Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Johnson: Beware! ('Intellectuals')

 Johnson: Beware! ('Intellectuals')

True: Iron sharpens iron'.I've jussst read partof Johnson's'Intellectuals' Summation: Beware intellectuals. (CHH says, beware violence, even especially if intellectuals propose it. He cites Sartre, Russell, and Chomsky, who used eminence in one field to pronounce politically. I sum u[: Non-violence.

Thus, as I near thebeginningof my 9th decade of  personhood, I follow two betters. JBJ said this was Jeremiah Time--my plot ofland is'The Next Thousand Years A Prayer' to which promulgation I will devote the fruitsof soon-timing of TraderChuck and Tulip TimeTokens, my 'good of the city'.Louise will handle the jeremiads, though Bullinger's 51 prophecies would fit into a year's sermons on Jeremiah--a wise task. A website by my granddaughter, and a manual I'll pay for--with the proviso that the operas are yet to be written, rather translated.

Born April 5, 1944, thus perhaps conceived July 4, 1943, parents' anniversary. We used to start uSA Presidential terms 9 month before Celebration of Nativity. Or was it 'when kings went outto war'/the Truce of God? I leve that to the student/

PS: Johnson kew a lot. He inspires therecognition of the truth of my worthlessness, though I have some things unique.

Friday, June 23, 2023

Thousand PV, Romans

 This week: PV; next week,Romans

Yes, since Jesus has 'all author-ity (sic) I've expanded the lectionary.

1--A book a week. God wrote books.
2--Liturgy through the years (resurrection to resurrection--celebration.of (that is).resurrection.anno.mundi[yes, a word play on Latin for 'presence].

PV conflate A. D. 70, the Red Sea, and cleansing (confession and authoritative declaration of forgiveness).
It's a long process. I've started 3+ generation. We'll know more in A. D. 3020.
Love in King Jesus,
Chuck 'thousand' Hartman
PS: Yes, B, R, Sh, T (a song on the keyboard of history re: Beethoven's Fifth and 'A mighty Fortress' from Psalm 46.
PPS: Yes 12 'small enthusiastic groups'  and yes JBJ's tribes and tribes.
PPPS: The song of each book in  Principia Operatica awaits activateion of Hebrew Cadencs a la Cascione.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

9000 Manual

 Host A 9000 Thousand Years Manual


For weekly or so updates, email


Twelve Pages. A Baby. Messy

1—Book/Week Dates

 2—Liturgy Through Year: PV, TBOTMOFA, TC—Conflated

  3—Song of B, R, SH, T (Keyboards of History—under development))

   4—Forty-Two B (House, Wife, Church, Woman)

    5—42 R (Head, Peace Deals…)

     6—The 12 Small Enthusiastic Groups (Oath-Formed, Productive, Profitable)

     7—42 SH (Eat)

    8—42 T (Cross, Last)

   9—Re-retune and Names

  10—Links, My 7, Etc.

 11—Song of Book (Under Development More—Operatic Response)

12—We’ll know more  in 3020, 3+ generations



1—Here’s the list of dates and books for Anno Domini 2023-2024.


1—Apr 9 Resurrection/Easter 2023 Hebrews

Dear Friends:

Christ has all author-ity, 'Thousand'--April 9

I'm adding layer to the church calendar.

These are seeds that will grow.

Tribes: JBJ writes about them, so does ERH.Goals: Liturgy through the year, getting 12 Small Enthusiastic Groups.

On April 9 in the Book layer, God our Song sings Hebrews to us.

We respond with an entry in each part of the 'coolio' proto-liturgy of the first letter-words of the Bible,

B,R, S-H, T

House, Head, (fang) Eat,Cross (Last Letter)

House=Wife, Mother, Woman. Head=Peace by mutually advantageous business deals. Eat=Food. Cross+ Festivals, Sacrifices.

So, Hebrews.

So,  Mother Church, Moses, Mystery of Loaf-Bread Body Cup-Wine Blood. Must understand Passover.

Everyone Is Important, so any job/calling can fit.

More later, Weekly.


2—Apr 16 God our Song sings Titus to us (See Bullinger’s outline?)

We respond, with instances in B, R, S-h, T protoliturgy

House 2—History is the Holy Spirit’s preparation of (created) Daughter—humanity—as Bride for the Son: Jordan.

Head  2—Gilder ‘Scandal of Money’: Deng and Jiang inaugurate largest freedom move, Chinese enterprise zones AND Goedel, von Neuman et al, work that eventuates in blockchain

Food 2—’Blessed Are the  Hungry’ (Leithart) and first of economics, scarcity

Cross 2—First Fruits then

All toward Small Enthusiastic Groups of the ‘Thousand Years’—however long that is, in liturgy of coram

3—Apr 23 1st Timothy

B, House: 3--3—Johnson ,’Heroes’: Israel benefited because women were important.

R, Head 3—Peter Diamandis ‘Abundance’ and Metatrends

S-H, Eat: 3—Napoleon canned food for army

T.  Cross 3—Pentecost then

4—Apr 30, A. D. 2023 1 Thess

B, House: 4—Stark, Church benefited because women were important

R, Head: 4—‘Superabundance’: In terms of time it takes to earn to pay for things, prices are falling dramatically

S-H, Eat: 4—What DON’T eat, but all clean symbolically (fasting)

T, Cross: 4--Trumpets then

5—May 7 Philemon (Booker T. Washington, $10 billion on porn, McDonogh, Roberts on 1913 income tax slavery, enclosure movement, St. Batilda (Stark),slavery to sin ended with Christ, etc., gold from New Worlds paid off Medieval indentures, McCloskey trade and innovation honored rhetorically and financially caused the Great …,liturgy recaps. 'It is a historical fact that no Southern white ever enslaved a black slave.) See page 249 of Carlson’s ‘Third Ways’ re: Servile  State slavery.

B, House (Wife, Mother, woman) St. Bathilda ended slavery once, 5—Madame  Curie

R, Head (Business peace om mutually-advantageous deal--5—Kunstler, out of oil, society gone

S-H, Eat, 5—Autophagy, (intermittent) fasting

T, Cross, Atonement

6--May 14 2 Tim.

7—May 21 2 Thess.

1 B/W + (poor in spirit) [ Matt. 23 woes] Early on I wrote the Beatitudes and  Woes in.

8—May 28 Colossians

9—Jun 4 Eph

10—June 11 2. Cor

 [A—June 18, PV] Early on, I had books per day of week, 1s by 1234567 Cleansing (Confession and Absolution) Red Sea A. D. 70

[A—June 18, PV] Mountain in Time—what changes in 12 ‘small enthusiastic groups’/POFSPEG

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12 (Profitable, Productive)? Note: Here also conflate ‘fellowship, apostles’ doctrine, breaking of bread, and prayer’ to B, R, S-H, T. Is ‘house’ a house of prayer’ or is prayer the sacrifice of praise, or both/and-?

11—June 25 Romans

12—July 2 Phllp

13—July 9 Galat

14—July 16 1 Corinthians

2 B/W+


15—July 23 3 John

16—July 30 Jude

17—August 6 1 Peter

18—August 13 1 John

19—Aug 20 2 John

20—Aug 27 2 Peter

21—Sep 3 [B—September  10, TBOT-MOFA] James Consecration (Readings and Sermon), Conversion of Constantine, Sinai ] Mountain in Time—what changes in 12 ‘small enthusiastic groups’/POFSPEG (Profitable, Productive)? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

3 B/W+


[B—September 10, TBOTMOFA]] Earlier on, I had 4s by  4152637

22—September 17 A. D. 2023 Revelation


23—Sept 24 John 9 From Leithart ‘A House For My Name’ p251—1:19, day one, 1:29, 1:35, 1$#, 3rd day after last day mentioned. Cana on 7th day. First chapter outlines a week..


24—October 1 Mark


25—October 8 Greater Chron.


26—Oct 15 Acts


27—Oct  22 Luke


28—October 29 Matthew


4 B/W+

--hunger and thirst--

29—Nov 5 The Twelve

30—Nov 12 Dan.

31—Nov 19 Jer-Lam

32—Nov 26  Isaiah

[TC #1—Dec 3 TC #1—Dec 9] 8s by 8531642 Bread [TC #2—Dec 10 TC #2—Dec 9] 8s by 8531642 Wine, Conquest of Promised Land, Conversion  of Iceland, Communion ] Mountain in Time—what changes in 12 ‘small enthusiastic groups’/POFSPEG (Profitable, Productive)? 1, 2,3, 4, 5, 6,7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

33—Dec 17 Esther

34—Dec 24 Ezekiel

35—December 31 Kings

5 B/W+ [merciful]

36—January 7 Ecclesiastes

37—Jan 14 Prov.

38— Jan 21 Psalms

39—January 28 Samuel

40—Feb 4 [EAT] Song, 41—Feb 4, [EAT]Job—42

Three propositions:

1. Job is just

2. God sent his suffering

3. God is just


Job's friends start with #3, agree on #2, and therefore keep saying #1 cannot be true.

Job starts with #1, knows #2 is true, and therefore cannot get to #3.


Of course the reader has been shown that all three are true, and we must learn that all three can be true together or else we'll never get to the cross.


And of course Job, the suffering righteous man, after saying "why have you forsaken me?" is the only intercessor possible for his friends.



lincoln, ne  Feb 4 [EAT] Ruth

6 B/W+--Pure in heart--

T 43—Feb 11 Judges

H 44—Feb 18 Deut.

E 45—Feb 25 Leviticus

E 46—March 5 Genesis

E 47—Mar 11 Joshua

O 48—Mar 18 Numb.

S 49—Mar 25 Exodus

March 31, A. D. 2024 is Resurrection/Easter




Liturgy through the year:


After 10 weeks, A. D. 70, Red Sea, and Cleansing—confession and authoritative declaration of forgiveness.

After 11 more, The Battle Of The Mountain Of Festival Assembly (TBOTMNOFA)—Sinai, Conversion of Constantine, Readings and Sermon

After 11 more, Totus Christus—2 weeks—Conquest of Land Final, Conversion of Iceland Final Europe, Bread and Wine

10 more (10th piled up or extended as Elion Anselm Time. We shall not cease from wandering and the end of all our wandering will be to arrive back at where we started, and to know the place for the first time. God is greater than can possibly be conceived.

The last 7 is THEEEOS, The Twelve POFSPEGs, Productive Oath-Formed, Sma;; Profitable Enthusiastic Groups


House, Church Mother—Head, Moses, Peace Through Mutually-Advantageous Deals—(fang) Eat,  Mystery of Loaf-Bread Body and Cup-Wine Blood—Must know Cross Sacrifice End (last  letter)


House—Wife, Mother, Woman. Church.

1—Mother Church

2—History is the Holy Spirit’s preparation of (created) Daughter—humanity—as Bride for the Son: Jordan.

3—Johnson ,’Heroes’: Israel benefited because women were important.

4--Stark: The Church benefited because women were important.

5—Madame  Curie

6—Homeschool mothers

7—Some Culture don’t let women, lose one-half.

8—Other Nobel Prize women

9—Schoolteachers, country school, just out of high school

10—Women writers

11-Deborah, a mother in  Israel

12—Lovelace, first computer

13—Shelley, ‘Frankenstein’

14—Exodus, wife is in house; Deuteronomy, wife is above house

15—Hand that rocks the cradle rules the world


17—Mary theotokos

18—Miriam,  Jael

19—Pyramids as houses




23—Joan of Arc

24—Pick a woman

25—Hildegard of Bingen

26—From 100 Most Important Events  in Christian History

27—Billionaire Women

28—Mother Teresa


30—Again: History = Spirit Preparing Created Daughter as Bride for Son

31--Succession of Houses, e.g. Tabernacle to Temple

32—Houses of Rosenstock’s Revolutions of the  West. See Chapter 5 of  Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief’

33—What house  changed in A. D. 70?


35—Tabernacle of mouth.

36—Girls basketball farm girls strong enough

37—God is our song, inhabits the praises of Israel

38—Parts of house show future, past,  in, out and other ERH progressions

39—Sign  of cross recreates creation days, tabernacle  furniture

40—Again: History Sprit Bride Son

41—Mae West,  Marilyn Monroe (Johnson; ‘Heroes’) Rose Kennedy

42—All   toward 12 small enthusiastic groups


Head Business Peace Mutually-Advantageous Deals



2—Gilder ‘Scandal of Money’: Deng and Jiang inaugurate largest freedom move, Chinese enterprise zones AND Goedel, von Neuman et al, work that eventuates in blockchain

3—Peter Diamandis ‘Abundance’ and Metatrends

4—‘Superabundance’: In terms of time it takes to earn to pay for things, prices are falling dramatically

5—Kunstler, out of oil, society gone

6--: Ford, greatest artist of 20th century: Fuller

7—Cistercians leg agriculture in Middle Ages: Johnson

8—12x12 Days, like Hall’s 10x10 in ‘Silent Language’ only 6 Days of Creation, Cross, Resurrection, Ascension, Pentecost, A. D.70, Great Day AND Spirit proceeds continually continuously, so world is NOT zero-sum

9—Gregory VII, Charlemagne filioque (Church a separate jurisdiction)

10—Kurzeweil and ‘The End is Near and it’s  going to be Amazing’ (Williamson)

11—Rushdoony ,North, Jordan

12—Cromwell Luther (Church,  King, House) Calvin

13—Writing First Wave (Printing Press 3rd,Mass Media4th)

14--Alphabet Second Wave (Fuller says Pound says Babel was First to 2nd, Muslim in Eco, editor says each got part—Babel)

15—Gurri says current information tsunami is Fifth Wave of information

16—Jesus, God-Man

17—Tertullian, Trinity solved one and many

18—Haber,   nitrogen fixed, or 1/5 to 1/3 of world  would starve

19—Locke, Watt, 7 tools, 26tools

20—Common Law Trust and Corporation

21—Science Fiction, Novel

22—Again ‘The End is Near…Amazing’, Paul Johnson’s works—especially ‘Creators’

23—Berman, ‘Law and  Revolution’ First 100 pages, 10000 year budgets for   medieval cathedrals, Truce/Peace of God, fears administrative law centralization AND Barzun ‘Dawn  to Decadence’ ethno-linguistic bridged by corporations, re-learn to read from monuments

24—Web, computer

25—Nakamoto, crypto ,etc. Community currencies, etc. SuperMoney—Adam

Smith (1980s?)

26—Jay Abraham innovations, McCloskey trade and innovation rhetorically and monetarily honored

27—Settling, tribes to empires, but now Jane Jacobs

28—Agricultural revolution

29—Domestication of animals

30—Adam, Cain et al

31—British East India and the like, Calvinism/Protestant Ethic

32—Columbus, Muhammed, 700 year Reconquista

33—1694 Bank of England, Rothschild

34—FAANG Musk Buffet; Stone Ages, Metal Ages

35—Gates, Rockefeller—double-entry bookkeeping, coffee (Lloyd’s Insurance in coffee ship) mind-expanding chemicals? Note: Perspective in art and baptismal houses concurrently with dule-entry

36—McDonogh( freed slaves),  LeTourneau, Howard Bloom ’Beast’, Morgan, Walton,  Sears,  Hill

37—Debs vs. WWI and  Jeanette Rankin Types o war, SunTzu 5th Generaation war—Corbett Report : Mind

38—Knights Hospitaler and Life Extension and Cryonic Missionaries (Montgomery), Crusades

39—Theodora, Justinian Code

40—Festival Laws ag->city, Imhitep (Johnson ‘Heroes’ intro)

41—Booker T . Washington, Madame Walker,  Oprah, Billionaire  Chinese

42--Tesla, electricity, Faraday


Eat (Food)

1—Mystery Loaf-Bread Body Cup-Wine Blood

2—’Blessed Are the  Hungry’ (Leithart) and first of economics, scarcity

3—Napoleon canned food for army

4—What DON’T eat, but all clean symbolically

5—Autophagy, (intermittent) fasting

6—Vitamins 1913

7—Sanitation, etc.  cures diseases—life span 1900, 40; now close to 80; 2030 much longer?

8—Pasteur  (germ  theory) vs. Beauchamp (territory)

9—Homeopathy and ‘Medicine Beyond’ and Flexner

10—Alternative vs.  Establishment; Kuhn

11—Agricultural Revolution, GMOs, etc.

12—Sacrifice animals, howls and Psalms

13—Amish vs.  Industrial Agriculture

14—Grow Your Own, Backyard National Park

15—Alpha Food

16—Omega Food

17—Vitamin Deficiencies

18—Gluttony one of 7 deadly sins, see Brito ‘eating without thanks’

19—Hermits, Monks

20—Spices preserve food colonies

21—Potatoes, tomatoes from New World, gold, diseases, ecosystems 1493

22—Irish Potato Famine


24—John Deere

25—Mercola’s 19



28—2nd  and 3rd brain, gut  and heart

29—Couldn’t butcher farm   boys during Covid

30—Haber and  nitrogen   from air, 1/5  to 1/3 starve without; then heworked on WWI  poison gas

31—Junk food for pleasure

32—5 sacrificial animals

33—1 ‘Spices’ in Revelation, per Cascione in ‘In Search of the Biblical Order’

34—2 Dutch East India Company—firt IPO, Amsterdam: Sought spices for food

35—3 Salt: Preservative, taste, kill Carthage, covenant of salt, etc.

36—4 from Sandy Seeman—Paul: ‘Drink offering poured out’ 2 Samuel Jerusalem well water=daring!

37—5 from Sandy Seeman--Gold

38—6 from Sandy Seeman--Frankincense

39—7 from Sandy Seeman--Myrrh

40—Spices (food preservation) inspire British, Dutch East India)

41—Coffee, Lloy’s of London coffee shop, underwriting ships, insurance invented. Psychedelics

42—See Host A 652 Uri Brito Ten Feasting Propositions10


Cross, Sacrifice, End


1-7—Feasts then (Passover, First Fruits, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement, Tabernacles, Purim)

8-14—Feasts Fulfilled  by Jesus

15-21—Fulfilled  Feast Applied  by us

22—Intro to – note:Christian Liturgy recaps the  7

23-27—Trespass, Sin, Ascension with Tribute, Peace, Daily Memorial, New Moon

28—Conclusion and New Moon, Tannk, Drink; Feasts and  Sacrifices  inLiturgy

29-35—Repeat 1-7

36-42—Repeat 8-14


Host 8003 AEIOU An Everyone’s Important Outline Unit


Grand-daughter will be doing a 2-year stint at a university  for Fellowship ofCatholic University Student.


She must raise her own living.


I propose that she help students put the history of their majors into a responding liturgy.


Thus: List the 42 most important facts about their field of study.


Put these into the ‘Thousand Year’ paradigm.


Put the major into one of the B,R,S-H,T categories. House, Head, Eat, Cross.


Then, as Trinity sings a book of the Bible, the instances of the collected 42s make a liturgy in response.



12 small enthusiastic groups.

3 decker universe: Garden, Land, World

4 in each: Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact

1—Christian Courts Video Ministry

2—Psalms in Hebrew Cadence

3—The Next Thousand Years A Prayer

4—Contagious Disciple Making

5—Project in Future Without State

6—Twelve Word Platform

7—Projects in Past Without State

8—Nations as Trade Routes

9—Wright’s Covenant of Vocation (‘The Day the Revolution Began’)


11—Peace Tribe

12—Trading and Innovation: Jay Abraham and McCloskey




Jordan says that when the Ascension is shown in Revelation 5:12 to 7:12, the universe is retuned.  That’s how we got our days of the week. 1234567 becomes, counting 5, 4152637 (2 and 3 are switched, somehow). Since Pentecost is a BIG DAY and so is A. D. 70, I re-retned and flipped, adding names of the churches in Revelation, to get 8531642, or K.O.L.Ymm!!! (God ‘kol’ed from Sinai, and Kol, Octave (8th day, keyboard) Laodicea. ‘YM’ for ‘yom’ and a homophone for grateful eating. Then SardisYmm!!!, Pergamos, Ephesus, Philadelphia, Thyatira, Smyrna.

Given the view that there  was an 80 year delay, and Jesus was born than in 4080 AM (Anno Mundi), and dividing this time into 7s (heptads) we get Anno Domini (A. D.) 2023 to be 4080 + 2022 (completed) = 6102 divided by 7 =

871 + 5 completed, so this is sixth of 8531642,

Of churches in Revelation, thus Philadelphia is done, and this, starting in Anno Domini 2023 is ThyatiraCoram. Coram is an acronym for Celebration (that is) Of Resurrection Anno Mundi.




Links: Keys—‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament’ at Biblical  Horizons, ‘Universal History 1954’ at transcripts and audio of Rosenstock’s Dartmouth course.




My 7 is at one of the others: 8002 or 7003.



We’ll know more in 3020. I pray this is helpful. It needs work.




 Host A 9000 Thousand Years Manual


For weekly or so updates, email


Twelve Pages. A Baby. Messy

1—Book/Week Dates

 2—Liturgy Through Year: PV, TBOTMOFA, TC—Conflated

  3—Song of B, R, SH, T (Keyboards of History—under development))

   4—Forty-Two B (House, Wife, Church, Woman)

    5—42 R (Head, Peace Deals…)

     6—The 12 Small Enthusiastic Groups (Oath-Formed, Productive, Profitable)

     7—42 SH (Eat)

    8—42 T (Cross, Last)

   9—Re-retune and Names

  10—Links, My 7, Etc.

 11—Song of Book (Under Development More—Operatic Response)

12—We’ll know more  in 3020, 3+ generations



1—Here’s the list of dates and books for Anno Domini 2023-2024.


1—Apr 9 Resurrection/Easter 2023 Hebrews

Dear Friends:

Christ has all author-ity, 'Thousand'--April 9

I'm adding layer to the church calendar.

These are seeds that will grow.

Tribes: JBJ writes about them, so does ERH.Goals: Liturgy through the year, getting 12 Small Enthusiastic Groups.

On April 9 in the Book layer, God our Song sings Hebrews to us.

We respond with an entry in each part of the 'coolio' proto-liturgy of the first letter-words of the Bible,

B,R, S-H, T

House, Head, (fang) Eat,Cross (Last Letter)

House=Wife, Mother, Woman. Head=Peace by mutually advantageous business deals. Eat=Food. Cross+ Festivals, Sacrifices.

So, Hebrews.

So,  Mother Church, Moses, Mystery of Loaf-Bread Body Cup-Wine Blood. Must understand Passover.

Everyone Is Important, so any job/calling can fit.

More later, Weekly.


2—Apr 16 God our Song sings Titus to us (See Bullinger’s outline?)

We respond, with instances in B, R, S-h, T protoliturgy

House 2—History is the Holy Spirit’s preparation of (created) Daughter—humanity—as Bride for the Son: Jordan.

Head  2—Gilder ‘Scandal of Money’: Deng and Jiang inaugurate largest freedom move, Chinese enterprise zones AND Goedel, von Neuman et al, work that eventuates in blockchain

Food 2—’Blessed Are the  Hungry’ (Leithart) and first of economics, scarcity

Cross 2—First Fruits then

All toward Small Enthusiastic Groups of the ‘Thousand Years’—however long that is, in liturgy of coram

3—Apr 23 1st Timothy

B, House: 3--3—Johnson ,’Heroes’: Israel benefited because women were important.

R, Head 3—Peter Diamandis ‘Abundance’ and Metatrends

S-H, Eat: 3—Napoleon canned food for army

T.  Cross 3—Pentecost then

4—Apr 30, A. D. 2023 1 Thess

B, House: 4—Stark, Church benefited because women were important

R, Head: 4—‘Superabundance’: In terms of time it takes to earn to pay for things, prices are falling dramatically

S-H, Eat: 4—What DON’T eat, but all clean symbolically (fasting)

T, Cross: 4--Trumpets then

5—May 7 Philemon (Booker T. Washington, $10 billion on porn, McDonogh, Roberts on 1913 income tax slavery, enclosure movement, St. Batilda (Stark),slavery to sin ended with Christ, etc., gold from New Worlds paid off Medieval indentures, McCloskey trade and innovation honored rhetorically and financially caused the Great …,liturgy recaps. 'It is a historical fact that no Southern white ever enslaved a black slave.) See page 249 of Carlson’s ‘Third Ways’ re: Servile  State slavery.

B, House (Wife, Mother, woman) St. Bathilda ended slavery once, 5—Madame  Curie

R, Head (Business peace om mutually-advantageous deal--5—Kunstler, out of oil, society gone

S-H, Eat, 5—Autophagy, (intermittent) fasting

T, Cross, Atonement

6--May 14 2 Tim.

7—May 21 2 Thess.

1 B/W + (poor in spirit) [ Matt. 23 woes] Early on I wrote the Beatitudes and  Woes in.

8—May 28 Colossians

9—Jun 4 Eph

10—June 11 2. Cor

 [A—June 18, PV] Early on, I had books per day of week, 1s by 1234567 Cleansing (Confession and Absolution) Red Sea A. D. 70

[A—June 18, PV] Mountain in Time—what changes in 12 ‘small enthusiastic groups’/POFSPEG

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12 (Profitable, Productive)? Note: Here also conflate ‘fellowship, apostles’ doctrine, breaking of bread, and prayer’ to B, R, S-H, T. Is ‘house’ a house of prayer’ or is prayer the sacrifice of praise, or both/and-?

11—June 25 Romans

12—July 2 Phllp

13—July 9 Galat

14—July 16 1 Corinthians

2 B/W+


15—July 23 3 John

16—July 30 Jude

17—August 6 1 Peter

18—August 13 1 John

19—Aug 20 2 John

20—Aug 27 2 Peter

21—Sep 3 [B—September  10, TBOT-MOFA] James Consecration (Readings and Sermon), Conversion of Constantine, Sinai ] Mountain in Time—what changes in 12 ‘small enthusiastic groups’/POFSPEG (Profitable, Productive)? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

3 B/W+


[B—September 10, TBOTMOFA]] Earlier on, I had 4s by  4152637

22—September 17 A. D. 2023 Revelation


23—Sept 24 John 9 From Leithart ‘A House For My Name’ p251—1:19, day one, 1:29, 1:35, 1$#, 3rd day after last day mentioned. Cana on 7th day. First chapter outlines a week..


24—October 1 Mark


25—October 8 Greater Chron.


26—Oct 15 Acts


27—Oct  22 Luke


28—October 29 Matthew


4 B/W+

--hunger and thirst--

29—Nov 5 The Twelve

30—Nov 12 Dan.

31—Nov 19 Jer-Lam

32—Nov 26  Isaiah

[TC #1—Dec 3 TC #1—Dec 9] 8s by 8531642 Bread [TC #2—Dec 10 TC #2—Dec 9] 8s by 8531642 Wine, Conquest of Promised Land, Conversion  of Iceland, Communion ] Mountain in Time—what changes in 12 ‘small enthusiastic groups’/POFSPEG (Profitable, Productive)? 1, 2,3, 4, 5, 6,7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

33—Dec 17 Esther

34—Dec 24 Ezekiel

35—December 31 Kings

5 B/W+ [merciful]

36—January 7 Ecclesiastes

37—Jan 14 Prov.

38— Jan 21 Psalms

39—January 28 Samuel

40—Feb 4 [EAT] Song, 41—Feb 4, [EAT]Job—42

Three propositions:

1. Job is just

2. God sent his suffering

3. God is just


Job's friends start with #3, agree on #2, and therefore keep saying #1 cannot be true.

Job starts with #1, knows #2 is true, and therefore cannot get to #3.


Of course the reader has been shown that all three are true, and we must learn that all three can be true together or else we'll never get to the cross.


And of course Job, the suffering righteous man, after saying "why have you forsaken me?" is the only intercessor possible for his friends.



lincoln, ne  Feb 4 [EAT] Ruth

6 B/W+--Pure in heart--

T 43—Feb 11 Judges

H 44—Feb 18 Deut.

E 45—Feb 25 Leviticus

E 46—March 5 Genesis

E 47—Mar 11 Joshua

O 48—Mar 18 Numb.

S 49—Mar 25 Exodus

March 31, A. D. 2024 is Resurrection/Easter




Liturgy through the year:


After 10 weeks, A. D. 70, Red Sea, and Cleansing—confession and authoritative declaration of forgiveness.

After 11 more, The Battle Of The Mountain Of Festival Assembly (TBOTMNOFA)—Sinai, Conversion of Constantine, Readings and Sermon

After 11 more, Totus Christus—2 weeks—Conquest of Land Final, Conversion of Iceland Final Europe, Bread and Wine

10 more (10th piled up or extended as Elion Anselm Time. We shall not cease from wandering and the end of all our wandering will be to arrive back at where we started, and to know the place for the first time. God is greater than can possibly be conceived.

The last 7 is THEEEOS, The Twelve POFSPEGs, Productive Oath-Formed, Sma;; Profitable Enthusiastic Groups

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Everybody gets $2.4 billion worth of books for free

 Everybody gets $2.4 billion worth of books for free

Project Gutenberg

Page 108 of Gilder's 'Life After Capitalism' (He means emergency socialism, rule by bureaucrats, etc.)

It's stranger/better/worse than we can POSSIBLY imagine. (Hat Tip: Anselm and scientifictioneers)

Multiplied by the number of people in the world, you get an ASTOUNDING number.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

OK, my 7


OK, my 7.

1.. Add to 'church year' more layers, e. g. Gilder's view that all true scienc, all computer science, all economics is rightly based on John 1:1. This is similar to Mumbys view in 'Medicine Beyond' that it's electricity, patterns, information.

2. God wrote books. JBJ has a 49-book Bible. Put a book a week.

3. Put liturgy into year, conflate historical events. Coram, the incarnation, death, and resurrection are the starting points for coram (a pun intended) Celebration.of (that is).Resurrection.Anno.Mundi. B, R, S=H-T as protoliturgy.

4. 'Small enthusiastic groups in the next 1000 years--ERH. Jbj,k tribes in church and culture.

5. Song of response using keyboard of history, a la Beethoven's Fifth, Psalm 46 -> 'A Mighty Fortress'

6. What is the song of each book? Hebrew Cadence and 4 with 5 makes Principia Operatica.

7. We'll know more in 3020.


ChuckPS: The Next Thousand Years A Prayer' is a Facebook Page


Mgnesium lotion helped penis spasms and urination almost instantaneously In recovery from prostate suargery and breaking up bladder   stones. What to prevent?

Monday, June 5, 2023

Cryonics Missionary pet Daniel

 SF story John Barach (see Montgomery Christianity Today May 10, 1968 ALCOR)

Cryonics missionary revived as pet, pulls a Daniel.  

Economic Thought and Reformation and Reformations


Recently, Gilder has pointed out a NEW Reformation. Perhaps a comparison and contrast might be wise for your atterney congregant.
Gilder says thea John 1;1 is the basic for economics (and computer science and true science).
 It's 'Life After Capitalism'. By capitalism, he doen't mean what we think.
He also says that a professor at Rice has figured out a lot of stuff about mining 'waste' and graphene, and a new Carbon Age is upon us.Oh, McCloskey's work on 'Bourgeois Dignity' opines that @1750 in Northern Europe and England, trading and innovation began to be honored monetaril and rhetorically, ushering in The Great (Something) of 2% annual growth, wars or not, in the West.  This would be a third thing to compare: Reformation, Gilder, McCloskey. (North liked McCloskey's work)
North also liked Gurri's work ('The Revolt of the Public') which says we're in a 'Fifth Wave' of information. The first two were writing and alphabet. So that's a fourth to compare. A fifth would be 'nations as trade routes'. Barzun's comments at the end of 'From Dawn to Decadence' would be wise to consider as #5.More if wanted: Parallel economies, etc.

PS: Berman cathedral medieval 1000-year budgets and Rothshild's children sent to the European capitals. Does oikos nomos economy mean house law, as Aristotle said, politics/statesmanship ishousehold management writ large.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Thousand The 12 Today Trinity Sunday Anno Domini 2023

 Host A 80009 Condition of 12 SEGs Trinity Sunday AD 2023


Call ‘em POFSPEGS, Productive Oath Formed Small Profitable Enthusiastic Groups



1—Christian Courts Video Ministry—At end of 8002 I did a Meyers and Maimonides. I took one of the 613 laws at

And ask what it meant then individually, corporately, how fulfilled in Christ, what it means now corporately, individual, and I put it through wholeness/restoration, wrath to grace, and redemption-Holy War-maturity. It’s a start, but not a ministry. Solicit2, 5-8, 15+ videos, do the shotgun, rifle, scope marketing, with transcripts.

2—Psalms with Hebrew Cadence (Cascione) awaits JBJ’s or someone translations, as he did for monthly donors. I have 117 with 156:6,

3—The Next Thousand Years A Prayer has a Facebook Page, and has added to find a song for each book and an operatic response per House-Head-Eat-Cross (B, R, S-H, T—the first letter words of the Bible, a ‘coolio’ protoliturgy) using the keyboard(s) of history. I might be able to still do this music were my surgery to leave me with diminished mental capacity.

4—‘Contagious Disciple Making’: There are free PDF downloads. One from Africa was sppreciative. Maybe more will be, per Facebook. One of the Theopolis books says Africa is the future.


5—Future group formation without ‘state’. Gilder’s ‘Life After Capitalism’ is helpful here. (Note: Cryonicists might come back as pets.

6—Twelve Word Platform, but politics is noble if (1) It reduces internal violence, as nation-state did (Barzun), and (2) It help avoid very destructive wars, after 5th Generation, mind (see Sun Tzu) bionomic, nuclear, and worse.

7—North’s ‘The Biblical Structure of History’ call on historians to YES! Judge the past, so did Rothbard who mentioned a Hindu.

8—Nations as trade routes, Tulip Time Tokens local currencies, crypto, etc. may emerge, hopefully WILL emerge from nation-state defaults. Gilder thinks they can be handled, with new economics of time. There are many ready and maybe able—IF the willingness is there, re: the shock.

9—Wright’s covenant of vocation re-acquired, per ‘The Day the Revolution Began’. Reformation confessions should be rethought, with SEGs in place of nations. Use a ChersterBelloc ‘Distributivist ’Third Way”—see ‘Third Ways’ by Carlson. But the key is between God and Man and Man and God, and oath-formed. North says there are 5. There may emerge more.

10—LocalOnline Leader. I need to do more here, or make the money to pay specialists. Maybe someone such as John Barach could be paid to do it, with a bonus when the manual is done. Start with JBJ’s 49, here they are in a 7x7 grid. #2 do it backward, per ERH “out of Revolution’. 3—Retune. Then go through the liturgy on the year. Then do The 12 New POFSPEGs, the do the operatic response using BRSHT and the keyboards of history, etc. What’s left to do would be one of the finals, and how to arrange this calendar from Celebration Resurrection to CR (CORAM),

11—Peace Tribe needs development. See #6.

12—New tradeand innovation. See Gilder, McCloskey (trade and innovation honored rhetorically and monetarily @1750 = 2% annual growth/year), and see Jay Abraham.