Sunday, April 29, 2018

Opus k.o.l. ChuckHartmanHistoryConductor

Opus k.o.l. ChuckHartmanHistoryConductor

Some kind of summing up on blog/website

A symphony that brings in all my stuff, so far

Make a list, make sure it's checked off

Some Mathematical Help? 10-d and 'minyan'

Some mathematical help? 10-D and 'minyan'?

Here's something for your expertise. From Tenen's 'The Alphabet that Changed the World'. He has us look at a square with 4 circles in it, all touching the sides, but there's a space in the middle where nothing touches, and another circle can go there. Now he has us look at a 3-dimensionality of the same type, with cubes, and a cube in the center. He says that the center cub takes up a higher % of the total space. Then he says that when we get to 10 dimensions, the center is LARGER than the total of the 4 other objects within. Thus he says that the Judaistic requirement of 'minyan' is wise, in that when 10 get together--the minyan requirement for 10 men to worship--the whole is greater than the 10, there's an emergent property. What say you of this mathematics, is a 10-dimensional unit as he portrays it? Thanks!

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie '' Hartman

Conduct History: How* and Why

Conduct History: How* and Why
‘New technology increases our reach, decreases the time it takes, and destroys old groups.’ (Paraphrase of Rosenstock).
We are in a period of the fastest technological growth in history.  What will replace the old groups being lost?
Rosenstock also held that history moves in a chiasm of social orders.  Tribes, Empires, Israel, Greece, and after He Who Reversed The Trend, Israel without exclusion became The Church, Empires without slavery became the nation-state, and now the next era will be that of small, enthusiastic groups—tribes that are not always on the warpath.
This is a chiasm.
      Greece (a companion only after He Who Reversed The Trend)
        He Who Reversed The Trend
      The Church (Israel without exclusions)
    The Nation-State (Empires without slavery)
  Small, Enthusiastic Groups** (Tribes without  being always on the warpath)
[The best explanation of this is on the web, free, at Universal History 1954, found from]
That’s Step One.  Step Two comes from James B. Jordan, who, we note, believes that history moves in a succession of emphasis on, respectively, The Father, and then The Son, and then the Holy Ghost.
[The best explanation of this is in his book, ‘Crisis, Opportunity, and the Christian Future’.]
But Jordan also has put forth the idea of a 49-book Bible, in his essay ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament’. Find it at Biblical Horizons on the web. The twelve minor prophets become one book, ‘The Twelve’. Both Kings and Samuel are one book, literarily—each too long for one scroll. Lamentations goes with Jeremiah, and Greater Chronicles includes Ezra and Nehemiah.  These 49 make seven sevens, and can be seen to be ordered after the Days of Creation.
To the Rosenstock chiasm, and the Jordan 49 we add a few more things.  1—Jesus declared the Jubilee fulfilled in Luke 4. 2—ERH said that ‘we would lose the ability to speak in America’.  By that he meant true speech, when one puts one’s life behind one’s words.  3—He also said that each Latin verb form is derived from a shorter imperative stem.
Thus, 4--I seek the imperative stem from each of the 49 books, from which to form by oath a small profitable/productive enthusiastic group.  Some are shown below, as I write the Jubilee Calendar on the year, from Resurrection/Easter to Resurrection, one book per week, with liturgical-type celebrations spaced in.
This is my second year.  I claim it to be another layer of the eternal calendar, which ERH, Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy, defined as ‘the life of Christ and our response. There are more layers to come. Please see ‘Participate in the Eternal Calendar’ in this book/essay.
[This is a new baby. It’s messy. It’s time is not here, so I put it on the web, and start deal-making: ‘Let’s Make A Hartman Deal!’]
*You already do conduct history. When you know more that you know, you will make more music and less noise.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Jeremiah's Prophecies, Week 4


Jeremiah's 51 prophecies--this is week 4

Since we're in 'Jeremiah Time' (JBJ) it might be wise to go through one prophecy per week (3 at the end) Resurrection to Resurrection.

This is week 4. (Dorsey's structure is valuable).

Jeremiah’s 49 prophecies, per Bullinger. (For good explanation of Jeremiah, see Dorsey’s ‘Literary Structure of the Old Testament’
1.       1:4, 2: 1:11, 3. 1:12, 4: 2:1, 5. 3:6, 6. 7:1, 7. 11:1, 8. 13:3, 9. 13:8, 10. 14:1, 11. 16:1, 12. 18:1,
2.       13. 18:3, 14. 21:1, 15. 24:4, 16. 25:1, 17. 26:1, 18. 27:1, 19. 28:12, 20. 30:1, 21. 32:1,  22. 32:6,
3.       23. 32:26, 24. 33:1, 25. 33:19, 26. 33:23, 27. 34:1, 28. 34:8,  29. 34:12, 30.34:1 (ERROR HERE, CHECK IT OUT—could be 35:1?), 31. 35:12, 32. 36:1, 33. 36:27, 34. 37:6, 35. 39:15, 36. 40:1,
4.       37. 42:7, 38. 43:8, 39. 44:1, 40. 45:1, 41. 46:1, 42. 46:13, 43. 47:1, 44. 48:1+, 45. 49:1+,
5.       46. 49:7+, 47. 49:23+, 48. 49:28, 49. 49:34, 50. 50:1, 51. 51:59 (these last 3 should all be read at week 49, EXODUS)
6.       + (Bullinger writes) The Fig. Ellipsis (Ap.6) should be repeated in each of these passages, from 47.1 [“The word of Jehovah to Jeremiah the prophet] against”, &c.

Jeremiah 2:1-13 King James Version (KJV)

Moreover the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
Go and cry in the ears of Jerusalem, saying, Thus saith the Lord; I remember thee, the kindness of thy youth, the love of thine espousals, when thou wentest after me in the wilderness, in a land that was not sown.
Israel was holiness unto the Lord, and the firstfruits of his increase: all that devour him shall offend; evil shall come upon them, saith the Lord.
Hear ye the word of the Lord, O house of Jacob, and all the families of the house of Israel:
Thus saith the Lord, What iniquity have your fathers found in me, that they are gone far from me, and have walked after vanity, and are become vain?
Neither said they, Where is the Lord that brought us up out of the land of Egypt, that led us through the wilderness, through a land of deserts and of pits, through a land of drought, and of the shadow of death, through a land that no man passed through, and where no man dwelt?
And I brought you into a plentiful country, to eat the fruit thereof and the goodness thereof; but when ye entered, ye defiled my land, and made mine heritage an abomination.
The priests said not, Where is the Lord? and they that handle the law knew me not: the pastors also transgressed against me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal, and walked after things that do not profit.
Wherefore I will yet plead with you, saith the Lord, and with your children's children will I plead.
10 For pass over the isles of Chittim, and see; and send unto Kedar, and consider diligently, and see if there be such a thing.
11 Hath a nation changed their gods, which are yet no gods? but my people have changed their glory for that which doth not profit.
12 Be astonished, O ye heavens, at this, and be horribly afraid, be ye very desolate, saith the Lord.
13 For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie '' Hartman

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Lotsa Slavery

Lots of slavery

The worst is slavery to sin, of course.  'V' (sic) And Eric Robinson's short critique of Philemon (7th iteration of Joshua, per JBJ) hits the spot.
McMafia-- 20% of world economic product is organized crime.
Life, Inc.--car companies got taxpayers to pay for roads for their product.
The Money and the Power--we live in a casino, Las Vegas-ized
A Crime So Monstrous--slavery today (Remember the Barbary Pirates, impression of sailors, War of 1812)

Should reparations be paid to the Irish?

We need to find our own 'interstitium' organ, socially. (It's a new organ 'scientists' have discovered.  Ours is to work in the 'spaces between' which are there, per Goedel's 'Incompleteness Theorem' which says that any axiomatic system is incomplete, has well-formed formulas that can't be derived from the axioms.  I memorized this when I wore a younger man's clothes.

What to do?  Start by giving congregants Hebrew and Greek renderings of lectionary readings, or texts if you do 'lecto continua' (?), with Strong's numbers and transliteration.  You'll find many more meanings than 'splagchnistomai' (gutted) for 'felt compassion in the Prodigal Son's father's reaction when he saw him afar off. Lead the way, liturgically. It could also be a service for which many would pay.

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie 'Deal Maker' Hartman
PS: Jay Abraham finds these interstitia all the time. 50 Shades of Jay. Abraham 101.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

To My Classmates--What's Hartman Been Doing?

Also see 'Conduct History,'

 'But Otho Died Homeless,'A Mathematics Based on the Athanasian Creed,'

and all the 'PeaceCash' short posts.

 And...July 10...add this--Peace under the Prince of Peace: Find a Person of Peace, then...
Todmorden, Kenya, STEM, Koppel +
This is de-marketing. I discourage all but a few, or one. The opportunity now is like the gold rush, the railroad, organizing land, skills, markets and more after Rome fell. Liabilities into assets.
Charlie ‘’ Hartman

By June 28, I've now created Personhood Day (Page on Facebook)--when one ENTERS one's mother's womb.  It's about 9 months, or 40 weeks, before birth.  You have your own DNA. Mine is, I claim, July 4, since my 'birth' day is April 5.   See also community currencies and crypto, etc. at

To My Classmates (short) [Note; Link to this as chuckhartmanhistoryconductor sent to those at addresses below]
I’ve been quite taken with Eugen RosenstockHuessy’s work. A refugee from Germany, 1933, he taught at Harvard and Dartmouth, and was influential in getting the Peace Corps going, though that’s a minor thing.
Here’s his entry in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy:
Also see, here:
Bur most importantly, his lectures were recorded in the 1940s and beyond, and they are free online here:
Very influential for me was Universal History 1954:
These are FREE, download them.
A good book, especially Chapter 5, which summarizes the Revolutions of the West is Clint Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief’.

Below are some things I’ve done under ERH’s influence, and James Jordan’s, and that of others. Conduct History has a good explanation at the beginning. The Symphony is from a phrase of his in ‘Fruit of Lips’.
I’ve put much on my FacebookWall—Charles Howard Hartman, and
START WITH ‘conduct history’. ‘TSOCHI’is wise. All my stuff is messy, like a newborn baby.
BookBricks --Toward Peace-- A Manual Shared with everyone in the world
Conduct History: How* and Why Shared with everyone in the world
Godparents For Eldsters Shared with everyone in the world
Summary June 24, A. D. 2015 Shared with everyone in the world
The Symphony Of History TSOCHI Shared with everyone in the world
The Symphony Of History TSOCHI Pt 2 Shared with everyone in the world
To: Lyle Avey ; Elmer & Linda Kopaska ; Larry Benton ; Karen & Bill Sparks ; Linda Wolfe ; Warren Brady ; Charlotte Burgett Pittman ; Nancy Campbell Wright ; June Crabbs Armstrong ; Mary Jane Crabbs Everding ; LeAnn Curl ; Mary Dayton Morgan ; Judee Vaughan ; Linda Emery Buttler ; Charles Hartman ; Gail Jones Campbell ; Denny Jorgensen ; Bea Kenyon Sheeder ; Thad Larsen ; Werdna Lemke ; rexlivingston ; Denny & Judy ; Dennis & Bev Menefee ; Sheryl Possehn Bacon ; Karen Purdy Shroyer ; Larry & Mary Railsback ; Marie Shackelford Gibson ; Keith Simmons ; Marilyn Tallman Hansen ; Bev Wenger

Monday, April 16, 2018

'Buddha from Babylon': Exiled by Darius the Great?

'Buddha from Babylon': Exiled by Darius?
Supposedly he was the head of the Magi, the blurb on the back of Harvey Kraft's book tells us.

I'll read more, and report if it's worth it. I should look at 'Adam's Chart of History'

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie 'Le't Make A SweetHartmanDeal' Hartman

Personhood Day

Should we celebrate Personhood Day?
I left my mother's womb on April 5, so I entered it on @ July 4, the previous year.
This would emphasize personhood?

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie 'Conduct!' Hartman

Saturday, April 14, 2018

FREE Marketing Wisdom--50 from Jay Abraham


FREE marketing--50 from Jay Abraham

Some of your congregants may be in business.

Jay Abraham is giving away lots of information.

He does this because he wants to work with higher ticket businesses and seminars. He's $50K a day, etc.

Here's where to go:
Preeminence in business and marketing is your ultimate goal. Learn how to be preeminent, and re-define the meaning of excellence in your market.

Can you beat 'free from a multi-billion dollar marketer'?

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie 'market is mohar, metathesised?' Hartman
PS: Get on his mailing list!

Friday, April 13, 2018

'Conduct History: How* and Why' is on Google Sites

'Conduct History: How* and Why' is on Google Sites
It's a new baby, it's messy, it's for the future. Now I will be concentrating on 'Let's Make A Hartman Deal!'.
Love in King Jesus,
Charlie 'Reunion' Hartman

Wolfe's 'Kingdom of Speech' : Mnemonic Artifiact

'Kingdom of Speech': Mnemonic Artifact
This is the first of what I hope will be a series of very, very short summaries of books I've read.
Wolfe's 'Kingdom of Speech' comes to the conclusion that language is not evolutionary, nor hard-wired, but is an artifact made in a way similar to an axe, by putting together things that were in the environment.

This, of course, ignores the Biblical account that God spoke first, and must have taught Adam, and Eve.

It's valuable to think that He first spoke a liturgy.

(I'd like to see what Mike Bull will do with these letter-words, and I'm NOT saying that we have the answer in Hebrew grammar as presently organized.

B--House (be the house, come into the house, make a house...?
 R--Head (bow your head, listen with the ears in your head, confess with the mouth in your head...?
T--Cross (carry it, remember it?)

These seem to be things that will be filled in later, after we use the exegetical 'principle of first mention'.

Some Kabbala (?)- istic ones, 'Meru' (?) seem to think that the consonants are in a structured chain.

BRSHT ('In the beginning')

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie 'Conduct History' Hartman
Also:  'Both/And' mathematics for Philemon?