Sunday, January 29, 2023

Pay me in Wallies. Scientifiction

 Pay me in Wallies, or Amzees, or Bookies! Seientifiction helps.

I had thought nations as trade routes (Anderson, 'Territory',) was a key one of the 12 small enthusiastic groups of ERH. I still do, but another scientifiction work helped me further--the short, in the background distinction between corporate states and territorial states in Heinlein's 'Friday. (It also  helps with AI persons).
Now I'm thinking that if those who really run things (though 'The heart of the king is in  the hand of the Lord. He turns it wheresoever He will') want cental bank digital currencies, they'll get them, though the technological basis for corporate currencies exists. 'Sears Certificates' no more--I had that idea years ago, decades. When Sears did 2% of the retail business of these uSA.Now we have smartphone technology and  much else that would make corporate money viable--IF, I say if, if the 'big boys and girls' want it.
Examples abound. Lolli, corporate rewards and Jay Abraham's statement that any compeny can  issue their own currency--for barter, he emphasizes.
SoI'll concentrate on countering the Plagua of Loneliness by encouraging elder to reach out for book writing. Elevate the fast food worker by putting him/her into the stream of history: Fire,  Agricultural Revolution, taming of cows, rubber for auto tire, HenryFord, Benz, etc and Rockefeller saving the whales by  turning a  pollutant to kerosene, etc.God wrote books, so should we.  What would be 1-42 (on 'Thousand Year' platform, of fast food,of engineering, or selling?
My verse is 'all authority' and John 1:1.Watch this space. Even the Post Office sells Forever Stamps.
Pay me in Wallies, or Amzees, or Bookies! Seientifiction helps.


Saturday, January 28, 2023

Burke Tapping Medical

 Dear Burke:

Yes, tapping was helpful. I'm now VERY pleased with my cranio-sacral therapist. She has hands that sense things in my body that I'm unable to fathom. The best book on CST is 'Cranio-Sacral Therapy: Touchstone for Natural Healing' here
Keith Scott-Mumby's'Medicine Beyond' is GREAT. The universes is patterns and information. (He goes too far in the last few chapters)EFT is what you're looking for re; tapping. It's been a while, but please search EFT Tapping and you'll get much info. On Facebook Sanja Cooklin is a good source.
There's much  more to healing than I've thought. The 7th  Day  Adventist was very good for my attitude/Christendom when I was suffering from 'lackof-informed-consent' Remdesivir. Not much can be done (yet) with 'lack-of-informed-consent' blinding. 'When he went to the laser, your central vision was gone'--only one eye though, and there is e-sight, as I get back after a year.But, for EFT tapping, search that or contact Sanja, but CST is really good, and Mumby is a GREAT read. He does his research.
Mumby introduced us to SCENAR, a laser/vibrational modality that has kept me from tooth extraction, and promises some help with  minor tinnitus.
Love in King Jesus,


Psalm 117 with Hebrew Cadence Make me music!

 Note: 3 can be 1 or 2 or 3, 5 can include 6 or 7.

Perhaps we can sing Hebrew Cadence also.
Cascione, after Jordan, after Casuto sees the number of times something is mentioned in a pericope as important. He uses this Hebrew Cadence to exegete parts of the New Testament, finding it. ‘Repetition in the Bible’ is his work.
This nobody has done something with Psalm 117, with 150:6, thus.
There are 5 commands to  praise, 6 praisers, and 7 Praised. KJV
Assigning one note of 7 to each, we would sing note5 for praise!, 4 to praiser, and 3 to Praised, thus:
5 O praise
3 the Lord
4 all ye nations
5 Praise
3 Him
4 all ye peoples
3 For His mercifulkindness is great
4 toward us
5 Praise
4 ye
3 the Lord
4 Let everything that hath breath
5 Praise
3 The Lord
5 Praise
4 ye
3 the Lord
It would be even better to use Hebrew.
I pray that Pastor Keuning will help the immusicate nobody, patternist, translate this.

Plague of Loneliness

 Finally, cut early death rate in half?


Using such resources a 'Timetable of History', a cure for loneliness, secondary to the church, will be forthcoming. Basically en elder encourages members andto-be-members to have 42 steps in their job or calling, occupation or vocation, and together a book is written. 42 because the last 7 weeks of the coram (celebration of resurrection anno mundi) are for making explicit the 12 small enthusiastic groups.

More later. The Ghost is giving me this in stages, reminds me of Johnson's statement in 'Creators'.


Plague of Loneliness

JBJ mentioned this in 'Crisis..', that people are lonely. Mercola has a couple recent articles on about life being cut short by loneliness. I've heard of 'Bowling Alone' and one of the key points I took away from Jenkins' work, about Africa going from 10% Christian to 46% in a century was that because of  urbanization, they missed village life, but found it in the church.

I have a plan, based on the 'Thousand Year' platform. Secondary to membership.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Kunstler's a Democrat--my verse

 A recent posting on libertarian by Democrat Kunstler of'The Long Emergency'

He'd say, if the article went deeper, that it's all part of Peak Oil, etc.We'd (JBJ) say it's all part of Jeremiah Time and (Peter 'Theopolis Fundamentals')/or the move of the center of Christendom elsewhere, perhaps the Global South/Africa.

This is a short article.Please read it, between  deciding what verse ('The just shall live by faith') will spark the next reformation--Chesterton like 'reform' because if presupposes 'form'). Mine is '...all authority...'.
Love in King Jesus,
PS: I'm considering becoming an electronic evangelist to Africa via social media, using addition layers of 'Christ caused all' to become books.

Friday, January 20, 2023

Tim and Staci Angel Investors for the Parallel Economy

Dear Tim and Staci:

Tim and Stace: Angel Investors in the Parallel Economy

I've been thinking about how I'd invest (and have, in a small way).

This assumed it's WORSE than we can possibly imagine).

Though I think it's also better and stranger.

I'd invest a relatively small sum ($10k) in many productive household enterprises. Loan the $10Ksoyou'll be sure to get your money back, but get some stock to make the big money. (Peter Thiel has $5 Billion in his Roth IRA. He invested in start up stocks)

Let's think FAANG. Facebook started in a college dorm as adating app. Apple was a garage business. Amazon moved to  Seattle becaus the BIG Powell's books was there--it sold books online to start. Nature's Grocery started with a woman selling supplements to housewives. (Netflix I don't know about. Google was a couple of college guys at Stanford. Gold Bond Stamps (now Carlson Companies) started with $38 borrowed from his landlady.



--Each prospective company would submit a business plan. You'd loan them the money and get a stock kicker)

What projects? Food (Pella area self-sufficient in vegetables, a Gardening  Guide/chickens, eggs/ I was butchering 12 rabbits a week in Stuart/Portable Farms (search) aquaponics.
Clothing--there seem to be  plenty in Pella, but sewing? Africa?
Shelter--notmany homeless, but 3D printed tiny homes might be something
Delco--decades ago, batteries were what farmers used when there was no rural electrification. Musk's Wall? Ted Koppel's'Lights Out' tellsof the vulnerability of the grid,and there are new solar/wind/other ideas abounding.

That's a start.

I have some books.

You could scale this through CJ Wiley (he talked to Christ the Redeemer about the productive household).

Anderson of Oskaloosa could be your computer person.

Love in King Jesus,


Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Host A 8001 SmyrnaCoram of 849

 Host A 8001 SmyrnaCoram of 849


This will have 2 parts, supplement to Church Yeas:

    1—1-42 Weeks (Sheba, 7/oath) of JBJ’s 49 book Bible, 8531642, backward

    2—8 sets of 1-42


b—Music (include Psalter and Repetition)

c—Redemption/Holy War/Maturity (include ERH from Chapter 5 of Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief)

d—‘Contagious Disciple Making’—a million, 80,000, the 26 plus technique of person of peace and now    cities

e—IMPORTANT: Integrating the lonely into fellowship, per JBJ ‘Crisis, Opportunity’ This would mean that each new person is helped to a 1-42 of calling or work, one part per week after summary. Plurality of elders helps mature

f—Technology, Matthew, Fuller ‘Critical Path’

g—Business Servants, Mark(later 12x12 of days)

h—Other: King Jesus and Psalm 2, Eschatological Argument



Import parts from these

--Each part can be improved—

Jesus born @ 4000 AM, but with wait of 80, so 4000 Anno Mundi, plus 70 for A. D.70= 4150 AM

Is Anno Domini 70. Add 2023 less 70 means 1953 + 4150 = 6153, divided by 7+ 849, so this is Smyrna coram (celebration of resurrection anno mundi) of heptad 849 since Creation. I could be wrong.


Note: JBJ’s audios on Revelation says that between 5:12 and 7:12is the Ascension, and among changes,GodTrinity retunes the universe from 1234567 to 4152637 (thus our day of week from planets/gods thereof. I retune that and flip it and add self-reference to get 8531642, naming years and days f week. Q.O.L.ymm!!!, Sardis, Pergamos, Ephesus, , Philadelphia, Thyatira, SmyrnaCoram. ‘Coram’ is year, ‘ymm!!’is a homophone of yom=day, with the ‘yum’ eating. (QOL is from Sinai)


THERE IS MORE. THIS IS A START. There are many improvemets to be made.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

HA! Unz says it's obesity

 HA! Unz says it's obesity?

'Since we know that the severity of the Covid illness is heavily influenced by obesity, this strongly reinforces our conclusion that Covid infections were the main driving factor in these mortality differences.'

(He also has written that it's an American biowarfare thing.)

Monday, January 9, 2023

47 Years Ago

 This is more important than that 47 years ago I signed (one of 12) to start Libertarian Party of Iowa. Nothing much has happened. So, I have 'grandchildren, not all biological from me, to carry on.

Solving the loneliness problem
Dear Friends (I tell all):
'You are lonely...': JBJ in 'Crisis,Opportunity, and the Christian Future'. How to solve this, one way to attempt such solution, is the subject of the rest of this post.
As an aside, in my next post, I'll detail TNT YAPS for April 9, Anno Domini 2023. Resurrection/First Fruits/Easter Sunday. (Oddly, I rename the years and days, so this is Hebrews sheba (week), Q.O.L.ymm!!!, of PhiladelphiaCoram 848. Now, in this post I only address the loneliness situation. We must actively listen to their yaps, for the Christian Era is when liabilities are turned into assets.
One way to actively listen is to ask a member to write the history of their work (vocation or occupation, calling or employment) in 42 stages. Thus a teacher would limn education, a policeman law and enforcement. 42, one per week. (The last 7 is for the tabernacle of TNT YAPS--The Next Thousand Years, A Prayer Supplement).

One of the elders would write a book, collect the essays the the respective this week's limnation. This would be a 'book'
This probably would not work for a Papal/Pastor, you'd need what JBJ tells of: elders.
Thus lonely ones would be less lonely, they'd each be important.
Love in King Jesus,

Saturday, January 7, 2023

The Echatological argument is most powerful

 The eschatological argument  is the most powerful

You will die. Jesus will judge you on this. How will you stand?

Solving the loneliness problem

 Dear Friends (I tell all):

'You are lonely...': JBJ in 'Crisis,Opportunity, and the Christian Future'. How to solve this, one way to attempt such solution, is the subject of the rest of this post.

As an aside, in my next post, I'll detail TNT YAPS for April 9, Anno Domini 2023. Resurrection/First Fruits/Easter Sunday. (Oddly, I rename the years and days, so this is Hebrews sheba (week), Q.O.L.ymm!!!, of PhiladelphiaCoram 848. Now, in this post I only address the loneliness situation. We must  actively listen to their yaps, for the  Christian Era is when liabilities are turned into assets.

One way to actively listen is to ask a member to write the history of their work (vocation or occupation, calling or employment) in 42 stages. Thus a teacher would limn education, a policeman law and enforcement. 42,  one per week. (The last 7 is for the tabernacle of TNT YAPS--The Next Thousand Years, A Prayer Supplement).

One of the elders would write a book, collect the essays the the respective this week's limnation. This would be a 'book'
This probably would not work for a Papal/Pastor, you'd need what JBJ tells of: elders.

Thus lonely ones would be less lonely, they'd each be important.
Love in  King Jesus,