Monday, July 19, 2021

Toward Peace 12

 Toward Peace 12

1—On Jordan’s 49-book Bible, see at Biblical Horizons, ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament. Re-retuned, and backward, so start with Hebrews, end with Exodus. (From Rev. 5:12-7:12 (Ascension pictured) universe is retuned. Days names from churches, thus re-retuned. Also days of Axial Age, pr ‘Christian Future, sandwiched between Already and Not Yet—Jesus, Lao-tse, Abraham, Buddha and add Opera (Greek Theater plus Song). What book?

2—Liturgy written on year, so where in liturgy?

3—Matthew, timelines at end, from genealogy at start. 2. ‘100Most Important Evens in Church History,’ and Fuller’s chronology of technology from ‘Critical Path’. More possible. Dive into 42nds.

4—Mark. Business Servants. 2again. Those come to mind and from the 7 Days (7 is Fall) of Creation. 7 ends with 8 Resurrection, 9 Ascension, 10, Pentecost, 11, A. D. 70, 12 Already Not Yet Great Day.

5--Luke—How is Jubilee anticipated, Shown  in book?

6—John. Tabernacle being built. Seen Weeks 43-49. How Tabernacle (furnished)?

--2 added, omegalphacity and bothand3and

7—ERH show in  ‘Fruit of  Our Lips’ that Jesus superseded, respectively, tribes by Matthe, empires by Mark, Israel by Luke, and Greece by John. He ‘omega-ed’ them so we could alpha. 1/49

8—Also 1/49 Jordan’s small book “Vindication  of Jesus Christ’. It show destruction of whoe Old Creation, so we could alpha toward the New Jerusalem.

9—Maimonides’ 613, 1/49thed, using Meyers’ 5: What meant to individual in old, to corporate, fulfilled in Jesus, corporately now, individually now.

10—Then 1/49 the 2250 commands (imperative stems, ‘Magna Carta Latina’: ERH) in the New—and articulate them  through civil magistrate and family/house/business.

11—25 key values of the Trinity, e. g., solved one and many problem, Greece and Rome couldn’t (Cochrane ‘Christianity and Classical Culture’)

12—Bothand, Chalcedon: Jesus Christ is both true God of true God and true Man of true Man, without Separation, confusion, mixture, division… . How manifested? See light as both particle and wave. What else is hidden in creeds? Logic: Sheffer stroke (not both the one and the other) can be used to derive Russell and Whitehead’s 5 operators in ‘Principia Mathematica’ so what math arises from both/and?

Both not both the one/

And the other and both the/

One and the other.


Thursday, July 15, 2021

2 new layers

 No to the 100 thousand yes to 2 new layers

I almost decided to stay in Pella and sell, avoiding the long commute and the possibility of mandatory jab, but…

I got 2 new layers of eternal calendar*.

I asked myself, what’s after ‘the next 1000 years’?

The answer may not be.

But another layer divides Rosenstock’s “Fruit of Our Lips’ into 49, and ditto with Jordan’ ‘Vindication of Jesus Christ’ (about Revelation.

It adds the imperative; Maimonides’ 613, and 2250  (800 categories) in the ‘new testament’.

Rosenstock holds that, respectively Matthew, Mark, Luke , and John tell how Jesus superseded the  social orders, again respectively, to tribes, empires, Israel and Greece, again respectively.

Jordan’s short Revelation work (a brief reader’s guide) tells how Jesus ‘omega’ed’ the whole old creation.

Thus, all was ‘omega-ed’ so the imperative stem imperatives could alpha on  the way to the New Jerusalem.

I call that layer ‘omegalphacity’

UGH! But descriptive. A name (vocative0 is a half-imperative, and Rosenstock held that every Latin verb form is based on a short imperative stem.


The eternal calendar if the life of Christ and our response. He superseded (‘omega’ed’) and we are to alpha, build the city.

==These layers are on  the 49 book Bible of Jordan at Biblical Horizons, ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament. I reversed ‘em, retuned the retuning, and thus go from Hebrews to Exodus. I write a liturgy in also. Thie ‘Jubilee Calendar’ seems good, but more may comm in the 4th millennium.


The first layer of eternal Calendar is church year, developed over centuries. (Christmas 336, Advent 555…) The second layer is the Gospels Layer. The 3rd layer is omegalphacity. The 4th layer puts 25 key truths about Trinity, and 24 key truths about Jesus Christ as both true God and true Man onto the 49 weeks

of the Jubilee Calendar.

Thus we respond.

Maybe I’ll be given more, Deo Volente.


Saturday, July 10, 2021


 'Book'egesis Do the 8 in a chronological row tell us of resurrection, incarnation?

In 'The Twelve' perNew Bible Commentary (JBJ recommended) the first 4 are not in chronological order, the last 8 are.
Is this order Spirit-inspired? Can we deduce anything?

Compare aChristian Sociology of 3 covenants and 4 fronts (ER--forward, in , back, out). A 12.
Put em on an octave of 7 white keys and 5 black.
Priortize your 12 small enthusiastic groups--one per spot.

Then use this a the tune for you 'Hebrew Cadence-d' Psalm, as I did for 117/150:6.

Two methods.

Love in King Jesus,


Deep Slavery

 More on a Facebok post, this is good gist and grist

Deep Slavery.
We're FAR worse than Jefferson. Intermediated by the violence of the 'state,' it's a war of all vs. all.
Jefferson was only taxed @ 3% under the British. we're @ 50%,or more.
Future free people, will they 'cancel' us?Note: JBJ says the university has already superseded the state, ERH says it'll be small, enthusiastic groups.
At least Jefferson realized that there was slavery. We don't.
Where's our McDonogh--look him up on wikipedia.
Biblicist can compare 'servants, all of all' to 'slave, all to all'.


Monday, July 5, 2021

Sustainable Stuart Omegalphacity Naming Rights

 Sustainaable Stuart Omegalphacity Naming Rights

3 Parts. Last first.

3--Naming Rights is a new sport. I’ll get some videos posted. Until then, nothing.

2—Omegalphacity.Takes Jordan’s Revelation work, ‘Vindication of Jesus Christ,’ and Rosenstock’s ‘Fruit of Our Lips’ and writes them on the ‘Godpels Layer of the Eternal Calendar,’ along with Maimonides 613 OT laws, and the 2250/800 in the New Testament, to make a 3rd Layer of the Eternal Calendar.

The Life of Christ and our response. Eternal Calendar: ERH.

Both Jordan and Rosenstock hold that Jesus Christ destroyed the old (omega-ed it) so the new alpha, the Church first and what flows from it later,  via, I say, imperative stems. Use Meyers’ formula—what did it mean then individually, corporately, how was it fulfilled in Christ, what does it mean now corporately, individually.

Put 10 for Matthew, 11, for Mark, 11 for Luke, 17 for John—from ‘Fruit’.

Use Jordan’s ‘Vindication’ and get 49 summary statements.

Divide the 613 and 2250/800 into 49, and use them.

Hesus destroyed the old, we build the New Jerusalem.

1—Sustainable Stuart. It’ll be an example for other communities. As Captain Stuart built a town to serve the food growers along the Big Mover of the day (railroad) so we build a town to serveother food-growing towns along the internet.

We use the centralized, but live in community.

2 big items and some smaller. Food – a ton of vegetables a day for @ 2000 people, that’s a pound. Do ‘Food, Not Lawns, Portable Farms, techniques to grow food in Arctic winters.

For energy, 2 things. 1—If I’d won  the lottery, I’d pay the utility to prepare stored equipment safely to rebuild locally  in case of EMP (Gingrich afterword to  ‘One Second After,’ Koppel ‘Lifhts out’ 2009 Federal government report. Also, Ford had an early car with a wwitch for ethyl alcohol and gasoline, plus Brazil 100% ethanol cars, plus race cars.


Much more.

Friday, July 2, 2021

Omegalphacity Brief Summary

3r Layer Toward New Jerusalem Omegalphacity

First Layer of Eternal Calendar: Church Year and Readings (Psalm, OT, Gospels, Epistles)

2nd Layer: Gospels Layer. See The Next 1000 Years, Toward Peace 2 in Eternal Calendar on Facebook. Websites to come for all these, and the new sport, ‘Naming Rights’

3rd :Layer: Rosenstock’s ‘Fruit of Our Lips; How God’s Word Became the Speech of Mankind’. He writes that Matthew show how Christ ‘omega=ed’ the tribal social order, Mark Empires, Luke Israel and John Greece. That being done, mankind could go forward (toward New Jerusalem, CHH) with imperatives (imperative stems, ‘Magna Carta Latina’).

So the first 10 of 49 will be about Matthew, the next 11 weeks Mark, then 11 of Luke and 17 of John. Interlaced will be 613 commands from OT, and @2250 (800) New Testament. Show how one begets the other, and builds the alpha, the Church, so  it will grow (into) society.

This is all on the 49-book (week) matrix of the 2nd Layer, which has a liturgy in it as mountains of time.

The third part of this 3rd layer, after MMLJ and commands, is Jordan’s work on Revelation—how it shows the destruction of The Whole Old. Intersperse summational quotes from ‘The Vindication of Jesus Christ’ with passages from Revelation.

Thus we begin.