Monday, October 29, 2018

'War ship': Quantum computing and Chalcedon, a challenge

'War ship': Quantum computing and Chalcedon, a challenge
I heard 'worship' mispronounced as 'war ship' and of course it is, given 'the nave' and the ribs of the ship, etc. and the preparation of the crew for battle.
This inspired me to put together Chalcedon (Jesus both God and Man) with the latest news about quantum computing, and to challenge us to a fuller limning on the connection, over time, between the two.
You all know Chalcedon, here's the quantum computing, 'both one and zero' news: 
First Proof of #Quantum #Computer AdvantageScientists have now demonstrated for the first time developed a quantum circuit that can #solve a #problem that is #unsolvable using any equivalent #classical circuit. Conventional computers obey the laws of classical physics. They rely on the binary numbers 0 and 1. These numbers are stored and used for mathematical operations. In conventional memory units, each bit -- the smallest unit of information -- is represented by a microscopic dot on a microchip. Each of these dots can hold a charge that determines whether the bit is set to 1 or 0. In a quantum computer, however, a bit can be both 0 and 1 at the same time.  This is because the laws of quantum physics allow electrons to be in multiple places at one time. Quantum bits, or #qubits, thus exist in multiple overlapping states. This so-called #superposition allows quantum computers to perform #operations on #many #values in one fell swoop whereas a single conventional computer typically must execute these operations sequentially. The promise of quantum computing lies in the ability to solve certain problems significantly faster.König and his colleagues have now conclusively demonstrated the advantage of quantum computers. To this end, they developed a quantum circuit that can solve a specific "#difficult#algebraic problem. The new circuit has a simple structure: it only performs a fixed number of operations on each qubit. Such a circuit is referred to as having a constant depth. In their work, the researchers prove that the problem at hand cannot be solved using classical constant-depth circuits. They furthermore answer the question of why the quantum algorithm beats any comparable classical circuit: The quantum algorithm exploits the non-locality of quantum physics.Prior to this work, the advantage of quantum computers had neither been proven nor experimentally demonstrated - notwithstanding that evidence pointed in this direction. One example is #Shor's quantum #algorithm, which efficiently solves the problem of #prime #factorization. However, it is merely a complexity-theoretic conjecture that this problem cannot be efficiently solved without quantum computers. It is also conceivable that the right approach has simply not yet been found for classical computers.Robert König considers the new results primarily as a contribution to complexity theory. "Our result shows that quantum information processing really does provide benefits - without having to rely on unproven complexity-theoretic conjectures," he says. Beyond this, the work provides new milestones on the road to quantum computers. Because of its simple structure, the new quantum circuit is a candidate for a near-term experimental realization of quantum algorithms.…/first-proof-of-quantum-computer-ad…/…/n…/press-releases/detail/article/35001/ Chuck 'Challenger Hartman' Hartman

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Reading Day Holiday

Leslie Lehr--Maybe Tom Wolfe's death day, as we remember an ancient saint on his or her deathday, when life was completer, for in 'Kingdom of Speech' Tom Wolfe wrote that language is a mnemonic artifact, a tool for remembering, and when we remember by reading what others wrote so that we would remember and respond, we honor that. Re: Your proposal for a day set aside, a holiday when the whole people does on thing together (Rosenstock) is a good one. Let's you and I and whoever wants to,start it on a Monday--I'll get the exact date later. I propose it be 2nd Monday in May, that would be closest to his day of death, May 14

And one to read would be Lafferty’s exquisite short story ‘What was the Name of that Town,’ which portrays a machine that eliminates writing about events that would remind one of trauma. Maybe Velikovsky’s ‘Mankind in Amnesia’ also, and Barzun’s remark in ‘From Dawn to Decadence’ that we will relearn how to read from monuments. Mozeson and Tenen might be helpful.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

I revise calendars

I revise calendars. 1234567 -> 4152637 -> 8531642.

Also, the GodWroteBooks Jubilee Calendar/Liturgy/Lectionary.

Further, the Axial Age EatingInto/Incorporating Calendar: AlreadyDia, JesusAllTimesDia, LaoTseDia, AbrahamDia, BuddhaDia, TheaterDia (the 'out' of Greece, the 'History is God's Theater' of RJR, NotYetDia.

We live in fragments of old social orders by calendars (ERH): Education, Greece, Ecclesiastical (Israel),Work/Business (Empires), Community (Tribes).

Love in King Jesus,

PS: Axial Age from JBJ remark on audio that during Exile God raised them up for us to handle later.  Sequence from ERH in 'Christian Future'.  If this is Sunday, it must be AlreadyDia and K.O.L.Ymmm!! K.O.L. is a trilingual pun, and Ymmm!! Is related to eating time.  I think God likes puns. God ‘kol’ed from Sinai, Octave is one more than 7, and Laodicea is the 7.

To Get Rid Of Slavery

To Get Rid of Slavery
The whole arc of Israel is being delivered from bondage (slavery) in Egypt, so as to deliver all others from slavery. (Note: The founder of AME denomination was a slave. He was instrumental in converting his owner. Shades of Philemon!) So, to understand this transition, Exodus 21-23, the principles, would be good to apply, since there are more slaves (not as a %), and more kinds of slavery--ideologies, drugs, etc. I'm working on it. Death Wish is the Daughter of Guilt.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Save civilization, make millions Re: Community Currencies

Added November 28, A. D. 2018.  Always Lord willing.

My friend Kit asked:  ‘What have you been up to?’ In addition to there being some very NEAT health discoveries, such as helping the body make its own vitamin C (2.7 X increased lifespan) and Turmeric Forte that is much more bio-available, and has improved the memory of 100% of Alzheimer’s patients in 18 months, biological research, I’ve read is resulting in increases in knowledge 4x greater than Moore’s Law—that computing ability doubles every 18 months. Rosenstock holds that any new technology increases our reach, shortens the time, and destroys old groups.
I will have added this to my ‘Make Millions, Save Civilization’ post.

We need to ‘advolve’—change toward, for the end comes before the beginning, and we work backwards to where we are now, and then forward according to our plan. Going to a concert in Chicago? Get tickets, make hotel reservations, figure out when to start driving, then start then and drive, check in to the hotel, present tickets to enter the concert,you see.

Two things: 1--Art Form of The Next Era of History, 2—Community Currencies.
a.       Community Currencies first.  Search ‘Bancor Kenya community currencies economic development’.  In Kenya, supported by the Kenyan government, these community currencies are being tried in poverty areas.  They’re ‘Money 2.0’—Altucher’s words. See ‘Cryptocurrencies 101’ FREE download.
b.       We did something like that in Iowa during the Depression. Search ‘Depression Scrip Iowa’. People collect them.
c.       My ‘Make Millions, Save Civilization’ must be modified, for I believe Gingrich and Koppel are not as correct about the threat to the electric grid, now that I’ve read ‘Clean Disruption’ and ‘EMP Hoax. ‘Clean Disruption’ sees adoption of solar energy as akin to adoption of the cell phone, and even predicts no electric utilities by 2030—it’ll all be done residence by residence. ‘EMP Hoax’ points out that there have been over 2000 nuclear explosions, with little or no grid disruption. Hacking seems to still be a problem, and politics.
d.       Creveld in ‘Rise and Decline of the State’ holds that the decline is because of lack of justice and lack of sound money for retirees.
e.       I think something such as my old ‘Sears Certificates’ could be done by Amazon or Wal-Mart, but that would await more of a crisis.
f.        F. The principle of working with persons of peace (from ’Contagious Disciple Making’ still holds, as does ‘Todmordening’.
g.       G. To that end I have subscribed to a lifetime of Altucher Report, and I can designate someone to inherit that, and I designate my youngest grandchild, Joseph Hartman.
2—‘Art Form’ : This and ‘God Wrote Books; Jubilee Calendar/Lectionary/Liturgy’ are on Google Sites, in embryo. I will modify them, a chapter/page a day until @ Personhood Day 76, @ July 4, 2019, Lord willing. I’ll ‘Whitman’ it, Lord willing. Do the Opus 53: ‘It’s Jeremiah Time: Respond!.’ Write the code for the app, etc.  Walt Whitman wrote his poems, typeset them, printed and bound them, and sold them door to door. Others will modify to fit group work on the ‘oneanothering method,’ or should it be ‘sociological method’?  Imagine if you ‘owned’ the scientific method!
       a.  I can do this and keep working. It won’t be easy. It’ll excruciate, and I pray, encruciate.
      b.  I see billions of app downloads, world-wide. Can I learn to code too?
      c.  The art form of the first 1000 years was order of worship/liturgy. Rosenstock: ‘Everything          important that happened in the first 1000 years happened in the church’
      d. The art form of the next 1000 was scientific method. I’ll say more about that.
      e.  There’s a 5-step process that shapes these, and more, including the revolutions of the West.
      f.  We’ll go through that, one-anotheringly.
      g. This will be a second form, individual. The first would be as a group, with each participant (conductor in training) doing her/his own thing.
      h. ’It’s Jeremiah Time: Respond!’ is the title.  I play all 12 parts.
3—Watch this space. Sheldrake says that something’s easier after the first time, and I’ll let go then. (I’m buoyed by the comment of Douglas, author of ‘JFK and the Unspeakable’ that he just kept plugging away.)  ‘Peace is the explicit reconciliation of opposites’: Rosenstock
Here’s what I wrote to Bob Bly.
Community currencies in USA as Bancor does in Kenya for economic development

How can this be done, Mr. Bly, if it can be done and should be done?

Bancor, with the support of the government of Kenya, uses 'Money 2.0' (Altucher, 'Cryptiocurrencies 101' FREE download.)

I'm thinking of this in connection with 'Stuart Wooden Nickel Highway'* and Amazon Pages for local merchants (Commercial on TV: Sign in door of shop: 'Closed, Open 24/7 on Amazon), but it could be done separately, as the town of Earlham, Iowa, in the Depression`1930s.

Links on request.

No, here are some: Bancor--

Earlham--Well, this has scrip from all kinds of Iowa towns.

Love in King Jesus,

Charles Howard Hartman (Facebook)
1404 Broadway
Pella, IA 50219
PS: In the early days of motoring, towns built highways to being in business to their town.

PPS This would be a good subject for a book by you?

--End addition of November 28

I hope to joint venture so as to save civilization and make millions.

I'll find a 'person of peace' in each community who has the money and influence to buy kilowatt hours ahead of time, to pay for hardening the electrical infrastructure against cyberattacks (Ted Koppel, 'Lights Out') or/and EMP/solar flares (Speaker Newt Gingrich before Congress and in forward to Forstchen's 'One Second After').

This could alternatively be done with an ICO.

How serious are cyberattacks? More than nuclear threats and terrorism, some say.
"Pretty much everything these days is run by computers. If you think of any industry that we depend on all the time – electricity, oil and gas, banking and railroads – it's all run by computers. A really sophisticated cyber-attack would be like putting an enemy agent in charge of the computers that run all those things," Borg said.
This is from an article in American Thinker:

Secondly, community currencies could initially be issued for economic development, and then become stand-alone currency. Earlham, Iowa issued trade coupons in 1933 when money was scarce. Kenya and Korea have something today. A stablecoin could become a stand-alone.

Peter Diamandis has written: ''We may soon see the rise of competitive governing ecosystems, each testing new infrastructure and public e-services to compete with mainstream governments for taxpaying citizens.'

One of the Forbes 400 wealthiest Americans has become so through his cryptocurrency, Ripple.

In addition to that, for community economic development there's vegetable self-sufficiency, as in Todmorden UK, and Femme STEM using free online resources.

And more.

And early recounting of these various threads is here:

A later, evangelical recounting is here:


Can you help?

I'm actively seeking many joint venture partners in all of this.

Love in King Jesus,

Charles Howard (Chuck) Hartman
1404 Broadway, Pella IA USA

PS: I'll start in my old home town.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Chanting? Somebody compose using BIBLE STRUCTURES

Chanting? Somebody compose using BIBLE STRUCTURES

Put THE TWELVE (minor prophets) on a keyboard, in chronological orders.

Then play the tune in the THEOLOGICAL order in which they are in the Bible.

See what you get.

Maybe reverse it.

Beethoven's 5th, if I begin to understand it, is 3 of the same not and a fourth.

THE TWELVE is 8 ascending or descending, with 4 in non-chronological order, if I begin to understand New Bible Commentary.

Love in King Jesus,

PS: There are other such, as Bullinger notes.



'This riveting horror show [Kavanaugh--CHH]has also distracted the nation — and a media fully invested in compounding the psychodrama — from the momentous tectonic movements in the world’s money system, now shaking apart. Among other things, it will blow up the fantasy that Mr. Trump has magically orchestrated a new miracle economy. But it will also bring to an abrupt close the pornographic machinations of his adversaries in Swamptown. And then we will get on in earnest with the true business of the long emergency — making new arrangements, however difficult — to escape the deadly clutter of our own constructed hyper-complex hyper-reality.'

Some blather on about the horrors of this and that, but the key things include what Rosenstock said, that any new technology increases our spatial reach, decreases the time it takes to get something done, and

DESTROYS OLD GROUPS. (Paraphrase, additions and emphasis mine: CHH)

Creveld (the state is failing because of lack of justice and land of sound money (for retirees) and Barzun (we'll relearn reading from monuments, ethno-linguistic regions bridged by corporations) show this.

Jeremiah Time: JBJ.

Here's how we'll come back, CHH in chuchhartmanhistoryconductor, the '10,000 bitcoin for a pizza/joint venture partners needed'. Fina a person of peace in a community (wealthy enough to buy enough kilowatt hours ahead so that utility can harden its infrastructure against cyberattacks (Ted Koppel, 'Lights Out') or/and (prayingly! sic) EMP/solar flares (Newt Gingrich) and to encourage local self-sufficient\cy in vegetables (Todmorden UK), etc. Use community currencies as in Earlham, Iowa 1933, and Kenya and Korea today.

Especially pay attention to the arc or being rescued from bondage to being the rescuer. (There are more absolute numbers of slaves in the world today (not %) physically, and far more also in slavery to sin?) by applying the case laws, the spirit of them in Exodus 21-23 in some kind of public way--remember, ERH above, we can reach 'em.

We'll be back, and better than ever. God prunes.

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie 'I mean it' Hartman
PS: In ‘Law and Revolution,’ Berman writes that medieval cathedrals had budgets for 1000 years.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Liturgy, Scientific Method, and 'The Symphony'

The scientific method is the 5-step of liturgy applied to the waters under, as liturgy applies it to the heavens above, and The Symphony of Comprehensive History Interactive applies it to the earth beneath, people made of dirt/dust. Click on 'Home' and wait for it to load. About 90 pages is all you need, the rest is resources for the Initiation Bank.