Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Reading Day Holiday

Leslie Lehr--Maybe Tom Wolfe's death day, as we remember an ancient saint on his or her deathday, when life was completer, for in 'Kingdom of Speech' Tom Wolfe wrote that language is a mnemonic artifact, a tool for remembering, and when we remember by reading what others wrote so that we would remember and respond, we honor that. Re: Your proposal for a day set aside, a holiday when the whole people does on thing together (Rosenstock) is a good one. Let's you and I and whoever wants to,start it on a Monday--I'll get the exact date later. I propose it be 2nd Monday in May, that would be closest to his day of death, May 14

And one to read would be Lafferty’s exquisite short story ‘What was the Name of that Town,’ which portrays a machine that eliminates writing about events that would remind one of trauma. Maybe Velikovsky’s ‘Mankind in Amnesia’ also, and Barzun’s remark in ‘From Dawn to Decadence’ that we will relearn how to read from monuments. Mozeson and Tenen might be helpful.

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