Saturday, December 31, 2022


 42 of Law Maimonides

42 of Lyric Music

42of Evaluation Holy War Maturity Redemption

42 of Fact Contagious Disciple Making 26 of Discovery + 16 (?)

Preliminary Music 42

 Host A 6025 Music 42

A 1 God is our song.

B 2 Music second only to the Bible:  Luther

C 3 When men first cried out to God (chant): Rosenstock ‘Magna Carta Latina’

D 4 David comforts Saul with music, is a warrior/king

E 5 Is Saul among the prophets? Band of musicians

F 6 Music, timing

G 7

H 8

I 9

J 10

K 11

L 12

M 13

N 14

O 15

P 16

Q 17

R 18 Christianity is the science of timing; Rosenstock ‘Fruit of Our Lips’

S 19 David comforts Saul with music

T 20 David organizes Levitical choir, writes Psalms

U 21 Jordan’s Psalms, Structured with Repetition 

U’ 22 Psalm 117, 150:6 (KJV) Repetition Hartman Tune

T’ 23 Music as warfare, Theopolis teaches chanting

S’ 24 Music Therapy--Buckley

R’ 25

Q’ 26

P’ 27

O’ 28

N’ 29

M’ 30

L’ 31

K’ 32

J’ 33

I’ 34

H’ 35

G’ 36

F’ 37 ‘Out of Revolution’: Rosenstock Gardner, Ch. 5: Revolutions of the West—imperative, subjective, narrative, objective,  planetary service

E’ 38 I put my musical talent into history: Rosenstock (Symphony of History)

D’ 39

C’ 40 Singing is glorified speech

B’ 41 Songs in the Bible

A’ 42 Tune of the Twelve (Theodicy) [Hartman poem/song]


42s. Robinson’s number, Mulder’s apartment number, Adams’ book ‘answer’,
Elisha’s ‘lads’


To do: 1—Arrange above into chiasm (scattered now) 2—Add following: Frequencies heal, Mumby ’Medicine Beyond’, tone instruments, Psalm 150/pianoforte, moog synthesizer, etc., patterns, Tubb ‘Gath’ all sounds, Solomon 1005 songs in Leithart ‘A House for My Name’, Barzun musical forms in ‘Dawn to  Decadence’, talents  of Balthazar, and Mozart and mathematical prodigies, Bach 5th evangelist, 3-D representation of music, God outside of time (Lewis, Barach), rhythm of robins, carried along, musical scale solfeggio, Luther Psalm 46 and  ‘A Mighty Fortress’, hymns, Haik-Vantoura, music boots plant growth (Bose? India), music  of spheres, God retune universe at Ascension, sings, instruments (JBJ Rev. 5:12 and 7:12), music as war, Tesla ’universe communicates with me, Steiner—between sleeping and fully awake, Language and Music develop together

Music, second only to the Bible, some of the 42: ERH plainchant how men first cride out to  God (Magna Carta Latina), Barzun on forms (‘Dawn to Decadence’ French, JBJ Psalms with repetition, CHH—Psalm 117 and The  Twelve theodicy, Haik-Vantoura, monks sang Psalms all during Medieval times, Sutton and Episcopalians—to be ordained had to know all \, Rev. 5:12-7:12 retuned universe and sang with instruments, Psalm 150 list instruments, God is our Song, pianoforte invented, 4 movements?, JBJ 146and Psalm structure…We are all poems. ERH: 'poiema' in Eph 2. Carmen Humanem. God is our Song. Principia Operatica. Solfeggio, hymns, pin yin, right-to-left, n-dimensional (see music visualization). Luther: ‘Music second only to the Bible’ How ‘A Mighty Fortress…’ from Psalm 46?

This could be of some help ,most ‘music wikipedia’ is too recent: History of music

History of human creation of music


Although definitions of music vary wildly throughout the world, every known culture partakes in it, and it is thus considered a cultural universal. The origins of music remain highly contentious; commentators often relate it to the origin of language, with much disagreement surrounding whether music arose before, after or simultaneously with language. Many theories have been proposed by scholars f... Wikipedia



Friday, December 30, 2022

New types of war

 New types of war


After Napoleon's massed armies (actually after Westphalia nation-states, democratic armies)



4th Generation (nation-states start breaking down)

5th generation (nets and jets--networks, not hierarchies)

Bioeconomic, weather (?), etc.

Psyops, propaganda, etc.

Death-wishers, destructivists

All subsumed under Holy War--maturation, redemption, wrath to grace



Monday, December 26, 2022

We are all poems

 We are all poems.ERH: 'poiema' in Eph 2. Carmen Humanem. God is our Song. Principia Operatica.


Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Elder as Coordinator Commonwealth and Culture


I think Calvin held to some form of 'office' that would be similar to that discussed. Coctrine/Prophet.

I think that within such plurality of elders someone should be in charge of a book of All Authority--the condition of being the author of all. Compare serenity (serene), profundity (profound), celerity (quick), etc.

Different persons would be in charge of a 42-step history of a field. Written on 'the Next Thousand Years...'. It would show how Jesus  Christ caused the production of art, music, science, etc   Use Chapter 5 of Gardner's 'Beyond Belief'and, for example, Mangalwadi's 'Third Education Revolution'
'It's simple, but it ain't easy'
Oh, and in 'Tabernacle of Mouth' (above) use JBJ's conflation of Hebrew Alphabet to 22 'OT' books.
Love in King Jesus,
PS: Newton followed liturgy in theory of gravity. Called by apple, Cleansed by not knowing how, but that he could, Reading--what others have thought,  Sermon--his theory (thus Consecrated), Communion  was a couple of tests, Commissioned to take it out for the life good of the world.

Tabernacle of Mouth. Wild Speculation.Coming Soon

 Dear Friends:

Start with rivers flowing out of belly as culmination of the various lavers, etc. and go from there.
Labials, dental fricatives, etc. as pointing to parts of the house as communication.Add body language--shechem, shoulder--in description of tabernacle.
Etc.Toward true speech on macro and micro kairos, etc. Other buildings, total culture, E. T. Hall, my 12x12, etc.
Wait for it.
PS: Only here. Add original Hebrew, no vowels, no word spacing.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Coordinate All Author Book

 Coordinate writing a book that shows Jesus is the author of all. Use 'The Next Thousand Years, A Prayer' by writing 42 steps for each area.

Friday, December 16, 2022

Christian Courts Video Ministry


Christian CourtTV   
Fri, Nov 27, 2020 4:48 pm
 ( + 1 more Details
Upon investigation, 'rewards' programs are ready enough for community currencies when SHTF, so this appears to me at this time to be the timing thing needed. Sometimes Jesus sent 'em out with swords, other times not. Sometimes it was swords to plowshares, at other times plowshares into swords. Sometimes if one wasn't with, one was against--other times, if one was against against, one was with. (Search)
Teaching Billions To Pray Better
20 Reads
Teaching Billions To Pray Better

SUMMARY: Use it to teach billions to pray better. Sure, example for civil magistrate, sure, use it for reconciliation of Christians, but the Big Court is accessed by prayer, pleading your case with The AlmightyTrinity, using His Word and words. Thus, prayer.
Or, if Jesus fulfilled all, what does that mean? How did he do it, and what changes does that make? What should we then do, pray?
Christian Court YouTube. Comment on the case laws. Apply them or not to current situations. Example for civil e magistrate. Christian/Christian reconciliation. How to pray to the All-Powerful. Thus, teach billions to pray. For instance: abortion. Is God killing the Canaanites? Is it a judgment, will it be a judgment. Etc.
One could take off from present crises and/or Pentateuchal bases.
Subject: Courts
Seeking person to teach billions to pray better. Start with Bible, do 1--example for civil magistrate, 2--Christian and Christian reconciilation, 3--Take it to highest court. Jordan and North have written about case laws (some) at of the Covenant' and 'tools of Dominion. These are for our instruction and admonition. A brief commentary about how it applied then and s not/does apply differently now, with solicitation for scripts/videos, and YouTube, etc. with transcripts would help.
On BH, urged Mike Bull to see history as he sees Bible, and Yes, apps, billions playing (i.e. per Rosenstock, 'incubating,' or I'd say 'hatching'
Lori’s (O Lord’s) Law. Jeff’s (O Jehovah’s) Judgments.
Judge Judy makes over $100 million a year, so there’s a market.
I’ll invest $1000. This should buy the video equipment. List sent on request. @300.
Start with short commentaries on JBJ’s ‘Law of the Covenant’ and or GKN’s ‘tools of Dominion’. Both are free at
Maybe 2 minutes, with transcripts. WITH TRANSCRIPTS, very important. A minute is about a page.
THE PURPOSE is to get submissions from churches. Scripts illustrating one or another use of this law.
THREE COURTS, the latter the most important. 1—Examples for civil magistrate. 2—Christian and Christian dispute resolution. 3—How shall we then pray? This takes it to the highest court, GodTrinity (sic). Thus, the prayers of old women, babushkas, brought about the collapse of the Soviet Union, internal contradictions (Mises) and Pope/Thatcher/Regan helping.
CHH gets a million ‘shares’ and Lori and Jeff 500,000 each. Submitters get a share, and half the money from their submission.
There are many revenue opportunities.
It’s possible that entities with mailing lists will send out such requests of submission for a small fee.
We hope others will ‘Girard’ us, and do it better.
Example of prayer to highest court. (You will do better) ABORTION. Is it God killing the Canaanites, 60 million pagans in America that our descendants won’t have to battle? Will it bring judgment? Is it judgment—we want sex for pleasure only, not reproduction ? Here is it writ large, as Exile was ‘no land laws’ write large, and Philistine domination’ was ‘we like the Philistine culture’ writ large. (Use Bible references).
Do something for destructive wars, no peace.
Bill Myers Tip of the Week - July 06, 2019
Budget Video Gear
You're in luck. Unlike the old days where you would need to invest thousands
of dollars in equipment, these days you can get high quality, even 4K quality
video, from many devices, including some that cost under a hundred dollars.
Since you're just starting out, I would recommend a Canon camcorder that has
an external microphone port. Something like the Canon HF R800 - $159 at
For the kind of videos you are planning, you'll need a tripod. You can get one
Two get quality audio, you'll want to use an external microphone. The two I
recommend are:
Pro JK Mic-J 044 lapel Microphone - $26 at
Takstar SGC-598 shotgun mic - $25.44 at
If you get the shotgun mic, you'll want a way to mount it to the camcorder. An
easy way is to use a flash bracket holder. $9.95 at
Your total investment if you get everything listed above will be less than
$250. With that equipment, you can end up with great looking and sounding
videos without breaking the bank.

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Pastor as coordinator of maturity--this and TTT to Next 1000'

 Host A 6018 Pastor as Coordinator of Maturity (this and TTT to Next  1000')



Pastor as Coordinator of Maturity, Two Ways

1--Book of Layers of author-ity of Jesus Christ (Matt. 28: 18), mature congregation members each write a layer

2—Overseer, Superintendent, Epi-Scoper (Biship) of Home Churches, 80,000 per ‘Contagious Disciple Making’, a million (1,000,000 baptized), evangelism bigger than the parking lot

There are many ways to build the house of the kingdom. Here are a few. Baptists walked, Methodist rode horses. Stagecoaches, trains, planes, mail, radio, TV, internet, social media, YouTube and more. Theopolis, Africa as 21st century center of the church. Stark’s 3% growth per year. Personal Christ actions, Matthew 25: 31-46, Third Educational Revolution, and MUCH MORE.

Here I present a smattering of what Pastor as Coordinator of Maturity might be like.

2—Superintendent, Bishop of home churches. Read ‘Contagious Disciple Making’. In my present home town, of 10,000 there are 3500 ‘unchurched’. In other areas it’s more. Most of these will remain unreached because we talk to each other. And if they did evangelize these should use some such outreaches as Wooden Nickels for thrift stores. And a pastor, then, would need to use something similar to the Methodist circuit rider. He would conduct services one out of four weeks at one church or other. There are other options also.

1—Have various  people in the congregation show how Jesus Christ is the author of different parts of culture. Star twith the 17, yea 18 layers earlier.Pastor would coordinate. A book would be written each week/sheba (7, oath) coordinating all the layers. Each would divide the history into 42 parts, one for each part of the coram.  Maturity.

Each of these would be toward maturity.

Here are examples. They are for each week. They are not exhaustive, but examples.

Week 1—(Matthew) Fuller in ‘Critical Path’ says that Pound though Babel was the introduction of the alphabet (as opposed to writing such as ideographs, hieroglyphs). Thus, in Gurri’s formulation 2nd wave vs. 1st wave. Gurri, in ‘Revolt of the Public’ says that we recently have lived through the Fifth Wave tsunami of information. The amount of information doubled in one recent year. This destroyed confidence in institutions.

2—(Mark). Gilder in ‘The Scandal of Money’ says that the greatest move inhistory for freedom was when Deng and Jiang in China opened enterprise zones.

3—In a Wibberly ‘Mouse’ book, the scientist, Konkin (?) writes notes and leaves them around the laboratory. When hefinds them again, he is able to expand them. Thus he does research. (Planck searched all physics knowledge, then re-searched again. Rosenstock).

4—Tabernacle. Tabernacle of the Mouth, aslike unto letter-words/numbers in Hebrew. (John).

5—Jubilee. Each book. (Luke). Case studies, they are. Meditate Day and night. Love God, love neighbor--Matthew, hang all Law and Prophets.6—Music history. Second to Bible—Luther. Pin yin during China repression. Social CreditJeremiah Time.

6—Can’t read. Revelation (?). Add, sums u Bible. Try 7 churches as 7 phases of history?

7—Number 7. Mumby ‘Beyond Medicine’ (?)  I wrote these while half-awakening. Not Steiner’s  necromancy, but the mind is definitely different at that time.

8—Can’t read. Jeremiah?

9—ERH and Gospels. Leithart ‘The Four’. ERH in ‘Fruit of Our Lips’ holds that each is addressed, respectively, to Tribes, Empires, Israel,  Greece.

10—‘Repetition in the Bible, by Cascione. Psalms ‘tuned’ that way. See my 117.

11—PV, etc. .liturgy.

12—Opus 3, one of 48. Theodicy of The Twelve. See my tune.

13---Book a week (sheba).

14—Can’t read.

15—New types  of speech, people, organizations. Gardner ‘Beyond Belief’ Ch. 5, sums ERH.

16—See list of 17, yea 18.

17—Christian Courts Video Ministry,

18—Big Money. Tulip Time Tokens. Scale. Richardson. Casey’s nowfinance, as Gold Bond/Carlson now  hotels.

19—All  authority, e. g. Mao sends church members around China. ‘100 Most Significant…--pandemic.

20—Can’t read, maybe ‘what are  your 12 small  enthusiastic groups?

21—Riddles, as Matt. 13, and ’science’ vs. young earth, etc.

22—Search out those who disagree.

23—Get the book from Chalcedon about God creating writing at Sinai.

24—Bull’s work. THEEEOS, especially.

25—Community currencies,  Kenya Bancor. Gold, Russia China. Phyles Stephenson, Casey.

26—The Temple, The Temple’ and ‘America, America’ JBJ Western Civilization.

27—'Crisis, Opportunity, and the Christian Future’

28—ERH: ’Christianity is the science of timing’ and ‘The Christian Era is when liabilities become assets’ St. Lawrence, treasure of church: the poor.

29—Both/and (Christ God/man) logic. More  nreadable.

30—Time as syllogism substitute.


32—Science fiction, historical ‘what if?’. Historical fiction.

34—Final Cause, Bread/Wine, Omagalphic. Reverse Speech. ‘Out  of Revolution’  backwards.

35—What year, day. AM 4080 = A.D. 70.Days have same name as years.

36—Newton as liturgical. Called by apple falling, cleansed by ‘I don’t know’ but I can’. Past writing = Readings,  Sermon = first formulation, tested twice, then out for world. We all  should have this s pattern. It’s how God works. Take, Break, New Name, Distribute with command, we enjoy.

39, 40,41—Left open for now

42—Seems chaotic, isn’t. Glieck (?) book. Mandelbrot. 

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Tulip Time Tokens

 Host A 6011 Start with tulip Time Tokens and Go World Wide

1—‘Pioneerin’ don’t pay’: John Rockefeller

2—‘Christianity is the science of timing’: Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy

3—‘You calling is the most important thing you can do, at which you would be most difficult to replace’: Gary North

Of the 12 Profitable Oath-Formed Productive Small Enthusiastic Groups, ‘Tulip Time Tokens’ fit me best.

I will pursue  that, world-wide

A few precedents: 1—Bancor’s community currencies for economic development in Kenya.

2—MiamiCoin (and others) by City Coins.

3—Gold Bond stamps once had a store in Perry, Iowa that only accepted payment  in books of their trading stamps. S & H had a catalog.

4—Airline miles, and brokers.

5—Many rewards programs. Spend money here, get rewards. Cash back is only one example.

6—Lolli pays in rewards of bitcoin. It has many big companies that do this.

Is it time?

I’ll tell what’s needed at the end.

Here’s the narrative.

Pella, Iowa has a yearly festival celebrating Dutch heritage and tulips.

We will capitalize on that by giving visitors a credit card that pays in Tulip Time Tokens.*

Have a website and email sales program, maybe a section of big online company—use a webmaster.

2% Tulip Time Tokens.

2% cash in a fund so merchants can trade in spent TTT for cash?

Needed. 1—Credit card company. 2—Webmaster. Perhaps pay in % of sales, at least partially. 3—Some way to do this for other communities. 4—Perhaps, ideally, get currently operating companies to expand their operations into this area.

*For filling out the application, give ‘em a Dutch Letter—and/or other uniquely Pella product.

‘Where’s the money in this’: Mac Ross

Fee to set up and % on various parts, ongoing.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

I declar the advolution, Lord willing. 1000 Prayere

 Dear Friends:

I declare the advolution, Lord willing. 1000 years, a prayer. 
So far, all I have is 1--God wrote books, 2--Writing the liturgy on the year, 3--Tabernacling, 4--More
The key is that I'll send a 20-page of so summary on request.
Future 'grandchildren' will fill this out.
Love in King Jesus,
Chuck '1000' HartmanPS: Lord willing
PPS: Since Jesus Christ has all authority, he is the author of all, and all, then, should be written on 
the year ('coram' Celebration.Of.Resurrection.Anno.Mundi). I have 17+ for 'grands' to fill in.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Opus 3, Next Thousand Years Pattern

 Host A 7004 Opus 3 for 2023 2024 One Two Three Four

What did God do after He created? Hemarried the parts together: Jordan. I’m ‘marrying’ these 12 into a community, IR, Initiations and Response. Responses will be done at PVm TBOTMOFA, TC, and The Week Before Resurrection/Easter/Week 49/Succession. To do that we do 1 &2 and 3 &4 in the pre-PV, and 1 &2 in both the pre TBOTMOFA and TC areas. For Week 49, we have longer to write Responses. IR is ‘city’ in Hebrew. If this were a study, different questions /Initiations could be given to individual, respective Responder, but for simplicity, only one question for all is used here. Responses will by at most 12 time, respectively 10, 70, 153, @5oo (480 if Temple, 490 if Exile). Remember, we are in Jeremiah Time—coming back (plot of land) and good of the city.

#1 Christian Courts Video Ministry.

#2: Psalms with Hebrew Cadence

#3 The Next Thousand Years, A Prayer

#4 ‘Contagious Disciple Making’ (Baptized a million)

#5 Alternatives to The State

#6 Twelve Word Platform

#7 History of Alternatives to The State

#8 Nations as Trade Routes—Currencies

#9 Wright Vocation Covenant

#10 LocalOnlineLeader

#11 Peace Tribe

#12 New (Abraham, Diamandis


Responses: 12 x 10 max.

#1 Christian Courts Video Ministry.

#2: Psalms with Hebrew Cadence

#3 The Next Thousand Years, A Prayer

#4 ‘Contagious Disciple Making’ (Baptized a million)

#5 Alternatives to The State

#6 Twelve Word Platform

#7 History of Alternatives to The State

#8 Nations as Trade Routes—Currencies

#9 Wright Vocation Covenant

#10 LocalOnlineLeader

#11 Peace Tribe

#12 New (Abraham, Diamandis, etc.)

That was pre-PV, now pre-TBOTMOFA


#1 Christian Courts Video Ministry.

#2: Psalms with Hebrew Cadence

#3 The Next Thousand Years, A Prayer

#4 ‘Contagious Disciple Making’ (Baptized a million)

#5 Alternatives to The State

#6 Twelve Word Platform

#7 History of Alternatives to The State

#8 Nations as Trade Routes—Currencies

#9 Wright Vocation Covenant

#10 LocalOnlineLeader

#11 Peace Tribe

#12 New (Abraham, Diamandis, etc.)

Responses 12 x 70 max

#1 Christian Courts Video Ministry.

#2: Psalms with Hebrew Cadence

#3 The Next Thousand Years, A Prayer

#4 ‘Contagious Disciple Making’ (Baptized a million)

#5 Alternatives to The State

#6 Twelve Word Platform

#7 History of Alternatives to The State

#8 Nations as Trade Routes—Currencies

#9 Wright Vocation Covenant

#10 LocalOnlineLeader

#11 Peace Tribe

#12 New (Abraham, Diamandis, etc.)


Now, pre TC


#1 Christian Courts Video Ministry.

#2: Psalms with Hebrew Cadence

#3 The Next Thousand Years, A Prayer

#4 ‘Contagious Disciple Making’ (Baptized a million)

#5 Alternatives to The State

#6 Twelve Word Platform

#7 History of Alternatives to The State

#8 Nations as Trade Routes—Currencies

#9 Wright Vocation Covenant

#10 LocalOnlineLeader

#11 Peace Tribe

#12 New (Abraham, Diamanis, etc.)


#1 Christian Courts Video Ministry.

#2: Psalms with Hebrew Cadence

#3 The Next Thousand Years, A Prayer

#4 ‘Contagious Disciple Making’ (Baptized a million)

#5 Alternatives to The State

#6 Twelve Word Platform

#7 History of Alternatives to The State

#8 Nations as Trade Routes—Currencies

#9 Wright Vocation Covenant

#10 LocalOnlineLeader

#11 Peace Tribe

#12 New (Abraham, Diamandis, etc.)

Now, pre-Week 49


#1 Christian Courts Video Ministry.

#2: Psalms with Hebrew Cadence

#3 The Next Thousand Years, A Prayer

#4 ‘Contagious Disciple Making’ (Baptized a million)

#5 Alternatives to The State

#6 Twelve Word Platform

#7 History of Alternatives to The State

#8 Nations as Trade Routes—Currencies

#9 Wright Vocation Covenant

#10 LocalOnlineLeader

#11 Peace Tribe

#12 New (Abraham, Diamandis, etc.)

Responses, max. 12 x @500 (480  if Temple, 490 if Exile)

#1 Christian Courts Video Ministry.

#2: Psalms with Hebrew Cadence

#3 The Next Thousand Years, A Prayer

#4 ‘Contagious Disciple Making’ (Baptized a million)

#5 Alternatives to The State

#6 Twelve Word Platform

#7 History of Alternatives to The State

#8 Nations as Trade Routes—Currencies

#9 Wright Vocation Covenant

#10 LocalOnlineLeader

#11 Peace Tribe

#12 New (Abraham, Diamandis, etc.)


Notes (What done FIRST?)

#1 Christian Courts Video Ministry. Law and Prophets hang. Goal. Whole. Case Studies (apply). Also: Deuteronomy 30:19 I call heaven and earth as witnesses ... Therefore choose life, so that you and your descendants may live, King James Bible. I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: New King James Version. I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live; ALSO Whole, says RJR and ‘Your faith has made you whole’ Jesus, among other articulations

#2: Psalms with Hebrew Cadence. To yours. Whole Bible Sung/Strength. Next after Psalms. Other unity.

#3 The Next Thousand Years, A Prayer. What rhythms @ A. D. 3020. Purposes. How get used. Why?

#4 ‘Contagious Disciple Making’ (Baptized a million). Use technique to get yours adopted. As big as parking lot. Africa. Use with others of 12.North: House churches

#5 Alternatives to The State. Truman, GoFundMe, Penn. Hwy in ‘The End is Near’. When money failed.

#6 Twelve Word Platform. 12-step, after WWII, What legitimate—don’t take  more, Levi Matthew Lavoisier Nicodemus

#7 History of Alternatives to The State Charles Adams/ Mutual Aid, Mises InstituteProhibition, Creveld (history), Westphalia (Ministry for the Future drones)

#8 Nations as Trade Routes. Currencies Great Default, LocalCoin, Phyles, Day  of Burning (organized crime) Article says '...Bitcoin is actually a new societal model. It is fundamentally different from the old model, being both more efficient and morally superior.'

Given that Bitcoin is being talked about world-wide and is held by millions of individuals (I’m told that 46 million Americans own at least a little), this genie is pretty well out of its bottle.

Read: ‘Bitcoin is Venice’

#9 Wright Vocation Covenant. Us to  God, God to us, Speak (vocate), God-Man

#10 LocalOnlineLeader.How local? How online (web 3)? Combine both? What next leads?—history,  Sears

#11 Peace Tribe Shadow gov’t, non-gov’t., 5th Gen. bioeconomic, hearts and minds. ‘There is an estimated five thousand political, economical as well as religious groups that operate in the US alone that have around two and a half million members and over the decades cults have used mind control tactics to negatively impact billions of people worldwide.’

#12 New (Abraham, Diamandis, etc.). Superabundance and time pricing, equality of longevity (Gilder), implants, unknown unknowns (Rumsfeld)

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Notes to Opus 3 Married #2


#1 Christian Courts Video Ministry. Law and Prophets hang. Goal. Whole. Case Studies (apply)

#2: Psalms with Hebrew Cadence. To yours. Whole Bible Sung/Strength. Next after Psalms. Other unity.

#3 The Next Thousand Years, A Prayer. What rhythms @ A. D. 3020. Purposes. How get used. Why?

#4 ‘Contagious Disciple Making’ (Baptized a million). Use technique to get yours adopted. As big as parking lot. Africa. Use with others of 12.

#5 Alternatives to The State. Truman, GoFundMe, Penn. Hwy in ‘The End is Near’. When money failed.

#6 Twelve Word Platform. 12-step, after WWII, What legitimate—don’t take  more, Levi Matthew Lavoisier Nicodemus

#7 History of Alternatives to The State Charles Adams/ Mutual Aid, Mises InstituteProhibition, Creveld (history), Westphalia (Ministry for the Future drones)

#8 Nations as Trade Routes. Currencies Great Default, LocalCoin, Phyles, Day  of Burning (organized crime)

#9 Wright Vocation Covenant. Us to  God, God to us, Speak (vocate), God-Man

Opus 3 Married #1

 Host A 7004 Opus 3 for 2023 2024 One Two Three Four

What did God do after He created? Hemarried the parts together: Jordan. I’m ‘marrying’ these 12 into a community, IR, Initiations and Response. Responses will be done at PVm TBOTMOFA, TC, and The Week Before Resurrection/Easter/Week 49/Succession. To do that we do 1 &2 and 3 &4 in the pre-PV, and 1 &2 in both the pre TBOTMOFA and TC areas. For Week 49, we have longer to write Responses. IR is ‘city’ in Hebrew. If this were a study, different questions /Initiations could be given to individual, respective Responder, but for simplicity, only one question for all is used here. Responses will by at most 12 time, respectively 10, 70, 153, @5oo (480 if Temple, 490 if Exile). Remember, we are in Jeremiah Time—coming back (plot of land) and good of the city.

#1 Christian Courts Video Ministry.

#2: Psalms with Hebrew Cadence

#3 The Next Thousand Years, A Prayer

#4 ‘Contagious Disciple Making’ (Baptized a million)

#5 Alternatives to The State

#6 Twelve Word Platform

#7 History of Alternatives to The State

#8 Nations as Trade Routes—Currencies

#9 Wright Vocation Covenant

#10 LocalOnlineLeader

#11 Peace Tribe

#12 New (Abraham, Diamandis


Responses: 12 x 10 max.

#1 Christian Courts Video Ministry.

#2: Psalms with Hebrew Cadence

#3 The Next Thousand Years, A Prayer

#4 ‘Contagious Disciple Making’ (Baptized a million)

#5 Alternatives to The State

#6 Twelve Word Platform

#7 History of Alternatives to The State

#8 Nations as Trade Routes—Currencies

#9 Wright Vocation Covenant

#10 LocalOnlineLeader

#11 Peace Tribe

#12 New (Abraham, Diamandis, etc.)

That was pre-PV, now pre-TBOTMOFA


#1 Christian Courts Video Ministry.

#2: Psalms with Hebrew Cadence

#3 The Next Thousand Years, A Prayer

#4 ‘Contagious Disciple Making’ (Baptized a million)

#5 Alternatives to The State

#6 Twelve Word Platform

#7 History of Alternatives to The State

#8 Nations as Trade Routes—Currencies

#9 Wright Vocation Covenant

#10 LocalOnlineLeader

#11 Peace Tribe

#12 New (Abraham, Diamandis, etc.)

Responses 12 x 70 max

#1 Christian Courts Video Ministry.

#2: Psalms with Hebrew Cadence

#3 The Next Thousand Years, A Prayer

#4 ‘Contagious Disciple Making’ (Baptized a million)

#5 Alternatives to The State

#6 Twelve Word Platform

#7 History of Alternatives to The State

#8 Nations as Trade Routes—Currencies

#9 Wright Vocation Covenant

#10 LocalOnlineLeader

#11 Peace Tribe

#12 New (Abraham, Diamandis, etc.)


Now, pre TC


#1 Christian Courts Video Ministry.

#2: Psalms with Hebrew Cadence

#3 The Next Thousand Years, A Prayer

#4 ‘Contagious Disciple Making’ (Baptized a million)

#5 Alternatives to The State

#6 Twelve Word Platform

#7 History of Alternatives to The State

#8 Nations as Trade Routes—Currencies

#9 Wright Vocation Covenant

#10 LocalOnlineLeader

#11 Peace Tribe

#12 New (Abraham, Diamanis, etc.)


#1 Christian Courts Video Ministry.

#2: Psalms with Hebrew Cadence

#3 The Next Thousand Years, A Prayer

#4 ‘Contagious Disciple Making’ (Baptized a million)

#5 Alternatives to The State

#6 Twelve Word Platform

#7 History of Alternatives to The State

#8 Nations as Trade Routes—Currencies

#9 Wright Vocation Covenant

#10 LocalOnlineLeader

#11 Peace Tribe

#12 New (Abraham, Diamandis, etc.)

Now, pre-Week 49


#1 Christian Courts Video Ministry.

#2: Psalms with Hebrew Cadence

#3 The Next Thousand Years, A Prayer

#4 ‘Contagious Disciple Making’ (Baptized a million)

#5 Alternatives to The State

#6 Twelve Word Platform

#7 History of Alternatives to The State

#8 Nations as Trade Routes—Currencies

#9 Wright Vocation Covenant

#10 LocalOnlineLeader

#11 Peace Tribe

#12 New (Abraham, Diamandis, etc.)

Responses, max. 12 x @500 (480  if Temple, 490 if Exile)

#1 Christian Courts Video Ministry.

#2: Psalms with Hebrew Cadence

#3 The Next Thousand Years, A Prayer

#4 ‘Contagious Disciple Making’ (Baptized a million)

#5 Alternatives to The State

#6 Twelve Word Platform

#7 History of Alternatives to The State

#8 Nations as Trade Routes—Currencies

#9 Wright Vocation Covenant

#10 LocalOnlineLeader

#11 Peace Tribe

#12 New (Abraham, Diamandis, etc.)



#1 Christian Courts Video Ministry.

#2: Psalms with Hebrew Cadence

#3 The Next Thousand Years, A Prayer

#4 ‘Contagious Disciple Making’ (Baptized a million)

#5 Alternatives to The State

#6 Twelve Word Platform

#7 History of Alternatives to The State

#8 Nations as Trade Routes—Currencies

#9 Wright Vocation Covenant

#10 LocalOnlineLeader

#11 Peace Tribe

#12 New (Abraham, Diamandis, etc.)

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Third Education Revolution and Providential History

 Combine this with 'new' in revolutions of the West in Gardner's 'Beyond Belief' and write oneper week from Easter (celebration of resurrection) to Easter and you have an understanding of Providential history, such as math: Third Education Revolution

Newton and Liturgy

 Or, Newton is Called by the apple falling. He confesses he doesn't understand it but is Cleansed by being given that he can figure it out. He is Consecrated by studying what people have thought in the past (Readings) and announces his theory application (Sermon), which is then tested two ways (Communion) so that it is Commissioned to go out for the life of the world.

Friday, November 18, 2022

To Kinko's

 The Next Thousand Years, A Prayer

O Most Merciful Trinity

Anno Domini 2023 A.D./Year of Our Lord 2024

A ’coram’ is a celebration.of.resurrection.anno.mundi. It starts at Resurrection/Easter and goes to the next. ‘Coram’ means, ‘face’/’presence’ in Latin, so it’s in two languages.

© 2022 by Charles Howard Hartman

I’ll do ‘Creative Commons,’ etc. as I understand it better. The idea is that this will be used.

"Lead with the benefit. Follow with the proof." See ‘Why?’ shortly below.

Start NOW!

Don’t worry, I’ll keep it simple. This year (coram) I’ll publish to book of the week, with references to Bullinger, New Bible Commentary, The BH commentaries list, etc. I’ll concentrate on that and what  I’m now considering the key 12 POFSPEGs—Productive Oath Formed Small Profitable Enthusiastic groups, which are: 1--Christian Courts Video Ministry, 2--Psalms with Hebrew Cadence (maybe whole books later), 3--‘The Next Thousand Years, A Prayer, 4--‘Contagious Disciple Making’ (baptized a million), 5--Alternatives to ‘the state’ (crowdfunding, etc.), 6--Twelve  Word Platform, 7--History of alternatives to state, 8--nations as trade routes (alternative currents currencies), 9--Wright’s covenant of vocation, 10--Local  online leaders, 11--Peace Tribe, 12--The New (Abraham, Diamandis, etc.) See Chapter 3 and Appendix 3. 1,5,9—Imperative (Rosenstock)/Law/Jordan; 2,6,10—Subjective(ERH)/Lyric(JBJ), 3,7,11—Narrative/Evaluation; 1,8,12—Objective (R)/Fact (J). First 4, Garden/Church/Priest; Middle 4, Land/Civil Magistrate/King; Last 4, World/Marriage-Family-House-Business-Culture. Also see Speech, Persons, Organizations, etc. in Chapter5 of Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief’



Because more layers need to be written across the year to show Christ’s all-authorship. He has all authority. And, a prayer may call up better, as a reaction. And we need  all the knowledge and wisdom about ALL areas to do our calling and callings.

1—War and Peace is THE issue, so the 5 big changes in the last 40, 49 years should impact that.

2—The KEY thing is adding layers. See the 17, 18+.

3—‘Christianity is the science of timing’: Rosenstock. And, you must have 3 generations to count. Thus, I have grandchildren of 10 descendants and 5 godparents for eldsters—this eldster.

4—If I die before filling in these blanks, it’s all at Host A 7000.

5—In 1000 years, we’ll know more of rhythms of history.




God wrote books.  We should read whole books.

God act liturgically. We should ‘amen’ that in the year/’coram’.

God tabernacles. So should we.

Introduction: JBJ, no. ERH, a prayer. Jordan says not to ‘play God’. God is doing something, Jordan says, at the end of ‘Through New Eyes’. He holds that God moves history in a succession of emphases on the persons of the Trinity. Before the Resurrection, that was Father-tribes, Son-Nations, and Spirit-cosmopolitan. After the Resurrection, it was Church-Father, Christian State-Son, and University-Spirit, in 700-year periods. Rosenstock held to a chiastic view. Tribes, Empires, Israel and Greece. After the Resurrection(He Wo Reversed the Trend) Greece became a companion only—not a social order—while Israel without exclusions became the  Church, Empires without slavery became nation states, and we now, after two 1000-year periods, enter the time of small enthusiastic groups, tribes without perpetual warfare.  That’s why I call my work a prayer. We’ll know more how God Trinity arrages history if a thousand years, if not before. ‘Universal History 1954’ at is the best intro. It’s a Dartmouth course, audio and transcript.

Chapter 1. Books, Resurrection/Easter to Resurrection/Easter. Use the 49 at ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament at Hebrews to Exodus, in my re-retuning. Jordan says that at the ascension, God retunes the universe. Revelation 5:12 to 7:12 show that. It’s how we get the names of our days of the week (English), A 5-ness.  1234567 becomes 71234 (or 4th from earth, Sun, Sunday). Then 45671 (Moon, Monday. Etc. 2 and 3 are switched.

How?  A--Get dates of Easter. 2023 (West) April 6. 2024 March 31.

b—Get calendars for 2023-2024.

c—Work forward and backward. Week 43 might include several weeks or several books.

The first below is a much earlier, much more comprehensively complicated. I don’t use is yet, now.

d—BH list of commentaries. North’s on economics, New Bible Commentary and Bullinger (recommended by  JBJ), Theoplis Fundamentals list.


Here’s a 7 x 7 grid, with liturgical weeks ‘outside. Go to this link, fill in the 1-49 books. An exercise for the student, because I have re-retuned it, and written in backward, with liturgy/history filled in. See the 9x9 and I will do each book per each week. Available by email, and perhaps social media. This is a 3+-generation. 1000-year work. . An exercise for the student.




















































Here’s a 9x9 grid, with liturgical weeks  shown ‘inside’. Also see Appendix 4.

April 9


Res. Hebrews

Apr 16 Titus

23 1st Timothy

Apr 30, A. D. 2023 1 Thess

May 7 Phlmn

May 14 2 Tim.

May 21 2 Thess.



May 28 Colossians

Jun 4 Eph

June 11 2 Cor

June 18, PV] 1s by 1234567 Cleansing (Confession /Absolution) Red Sea A. D. 70

June 25 Romans

July 2 Phllp

July 9 Galat

July 16 1 Corinthians


July 23 3 John

July 30 Jude

August 6 1 Peter

August 13 1 John

Aug 20 2 John

Aug 27 2 Peter

Sep 3 James

September  10, TBOT-MOFA] Consecration (Readings/ Sermon), Conversion of Constantine, Sinai 4s by  4152637


September 17 A. D. 2023 Revelation

Sept 24 John

Oct 1 Mark


October 8 Greater Chron

Oct 15 Acts

Oct  22 Luke

October 29 Matthew



Nov 5 The Twelve

Nov 12 Dan.

Nov 19 Jer-Lam

Nov 26  Isaiah

TC #1—Dec 3 TC #1—Dec 9] 8s by 8531642 Bread

Dec 10 TC #2—Dec 9] 8s by 8531642 Wine, Conquest  Promised Land, Conversion   Iceland, Commun-ion

Dec 17 Esther

Dec 24 Ezekiel

Dec 31 Kings



















January 7 Eccles.

Jan 14 Prov.

Jan 21 Psalms

January 28 Samuel

Feb 4 [EAT] Song, 41—Feb 4, [EAT]Job--42 Feb 4 [EAT] Ruth





T 43—Feb 11 Judges

H 44—Feb 18 Deut.

E 45—Feb 25 Leviticus

E 46—March 5 Genesis

E 47—Mar 11 Joshua

O 48—Mar 18 Numb.


Before Res.





Transcendence Hierarchy Ethics G. Ethics L.      Ethics W. Oaths        Sanctions (after Bull, after North)

Chapter 2. 3 parts of liturgy in year. 10-11-11-17.  Put history to match. Done above.

Chapter 3. 12 small, enthusiastic groups, tribes without perpetual warfare. Profitable, Productive, Oath-formed -thus POFSPEGs. App. Your 12? A new tabernacle THEEEOS (Bull)

Website: Hartman1000 (forthcoming) implements the 12. Here below starts the process.



Appendix 1: 17, yea 18 + more layers. Christ  is the author of all, has all authority.

Principia Operatica. 17 more written on the year, from Resurrection to Resurrection. CORAM Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi. Also, in Latin, it means face or presence.

1—Calendars. One fact per week. 2—JBJ’s 49-book Bible. One book per week

3—Liturgy through year. 10-11-11-17

4—Matthew starts with genealogy, ends in command (to timeline?) Use Fuller’s chronology of technology in ‘Critical Path’

5—Mark. Business servants. Two types: ad hoc and 12 x 12 of Days. See E. T. Hall ‘Silent Language’  for 10 x 10of society.

6—Luke: How does each book of the week show, foreshadow Jubilee?

7—John, Tabernacle. The last 7 are THEEEOS (Bull) with 4 in each E, respectively Garden/Priest/Church, Land/King/Civil Government, World/Prophet/Culture. Each of these has a Rosenstock Cross of Reality Forward/Imperative, In/Subjective, Back/Narrative, Out/Objective. In 2020 I had Christian Courts, Psalms, Godparents for Eldsters, Contagious Disciple  Making (Book) , Twelve Word Platform,

Restraint, History of Western Civilization, Peace Tribe, Thousand Year Prayer, <pmey 2.o, LocalOnlineLeader, New Property/Jay Abraham

8—Maimonides—how applied/apply

9—New Testament Imperativity and other: 2500/800 ‘laws’

10—Trinity, alternating with


12—ERH ‘Fruit of Our Lips’ (divide into 42 sections)

13—JBJ’s ‘Short Reader’s Guide to  Revelation’ (42)

14—Ussher/Adam/s Chart of History

15—Timetables of History Kurzweil here and Week 43—kairos time, not chronicle years in week)

16—Psalms, especially JBJ’s translations with Hebrew Cadence (146 x2) See my 117 with 150:6

17—Jeremiah’s Prophecies, see Bullinger (51)

I LEAVE MUCH TO ‘GRANDCHILDREN’ Now I have cowardly fled to games, reading, history, science fiction, but ‘Surely Go has made all things for Himself, even the wicked for the day of calamity (evil). 2 no-hitters, slow pitch. 3 outs in 10 games in league. Shot age ambidextrously. Stole home (reberry delayed steal) in fast pitch. Invented Avalanche for pocket billiards, and Naming Rights, the chess of pocket billiards. Qualified for Jeopardy (Hartman lore says I should not have written them that I could not come out in Nov/Dec because of mailflow. One of 400 in  year.

Philosophy grad and assistantship. Air Force Office. 19 years of trying to sell something. 31 years of Post Office, listening.

And 18, as an example of many more: How the church built civilization, such as founding hospitals and universities. ‘Third Education Revolution, and Tom Woods’ book on Catholic Church, for example

Put on year: 1—Types of people, per Gardner’s ’Beyond Belief’ Chapter 5—created by Christendom Revolutions, 2—‘Third Education Revolution’ and Woods’ ’Church builds civilization


Appendix 2: 5 Big Changes in last 40, 49 years, impacting War and Peace.

1—‘The state’ is failing. Creveld ‘The Rise and Decline of the State’. Failing of justice and sound money. Already superseded by university in Jordan’s ‘History is a succession of emphases on persons of the Trinity. Before The Resurrection: tribes, nations, cosmopolitan. After The Resurrection: Church, Christian State, University. Thirdly, if the total unfunded liabilities of the U. S. federal government, for example, would require @$220 trillion in cash right now, and the GDP is @$22 trillion, the adage comes into effect that ‘If your outgo exceeds you income, your upkeep will be your downfall. Also, Rosenstock writes that next is ‘mall enthusiastic groups’. JBJ holds in ‘Through  New Eyes’ that we don’t know what’s coming, thus I call this a prayer, and apply the work of the giant, Rosenstock, in ‘Universal History 1954,’ a Dartmouth course. Audio and transcript are at

2—Gurri’s work ‘The Revolt of the Public’. We’re in a Fifth Wave, a tsunami of information, like unto One, writing, Two, alphabet.

3--Technology. See Diamandis on moonshots then and forthcoming,and ‘Abundance’ and other books.

4—Time pricing. (Prices are FALLING when measured in the time it takes to earn the money. Gilder, and especially ‘Superabundance’ by Tupy and Pooley.

5—“Dynamic Disciple Making’ (a million baptized) plus growth of church in Global South and China (??!!).

Thus, War and Peace. 4th and 5th Generation Warfare—Westphalia no more. Bioeconomic warfare, idols for destruction. We’re thrown back to Matthew 25: 31-46 and Theopolitan Vision, for example.

Outline made November 12, A. D. 2022 leaves much out, more usable.

Appendix 3: The Twelve, as developing.

Looking Backward 3020 The Next Thousand Years

It’ll be easier to explain this way. By A. D. 3020, we may know history’s patterns better, so we’ll know ‘what’s next’.

For background: Looking Backward, Looking Backward 2162.

Also ‘The Next Thousand Years’ and Eternal Calendar on Facebook.

Based on Rosenstock-Huessy work (Dartmouth, Harvard) especially ‘Universal History 1954’ at  course

James Jordan holds to a succession of emphases (not modalistic or subordinationistic) of The Father, and then The son, and then The Holy Spirit. Before the Resurrection, these were tribes, nations, cosmopolitan. After, each 77 years, it was Church, Christian State, University. Now we only know God is preparing something new, and we are not to play God.

OPTIONS: Barzun—we’ll learn to re-read from monuments, ethno-linguistic areas bridged by corporation. Berman fears administrative law—North and others counter with decentralization. North’s work is aimed at a sub-Saharan father. Nisbet fears the loss of the idea of progress.  Creveld says the state is failing of justice and sound money for retirees. Fourth Turning—I must study more. Gurri writes the The Fifth Wave is equivalent to the invention of writing, the invention of the alphabet. ERH says that any new technology—which we are in—destroys old groups, while expanding reach and shortening time. There are many more. If the unfunded liabilities of the US federal government are $222 trillion, with a GDP of @$20 trillion, that bodes ill.

That’s why I call ‘The Next Thousand Years A Prayer’.

ERH (Rosenstock) help history to be chiastic. Social orders: Tribe, Empires, Israel, Greece. After The Resurrection, Greece became a companion only. Israel without restrictions became the Church. Empires without slavery became nation states. Now we are looking at tribes without perpetual warpate: small, enthusiastic groups. (I call them POFSPEGs0. Productive Oath Formed Small Profitable Enthusiastic Groups.

To find them, I use that last 7 weeks of a year (coram: celebration of resurrection anno mundi), using Bull’s THEEEOS, where each ‘E’ respectively is Garden/Church/Priest, Land/Civil Magistrate/King. World/Marriage-House-Family-Business, Prophet.

I use various 4s. ERH’s Imperative-Subjective-Narrative-objective. JBJ’s law lyric Evaluation Fact.

Also White, Red, Black, Green, Speech, Persons, Organizations (Gardner; ‘Beyond Belief’. One Few Many All. Forward, In, Backward. Out. Me I We  They. Etc.

Summing Up: Priest—Christian Courts Video, Psalms with Hebrew Cadence, The Next Thousand Years A Prayer, ‘Contagious Disciple Making’ 9baptized a million in a few years)

King:  Alternatives to state, Twelve Word Platform, History of Doing Without State, Nations as trade routes (Money 2.0 on web—and 3.0 shekel of temple, money, HealthSpanCoin)

Prophet: Covenant of Vocation; Wright ’The Day the Revolution Began’, LocalOnlineLeader, Peace Tribe, New Innovation, Jay Abraham, etc.

By 3020, we’ll know Christian law, we’ll know the Psalms, we’ll know the 17 additional layers of Eternal Calendar (the life of Christ and our response: Advent 555, Christmas 336, etc.) and ‘Contagious Disciple Making’ will be in cities and improved.

By 3020 alternatives will be better (peer-to-peer). Twelve Word Platform will make sense, we’ll know history of doing better, and the 90% scams will be shaken out.

By 3020 we’ll know more about our covenant of vocation and be applying it, better, LocalOnlineLeader will expand, the Peace Tribe may become TribeS (sic, yes), and new innovations will abound mutually.


October A. D. 2022  Host A 5089 What Is Chuck Up To Now

1—Near death in January. Summation at end of progress on calling.

2—During decades listened to all JBJ, all ERH and more.

3—Last few years gave self something to think about as started work, wrote down thoughts during day.

4—Thus, The Next Thousand Years—A Prayer.

5—JBJ says: ‘Don’t play God’ (TNE) re: What’s next.

6—But says “New Abrahams’—‘Crisis…’

7—JBJ, successive emphases on respective members of Trinity. Post-Resurrection: Church, Christian state, university.

8—ERH, chiasm of Tribe, Empire, Israel and Greece. Post-Resurrection: Greece a companion only, Church is Israel without exclusions, nation-state is empires without slavery, next is tribes without perpetual warfare—small, enthusiastic groups.

9—So I tried this prayer, amidst a n adding of 17 layers to Eternal Calendar—life of Christ and our response.

10—But this is a report on the progress of The Twelve.

11—Looking Backward 3020, I wrote.  We’ll know the structure of history better in 1000 years.

12—But ‘grandchildren’ will carry on. Kennedy halves so far, soon (UNest) some encrypted currencies for them (10 + 4 godparents and one pastor),  plus postage for those now.

13—Can put special years (coram, celebration of resurrection anno mundi) such as 3rd Educational Revolution, how the church built civilization.

14—But The Twelve, 3-decker universe x 4—Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact (JBJ) or Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective (ERH). For Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy, see chapter 5 of Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief’.

15—Each of the 12

Garden/Church/Priest: a—Christian Courts Video Ministry—Bid for $100K, Wilson has a book on justice, Judge Judy still  making $16 million a year. (Law and prophets hang).

b—Psalms with Hebrew Cadence—Awaiting publication (or electronic transfer) of JBJ’s translation, only my feeble 117 so far

c—1000—this winter, more to ‘grands’, add specials such ass 3rd. Ed. Rev.

d—‘Contagious Disciple Making’—no interest, edifice complex of evangelization limited to size of parking lot.

Land/Civil Magistrate/King: a—Alternatives to state surprising. b—Twelve Word Platform, realized that many don’t vote. Gurri’s Fifth Wave (like writing, alphabet). c—History of past non-state work. Burris, (David) Friedman, much  more needed. D—Nations as trade routes. Local coin (from affinity cards, yes! Also Lolli) Local Christian Thrift Shop up to $20 wooden nickels to prisoners and strangers (35% in Pella), with sprouting seeds and equipment, and flower pot and other heating—a no go so far. HealthSpanCoin like Kight Templar/Hospitaler also a no go so far.

World/Marriage, House, Business, Culture/Prophet: a—Wrights vocation covenant from ‘The Day The Revolution Began’ is wise, b--LocalOnline seems to be coming, as ‘3rd’ is from pandemic lockdowns (see Mao 1949), c--Peace Tribe needed as nuclear war and unseen war (bioeconomic) looms, and d--NEW as in technology (Diamandis—and ERH ‘destroys old groups) and Jay Abraham.

This is a THEEEOS, Bull-derived. ‘Oath-formed, Profitable, Productive, Small Enthusiastic Groups. POFSPEG. Re: State—Creveld, Barzun, Berman’s administrative law vs. decentralization, Idea of Progress lost: Nisbet. ‘If your outgo exceeds your income, your upkeep will be your downfall’. This plus Gurri,and technology increase are the BIGGIES, Transcendence.  (I like an ‘a’ instead of an ‘e’. Dance toward Principia Opera-tica (yes), not a symphony: We sing. ‘GodTrinity lovingly drags us into His future, changing us. And as we are torn in the present between the past and the future, the in and out, our howls become music, and we the singing song. A HERO is one between times, ta first sufferer, a protagonist Helping Explicitly Reconcile Opposites In Necessary Exigencies.

More later.  Lord willing.

Chuck ‘Hartman1000’Hartman

PS: Better/Worse/Stranger than we can possiblY imagine. Better, technology/worldwide communication, ‘baptized a million’: Worse, evil ones abound: Strange, Gurris 5th Wave as equivalent to invention of writing, alphabet. Etc.

Add to Psalms with Hebrew Cadence: Test the Tune of Theodicy The Twelve

A friend sent music as therapy when I needed it. Many need to understand how a good, omnipotent God can allow evil—theodicy. Maybe this tune will help, when good musicians improve it.

1—The Twelve (12 minor prophets) is said to be theodicy.

2—But these books are not in chronological order.

3—‘New Bible Commentary’ p. 628 has a list of when the prophetswrote.

4—Let’s take the 12 and put them on a piano octave of 12keys, 7 white and 5 black.

The tune would go like this:

Hosea, 4th key This book was written 4th, chronologically)

Joel,  1st

Amos, 2

Obadiah, 9

Jonah, 3

Micah, 5


Habakkuk, 8

Zephaniah, 6

Haggai, 10

Zechariah, 11

Malachi, 12

5—So to play the tune, it’s 41293578610,11,12

6—If one doesn’t want to play notes of the same length, one might decide that shorter books would have  shorter notes.

7—Or, one could do something with the lengths of time between books.

8—This might be good music therapy for those with questions about theodicy—how can an omnipotent, good God allow evil/calamity? Test these out, ye musically talented.



9,           12,           11,           4           , 10          , 8          , 6            , 5           , 3          , 2          , 1         

God           Trinity      Lovingly  drags      us           into      his           future      changing  us and

9 As       12we       11are      4torn  10between        8past    6and    5future   3in   2and  1out

9 Our     12howls      11become      10music    8and    6we    5the    3singing  2,1song

9 The   12hero  11is  10one 8between  6times 5first 3sufferer 2,1protagonist

9 helping 12explicitly 10reconcile 8Opposites 6in 5necessary 3,2,1exigencies

Hosea, 4th key This book was written 4th, chronologically)

Joel,  1st

Amos, 2

Obadiah, 9

Jonah, 3

Micah, 5


Habakkuk, 8

Zephaniah, 6

Haggai, 10

Zechariah, 11

Malachi, 12

Secondly, Perhaps we can sing Hebrew Cadence also.

Cascione, after Jordan, after Casuto sees the number of times something is mentioned in a pericope as important. He uses this Hebrew Cadence to exegete parts of the New Testament, finding it. ‘Repetition in the Bible’ is his work.

This nobody has done something with Psalm 117, with 150:6, thus.

There are 5 commands to  praise, 6 praisers, and 7 Praised. KJV

Assigning one note of 7 to each, we would sing note5 for praise!, 4 to praiser, and 3 to Praised, thus:

5 O praise

3 the Lord

4 all ye nations

5 Praise

3 Him

4 all ye peoples

3 For His mercifulkindness is great

4 toward us

5 Praise

4 ye

3 the Lord

4 Let everything that hath breath

5 Praise

3 The Lord

5 Praise

4 ye

3 the Lord

It would be even better to use Hebrew.

I pray that Pastor Keuning will help the immusicate nobody, patternist, translate this.


Love in King Jesus,


Chuck Hartman


Thirdly, we could try to sing shorter books, using Hebrew Cadence

I’ll be working mostly with community currencies such as Tulip Time Tokens (for many communities) to boost business. Start in Pella, maybe pay a Dutch letter for signing up, use email and website (with affiliates),and on big online selling too.

Also do Matt. 25: 31-46 with 35% unchurches (3500) found by asking on Christian radio, e.g., and having congregation members visit with ‘up to $20’ wooden nickels, with Handy Pantry sprouting display, thus feed the hungry, clothe the naked, give drink, visit prisoners (of ideologies), help the sick (?), take in the stranger. Use wooden nickels myself as calling cards.

For Christian Courts Video Ministry, remember that the law and prophets hang on love God, love your neighbor, and they are still cases on which we are t meditate, as is all Scripture, Jesus ‘made whole’ and fulfilled by touching, being touched, declaring, forgiving sins, commanding ‘takeup you bed and walk,’ saying ‘your faith has made you whole,’ etc.

Appendix 4: 49-2, with Liturgy/History.

Sources of commentaries on books, AFTER you’ve read each one during its week (sheba=oath, 7). BH list, if you are on it. New Bible Commentary, Bullinger’s Companion Bible (urged by  Jordan). List at end of ‘Theopolis Fundamentals’.

1—Apr 9 Resurrection/Easter 2023 Hebrews

2—Apr 16 Titus

3—Apr 23 1st Timothy

4—Apr 30, A. D. 2023 1 Thess

5—May 7 Phlmn

6--May 14 2 Tim.

7—May 21 2 Thess.

1 B/W + (poor in spirit) [ Matt. 23 woes] Early on I wrote the Beatitudes and  Woes in.

8—May 28 Colossians

9—Jun 4 Eph

10—June 11 2. Cor

 [A—June 18, PV] Early on, I had books per day of week, 1s by 1234567 Cleansing (Confession and Absolution) Red Sea A. D. 70

[A—June 18, PV]

11—June 25 Romans

12—July 2 Phllp

13—July 9 Galat

14—July 16 1 Corinthians

2 B/W+


15—July 23 3 John

16—July 30 Jude

17—August 6 1 Peter

18—August 13 1 John

19—Aug 20 2 John

20—Aug 27 2 Peter

21—Sep 3 [B—September  10, TBOT-MOFA] James Consecration (Readings and Sermon), Conversion of Constantine, Sinai

3 B/W+


[B—September 10, TBOTMOFA]] Earlier on, I had 4s by  4152637

22—September 17 A. D. 2023 Revelation


23—Sept 24 John


24—October 1 Mark


25—October 8 Greater Chron.


26—Oct 15 Acts


27—Oct  22 Luke


28—October 29 Matthew


4 B/W+

--hunger and thirst--

29—Nov 5 The Twelve

30—Nov 12 Dan.

31—Nov 19 Jer-Lam

32—Nov 26  Isaiah

[TC #1—Dec 3 TC #1—Dec 9] 8s by 8531642 Bread [TC #2—Dec 10 TC #2—Dec 9] 8s by 8531642 Wine, Conquest of Promised Land, Conversion  of Iceland, Communion

33—Dec 17 Esther

34—Dec 24 Ezekiel

35—December 31 Kings

5 B/W+ [merciful]

36—January 7 Ecclesiastes

37—Jan 14 Prov.

38— Jan 21 Psalms

39—January 28 Samuel

40—Feb 4 [EAT] Song, 41—Feb 4, [EAT]Job--42 Feb 4 [EAT] Ruth

6 B/W+--Pure in heart--

T 43—Feb 11 Judges

H 44—Feb 18 Deut.

E 45—Feb 25 Leviticus

E 46—March 5 Genesis

E 47—Mar 11 Joshua

O 48—Mar 18 Numb.

S 49—Mar 25 Exodus

March 31, A. D. 2024 is Resurrection/Easter


What I’ll do next

1—Expand layers unto Christendom training. 2.Do the twelve POFSPEGs. 3. PREBUILTNEWNEW 4. Crypto, trusts for grands? 5. Add North to Bible books commentaries. 6. Carlson Companies do the community currencies?

ChronoBank Launches Website Promoting Labor-Backed Cryptocurrency

According to the company, its “Labor Hour tokens” will allow employers to enter into profitable short-term recruitment contracts with new employees. In a press release, the team noted that their idea is simply a refresh of a form of money that has been used for centuries, with hundreds of “time-banks” issuing already existing time-based currencies.


Top 5 Physical Asset-Backed Cryptocurrencies | CoinCodex

3. PAX Gold (PAXG) - Gold-backed. 4. Petro (₽) - Physical Reserve-backed. 5. Real estate-backed custom tokens. Verdict. Today, it is relatively easy to invest in, exchange and utilize cryptocurrencies even if you're not familiar with blockchain technology and technical details of how and why it works.

7, Wooden Nickels: Tulip Time Tokens Precedents. Edencity/AOL. Also: Worldwide community Currencies Economic Development And: Like Airline Miles Cash Back Trading Stamps for Smartphone And: PREBUILT NEW NEW Pre-eminence, Strategy of; Risk Reversal; Endorsement; Unique Sales/Service Proposition; Indirect, no—Direct ads; Love your client, not your product; Test; Address decision-maker and No one else; Make it Easy to do business; Tell ‘em Why; Address their Needs; Educate your way out of a problem; If it Works, keep doing it

Do an Opus 3, solo. JBJ asked ‘What did God do after he created everything? He married to parts together’. We do this by initiating/questioning for response/answering for 4 weeks, so each of the twelve better develops its own strategy and action.

Ted Williams Story

Reminds me of a Ted  Williams story. (He had .342 lifetime, and walked one in 7 plate appearances--the most difficult man to get out in major league history). Lou Boudreau had invented the Williams shift. overloading the right side. They told Ted he could hit.600 if he just dumped the ball into left. He said, 'No, I'd lose my  stroke'. Same with me.


When I do an Opus 3, 12 Initiations, x 4 = 48. Responses could be at the Liturgy Mountains (PV, TBOTMOFA, Bread and Wine). That should take up the coram/year, with week 49/Exodus for succession.

IR =city (community) is Hebrew. We’re marrying the 12 POFSPEGs. Opus 3.

The following could be categories in which to make one’s Initiations.

B R SH Ta proto-liturgy of the letter words of the first word of the Bible. House, Head, Eat (Fang), Cross.

Speech , Persons, Organizations—see Chapter 5 of Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief’.

Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact—Jordan

Me, I, We, They—ERH

Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective—Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy.

But I don’t have to start until Resurrection/Easter Anno Domini 2023.

Charles Howard Hartman 1404 Broadway, Pella, Iowa, USA 50219