 (Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective)

If we don't apply Biblical law, we'll get some other law, sanction-wise.
If we don't sing, Hebrew Cadence see, others will make the songs. See Goia 'Music' and Beatific Harmony from Bullinger's outlines, as part. The 5th awaits Keyboard of History. An improvement on Psalm singing to use cymbals to emphasize emphasized parts in recent. See also Psalm 117, and The Twelve (minor prophets). Others will do better.
If we don't plan for The Next Thousand Years in Prayer, someone else will.

(This doesn't mean to diminish the key work or suffering a witch to live, choosing life, living by faith you just, on this rock, etc.) bwabwa, I recently wrote. Butterfly Wings in Amazon, Blizzard in Western America. #12.)

If we don't baptize a million, as in 'Contagious Disciple Making' someone else will.
And so on, through. #5--funding, #6 Twelve Word Platform modified by 'Do Your Best in a Tough Situation--to Roman soldiers, #7 HealthSpan, #8 Nations an Trade Routes and new appropriate currencies. 

#9, covenant of Vocation (Wright 'The Day the Revolution Began), #10, LocalOnlineLeadership, #11 Peace Tribe and more comprehensive understanding of the wars we are in, seen by redemption, holy war, maturity, and especially 'Go'--Mao, Walton and Zecharia 8 (when we take care of our own business others want it) and #12, Jay Abraham and McCloskey and bwabwa.

Others will do better.

Love in King Jesus, 

PS: Next week (sheba0 is Succession. I'll try to do more on next first Steps.
PPS: I'm sure I'm missing something. See Am. History which starts with 'Creator'/'God Problem' as 1, then Fell/Hancock as 2, then 'Out...' and Gardner Chapter 5 as 3. 1492 I1, 3) to 1620. Divide until 2026 by number of students, each take and Idea, Institution, Invention, of Individual to show how was influenced, did influence. After, Gilder and Gurri and 4, Kurzweil and Diamandis as5, Spinrad ('Transformation') and the Russian who write about stages of civilization--planet energy, solar system energy, galaxy energy.

More uses of law


Other uses of law:

1--in 'Creator' Deut. 22:9 applied to ideas from non-Christian sources. (These sources should be treated as a war bride, and have hair and nails trimmed)

2--The priest's daughter (Jerusalem elements) is burned for harlotry in Revelation. Jordan, 'Handwriting on the Wall' around page 400.

Since 'the state' has a history of monopolization (Leithart 'End of Protestantism') we might want to consider other options; RJR said the primary 'government' is self-government--after The Omnipotent, I'm sure. Blackstone mention iirc 21 type of government in England @ 1700s. (Berman, 'Law and Revolution')

Many others are exploring other situation. Search 'Prospera'

Love in King Jesus,


Monday, March 18, 2024

Small Psalm Singing Improvement

 a small change, not as radical or ill-formed.

1--Find the numerically significant items in a Psalm.
2--Use the present monotonic recitation with a 3-note at the end.
3--But add cymbals (from Psalm 150--146 JBJ) or some other instrumental emphasis
4--From Psalm 1 that would be 8 'action', thus
STRIKE THE CYMBALS (or other musical emphasis) at

walketh not
nor standeth
nor sitteth
not wither

This is a seven (8 if 'Lord knoweth')

There's a 4 for the ungodly, but that would mean to use a different instrument, thus

ungodly are not so
chaff which the wind driveth away
ungodly shall not stand in the judgment
nor sinners in the congregation

Some thoughts.

Thanks again!

Love in King Jesus,


Sunday, March 17, 2024

Nothing (Gallant)

 Nothing (the zero, cipher) is VERY important in history. Came through Islam from India. Sturgeon wrote a scientifictional work on the Army's attempt to figure out the strength on the nothing of the perforated paper separators's strength.  Why did the paper NOT tear at the perforation.

And then too there are the pauses in acting, joking ('Deep Exegesis') .

Etc. (A kind of nothing?)


 Add organized crime to Peace Tribe #11, and bwabwa to New #12 (butterfly wing amazon blizzard western America (chaos)

Saturday, March 16, 2024

A little handicap

 A little handicap--unable to walk much

But, Deo volente, it might work
PS Computer

The Big 80

 The Big 80

I'll get a job* and pay to get things done.

I've been 'protocol-ed' for 2+ years. I couldn't walk well, lost my voice timbre, had kidney problems, lost tact, was lethargic, etc.

Pastor said 'Don't give him X'. They gave me X. When asked 'It's protocol'. I've done the thing with relatives and godparents. (I have younger ones, not family, who'll help me. 'They' know how to manipulate family.

I'll work with 12 small enthusiastic groups, per 'Universal History 1954' at

This week it's 4 in World. Wright's covenant of vocation, local-online leader, peace tribe (and war types), new via McCloskey (trade and innovation honored0 and Jay Abrahem. Next week, Oaths and Sanctions. The above getting started, and do it well or thy'll do it badly.

Love in King Jesus,

*$1000 for hitting the machine??!! Yes, $100 for the hitting, $900 for knowing how to hit it.

For 'Big 80' job and buy services

 For 'Big 80' job and buy services

BH discussion shows value of Christian Court Video Ministry

 BH discussion shows value of Christian Court Video Ministry

I didn't jump in because there's a better way

1--Christian vs. Christian
2--Example for civil magistrate
3--Petitioning the Highest Court (prayer)

One could solicit videos from interested parties (churches, Sunday Schools) on the various laws. These videos would be put on a YouTube or other video channel, and YOU would comment

This would FOCUS the discussion and be a good TEACHING tool

Love in King Jesus,

: PS, three parts. North has writtten about God's 'case' against Israel. Deut. 22:9 is mentioned in regard to how some thinkers thought that thinkers outside Christianity should be treated--as a war bride has her nails and hair trimmed. Thirdly, JBJ mentions in 'Handwriting on the Wall' that a priest's daughter being burned happens in Revelation.

Friday, March 15, 2024

Hebrew as Song Template

 ear Steve:

My congratulations also.

Now, based on 'God is our song,' and various music mentions (Begbie, Leithart) perhaps one of the students can work on something related to this quote from Cascione's 'Repetition in the Bible':  The Hebrew genre is not tied to mechanical order, but can follow a syncopated rhythm... Intentional concurrent symmetry and asymmetry is a hallmark of Hebraic meter,an aesthetic that runs counter (tl surrounding cultures)'
Cascione credits JBJ for much, and is a former art professor and retired pastor.
Love in King Jesus,
Chuck 'working on song of 

Chuck 'working on song of respective Bible books and cultural song in response' Hartman

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Wibberly 'Mouse' AI sequels

 Joy. IMPORTANT! 'Mouse' sequel AI-using congregant money opportunity

A sequel to the wonderful Wibberly 'Mouse' books could be written by one of your AI-savvy congregants. Cynthia becomes leader of Loyal Opposition, Vincent PM, kite-flyer new Gloriana, tourist scientist-ornithologist a new Kokintz.
Chuck 'More Kokintz than Mountjoy' Hartman
PS: Aha! July 20 in 'Moon'

Monday, March 11, 2024


 1--JBJ writes in 'Handwriting on the Wall' that the priest's daughter was burned in Revelation--harlot of Jerusalem somehow. James Jordan

2--In Peter Leithart's 'Creator' the war bride whose fingernails must be cut, and hair too is likened by historical exegetes to how ideas from outside the Bible must be treated.

3--This fits with JBJ's view that we must meditate (Psalm 1) on the law, and it fits in with the question : How DID Solomon get his wisdom of two harlots and one baby?

4—Forgot. Kings are supposed to write out the law. Longhand, I suppose.
5--Rosenstock says English gentry memorized all Psalms.

Love in King Jesus,



Thursday, March 7, 2024

42 riddles (x4)

 42 riddles (x4)

I'm trying to get to Beatific Harmony/Vision. Principia Operatica

JBJ has said that all (history, cosmology) is a riddle that we are to figure out, like parables.

This is in the prophet area. Marriage, culture, etc.

Short. We ake the B (beth) House, the first letter word of the Bible, and work out the implication. House in 'don't covet' of Exodus, becomes wife, the we have Daughter Jerusalem, and Fellowship in Acts 2:42, to Bride/City... 

What are the 42 of this, so we can de-riddle.

Then we do R head, SH eat(fang) and T cross unto prayer.

Love in King Jesus,


Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Dan Stanley Questions

 Dear Dan:   First, I want to THANK YOU for asking these questions.

What is THEEEOS? 

THEEEOS is Mike Bull's way of seeing the Bible, Bible Matrix. Gary North held that the first 5 commandments could be seen as THEOS (God in Greek). Transcendence, Hierarchy, Ethics, Oaths and Sanctions, Succession. Bull adds two 'E' sections, making priest, king, prophet, thus THEEEOS. 
  1. Bible Matrix – Discover the DNA of the Scriptures. It’s not true that people only use 10% of their brains, but it is true that most Christians only use 10% of their Bibles. The Bible is the most loved and the most hated book in the world, but for many people, it is also difficult, boring, frustrating, brutal, and weird.

  2. Bull sees the whole Scripture as being written in this form.

Why 42 examples?  42 because JBJ's 'Rethought' Bible has 49 books, and I wrote the 49 on the year, minus 7 for the last, which is a time of action.

What is JBJ's 'Rethought' Bible? Here is the link to JBJ's. 
  1. biblicalhorizons » No. 80: Rethinking the Order of the Old ...

    The purpose of this essay is "to boldly go where few have gone before," and open the possibility that there is another, more definitive order to the Old Testament canon, one that can be discerned from the text itself, which is superior to both the Hebrew and the Greek Canons. A Biblico-Theological Canon.

What is the Beatific Harmony? Beatific Harmony is my rendition of Beatific Vision plus Rosenstock-Huessy's 'Symphony of History'. God is our song, and we are to sing back. He composes.

What is the Principia Operatica? That's a play on Newton's 'Principia...'. History is not only a symphony (instruments only) but has talking and singing, like an opera.

What book are the 42s listed in? Alas, it's only I so far, in 'The Next Thousand Years A prayer' (attached.

Again, thanks for asking. I'm often removed by my own actions from conversation.

Love in King Jesus,


Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Better 42s and Western Civ.

 I take the first 4 letter-words of the Bible : B (house) R (head) SH (eat/fang) and T (cross, together with Acts 2:42 (fellowship, apostles' doctrine, breaking of bread, and prayer).

Then I find 42 examples of each in history.

Every week of 42 weeks (the last 7 are THEEEOS--North->Bull) we take one of the books of JBJ's 'rethought' Bible and match them with the book as a song - and -response Beatific Harmony (Principia Operatica).

BUT there 42 are not the right ones. I limned that there are 42. Now I or my grandchildren's grandchildren must do better.

42 from Adams, Bible genealogies, Jackie Robinson's number, Mulder's apartment number, I discovered later.

To answer your question, my 42 were mostly Western Civ., but GodTrinity works Creation-wide.

Love in King Jesus,  Chuck
PS: The 42s are listed in the book.

Jordan 'Western Civ.'

 When my 4s are better 42ed, this'll be it.

'Handwriting on the Wall'

 If 'America' is Jerusalem/Egypt (in Daniel) who is Babylon/The New Opportunity--Henry Luce's father's China?

Monday, March 4, 2024

greek reading

I'm with Brian. 'Yes ' to Van Til and the Greeks, and JBJ's "Western Civ.". . And because I always look for the whole picture, you might, might consult Gary North on Classical education, the Greeks. He cites himself, and Rushdoony (Chapters 4 and 5): He pulls no punches
Also, Rosenstock wanted to get away from Greece his whole life, but couldn't. He ended up saying that they were a companion, but NEVER a social order. They had the faults of all other social orders. His Dartmouth course is at

You are doing a good work!

Love in King Jesus,
PS: Re, Burke. I actually was one of the founders of the Libertarian Party of Iowa decades ago. That morphed into 'Twelve Word Platform'. That wasn't enough for one of the 12 small enthusiastic groups. ERH, 'Universal History 1954' and I've added Reformation confessions and slaveries.

I've been opaque. It's NEW ABRAHAMS

 Thanks. I've been opaque. It's 'NEW ABRAHAMS'

Others will do much better.
Now I see it. NEW ABRAHAMS. This is from James Jordan's 'Crisis, Opportunity, and the Christian Future.  He goes through history and the Bible, and says we are in what the title says, a crisis, an opportunity, and a way to have a Christian Future. 

Love in King Jesus,

PS: I call it 'The Next Thousand Years A Prayer' because iirc in 'Through New Eyes' JBJ wrote that we shouldn't 'play God'

Laws 4 -- for meditation

 Jordan says in 'Handwriting on the Wall' that Torah (the laws in Deuteronomy, for instance) are to meditate on. Thus Solomon and the baby. Laws 4--for meditation

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Laws 3

 3 points:

1--Maimonides says 613. It'd be good to explicate each, maybe with Christian Courts Video Ministry
2--Jordan has a GREAT work 'Covenant Sequence in Leviticus and Deuteronomy' in www.garynorth/freebooks
3--The key is wholeness (shalom, unity/peace) iirc wrote Rushdoony.


Again, Land/King 4

 Discipling nations/redeeming times., 'Universal History 1954' says that history is a chiasm. Tribes, Empires, Israel/Greece. After the Resurrection, it reversed so that Israel without exclusions became the Church, the Nation-State was empires without slavery--each 1000 years. Issachar-ly, what is next. Rosenstock says it's small enthusiastic groups, tribes without perpetual warpath. What would those be? In a 3-decker universe, each has 4 parts. We did Garden/Church/Priest last week (this is in the last 7 weeks). Now we do Land/Kig in law, lyric, evaluation fact. What would those be--that's my question. I have 4 proposals, send me your email and I'll send an attachment of the whole 100 pages.

[Add: Funding, Twelve Word Platform with Reformation Confessions, and Slaveries then HealthSpan and Nations as Trade Routes]

Friday, March 1, 2024

March 3 A. D. 2024 Land King


I'm organizing a calendar that helps.Rosenstock
held that small enthusiastic groups (tribes without perpetual warpath)
would be 'the
next thousand years'. 'Universal History 1954 Dartmouth  course free transcript and audio at
The last 7 weeks befor celebration of  Resurrection is THEEEOS (Bull, North).
This is the second E--Land King.I use JBJ's Law Lyric Evaluation Fact.
What say you should be the 4? (I did add slaveries in the Lyric). Or ERH's Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective.

Starts Sunday.
March 3,  A. D. 2024