Thursday, November 26, 2020


 Deo Volente. A citizen is one who can put it back together after it all falls apart: ERH.

1—‘Things fall apart’ amidst ‘Abundance’—the book. 2—Jordan amens this in ‘Through New Eyes,’ but warns against ‘playing God’.

3—We can pray though, CHH. 4—Rosenstock (ERH) stated that any new technology increased reach, shortened time, and destroyed old groups.

5—In Dartmouth lectures, ‘Universal History 1954” ERH held that the next social order would be ‘small, enthusiastic groups’—tribes without perpetual warpath, as nation states were empires without slavery, and the church was Israel without exclusions. Thus, a chiasm of history. Jordan held to successive emphases on The, Father, The Son, The Holy Ghost. These can both be symphonically.

6—I attempt to base these groups on A Christian Sociology of 3 institutions and 4 fronts, and prioritize to make a tune, a la ‘The Twelve’—‘New Bible Commentary has basics, no tune.

7—Thus ‘A Thousand Year Prayer’/Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar’—the life of Christ and our response. 9Chalcedon)

8—I’m writing this. Good website and downloads 2021, app 2022? Grandchildren of godparents are to be on board.

If you

ever in your life had a bright idea, or a new instinct, or a new change of heart,

Sir, make this the cornerstone of your understanding of the universe and you

will understand that the universe begins with creation. And

it ends in incarnation, because that's the experience of every potent and creative

man in the world. But you look outside and try to deduce by your little brain,

not by your experience of your heart how the world begins, and how it should be

run. You'll never solve it, gentlemen. You'll remain a selfish, inarticulate

animal. If the spirit moves you, you will see how simple

things are, gentlemen. Love begins, and hope

keeps you going, and faith. And in the end, your grandchildren

will bless you.


Charles Howard Hartman, Thanksgiving Anno Domini 2020. Thursday November 26

PhiladelphiaYMM!!!, Jeremiah-Lamentations Sheba, EphesusCoram871

Kennedy halves to your grandchildren, bills for ‘postage’.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Tune of next era

  With A (not The) Christian Sociology of 3 institutions and 4 fronts, laid out on an octave of 7 white and 5 black keys, and striking the important things first, you have a Psalm tune for this era. 'Deus vult!' would differ, so would 'Hier stehe Ich'. I've done 117 with 150;6. Compare 'The Twelve' a theodicy NOT put in the Bible chronologically, but which makes a tune. Also, firt 4 notes of Beethoven's 5th, articulated.

Monday, November 16, 2020

Hebrew Chanting of Psalms Unites Christendom 2.0

 War Songs 2 point 0 Prayerfully Consider

1—What do I know? Use the Theopolis Psalter(s) as a base.

2—Start with JBJ’s 146 Psalms (Psalms Conference)

3—Get the Psalms work he did for monthly donors—key concepts in bold.

4—Maybe the bolded would be good for cymbal use (Psalm 150).

5—What do I know?

6—Unify Christendom by chanting in Hebrew ALSO.

7—Use an interlinear printed out.

8—OOPS! I forgot, put them and summaries on Jubilee Calendar (See ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament’,and Luke 4) I did it, have that somewhere.

9—Put Hebrew sounds in order to translate and chant.

10—Your grandchildren and their grandchildren will bless you.

11—Remember, the Psalms are the Bible in miniature.

12—Yes to Pentecost, yes to 5/6 of the Bible is in Hebrew, yes to being abe to read upside down and backward.

Note: Arabic letter have different shapes, depending on where they are in a word—first, last, middle. Wonderfulneses abound.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

War Songs 4.0

 War Songs 4 point 0 is Psalm 117 with end of 150 verse 6

I have 4 to post. 2.0 is about Hebrew. 3.0 explains this. Then there’s Week 30, 12 groups and 4 initiation, questions.

To understand this, you need 3.0, but the basic idea is that the tune reflects the importance of the small, enthusiastic group, one of 12 in A Christian Sociology of 3 institutions and 4 fronts.

I maintain that it’s 1, 4, 9, 12, aa…, that is Forward in Church, Outward in Church, Forward in World, etc.

1—1, 4, 9 is flipped. (This is for the first coram of the next 1000, however long that is).

2—There are 5 commands to praise, 6 praisers, 7 Praised.

3—Praised is Low=1.

4—Praisers is  Middle=4.

5—Praise is High=9.

6—Co-workers tell me the ‘Sound Hound’ app or the ‘Score Cleaner app’ will print a score/sheet music from sung/played tunes. I’m out ot it, in ‘tardema’

7—So, Psalm 117 with 150;6. JBJ said once that each Psalm of a respective Book (of 5) ends with the last verse of that book.

9—O praise

1—the Lord

4—All ye nations



4—All ye people

1—For His merciful kindness is great

4—toward us

1—And the truth of the Lord endureth forever



1—the Lord

4—Let everything that hath breath


1—the Lord



1—the Lord

8—Psalm tune will vary according to emphases in the 12 parts of A Christian Sociology. ‘Deus vult!’ seems to be a 4. What do I know?


Tuesday, November 3, 2020


 Timing and Week 28

For the week starting Oct 25, 2020 I received the idea that I should anticipate the last 49 years, written acrossBuildUp )the final 7 weeks) by subtracting the number of the week, from the year we are in, thus 2020 less 27 is 1993—what happened then. See Wikipedia entry.

This would get us into the flow of what’s important, and when it happened.

Also, add subtracting 7 x, thus 27x7 is 168. 2020 minus 168 is 1852, or 1849-1855.

Do the same for 7x7, or 7x7x27= 1323, so 2020 minus 1323 is 609, the 7 years of which it is the center.

Pick other things to put in, such as Dr. King’s view of 100,000 humans 100,000 years ago, that we couldn’t build the pyramids today, and thirdly, ‘America Before’.

And, timing: Next year, ebook and downloadable calendar; the year after, app.

--Now to week 28;

Anomaly—Do Heaven and Hell Really Exist? From Montgomery’s little booklet ‘How do we know there is a God?’

Matthew, from Fuller’s “Critical Path’ chronology of technology: 1856-1884, a big one being Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory, among many.

Matthew, from ‘100 Most Important Events in Church History’: 1807 British Parliament Votes to End Slave Trade’ On this, read Sowell’s ‘Black Rednecks…’ also.

Mark, Business Servants: 2, 1—How the Festival Laws transformed Israel from agriculture to city, and 2--Pasteur vs. Bechamp (disease, vaccinations).

Luke, it’s Matthew: How does this show Jubilee prophecy fulfilled. (Also, is part of that prophecy of Isaiah that of telling the truth so that they WON’T see?)

John, tabernacle—do we see it historistically (sic) in the periods of sevens revealed in Week 27?

--Upcoming: Week 30-38, refinement of 12 Productive Small Oath-Formed Profitable Enthusiastic Groups. PSOFPEG. The advantage of profitability is that others, attracted by profits, will ‘do it better’—Mimesis, Girard. Also, if your outgo exceeds your income your upkeep will be your downfall.

--Example, #11 (of 12) Back in World. LocalOnline.

This is caused by the prospect of a Great Default, the inability of the state system to work. (Barzun says we will learn to read and write again, even though the cyberneticists rule, e. g.) Rosenstock holds that any technological change DESTROYS old institutions, while it enables us to reach/act farther, and quicker)

5 areas; Food, Energy, LocalOnline, Import/Export, Legitimacy.

Food can be handled by the techniques used to grow vegetable in the Arctic winter (indoors), aquaponics, gardening and storing, etc.  Energy awaits some battery improvement, so that they can be charged and delivered like ‘Delcos’ in the past, and Heinlein’s ‘shipstones’ in ’Friday, science fiction. (Koppel, in ‘Lights Out’ details the vulnerability of the electric grid to hacking, and Gingrich re: ‘One Second After’ details vulnerability to EMP, which Rockwell ‘EMP Hoax’ defies. 2000+ nuclear explosions, no electric grid failure.) Local/Online is  shown by Zoom classes in STEM subjects, and more. Import/Export welcome back exporter individuals who have been successful away, to starts remote businesses in the old home town. Legitimacy will come from local currency for one—done 3500-4500 times around the world, and/or such things as Bancor is doing to develop local currencies/communities in Kenya, and more.

These should be implemented, but the Roseto Effect is about COMMUNITY, not food or anything else. The Old Home Town exports food and people. Iowa, e.g., about in the middle of population in these uSA, has more people than were in the colonies in 1776, and far more energy. Roseto Effect: No heart attacks in a community of gardening immigrants, with many festivals.