Thursday, August 19, 2021

GoodCoin initial

 Few readthis--stored for storage

Host A 4032 GoodCoin Leithart

Dear Peter:

Benefit: I’ll give $100 when you activate a study/action group on GoodCoin, WordCoin, PeaceCoin…

Second: This should solve Theopolis funding, especially if the Bitcoin Pizza Dat 10,000=$25 to Bitcoin @ $30,000plus can be adapted.

Third:  This would do good.

Fourth: It’d be an example.

Facts from past, present, future:

Past: Berman tells of medieval cities receiving charters, which included the authority to mint their own money. Also, shekel of the temple and ordinary shekel.  The aforementioned Bitcoin Pizza Day—10,000bitcoin for a pizza order.

Present: Akoin will be used in a city to be built in Africa on land given to that popular African singer. A cryptocurreny: Monet2.0 (search) says Altucher.  Bancor, a Swiss firm, is using encrypted currencies for economic development in Kenya. There are other developments. My mother used to shop at a neighboring town that had a store that only sold things for Gold Bond stamps, received for purchases at grocery stores, etc.

Future: Doug Casey’s book ‘Assassin’ had a currency that paid for spying on the corrupt businessmen and politicians—the Paladin (‘Have Gun, Will Travel’). Investors could buy in early at something like the Bitcoin Pizza Day price. In a review in ‘Asimov’s’ of Robinson’s ’Vision for the Future,’ mention is mae of a currency based on removal (takedowns) of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.


The GoodCoin/PeaceCoin/WordCoin might be based on Matthew 25: 31-46.

--We’ve had Benefits. We’ve had Past, Present, Future. We’ve had THE TAKEAWAY.


There’s more to be said, but we don’t need many pastors (the expression ‘tits on a boar’ comes to mind).

Possible members: The great marketer, Orthodox Jew, Jay Abraham—he’d want equitey, hed’ be worth it. Tom Woods, James Altucher, George Gilder, Doug Casey, Gary DeMar, Mike Bull, persons in your circle who want a society based on helping, respect, mutual indwelling. Second Career Men/pastors would be LK. You can think of many. Former Senator Santorum has ‘cathio’. He thinks it can run the whole Roman Catholic church. Peter Diamandis—this is a ‘massive transformational purpose’. North issceptical but does hold to the subjective theory of value—a thing isworth what someone will pay for it.

Our big challenge will be going rom Bitcoin Pizza Day to Bitcoin $30,000.

We could start slowly, only giving a ‘Chi Prize’ of GoodCoin/WordCoin to an organization a year, and keeping GoodCoins/PeaceCoins as in a bank account. The fellows who baptized a million ’Contagious Disciple Making’ would be a good choice.

Chuck let’s do’ Hartman

Monday, August 16, 2021

Not all is in the newspaper

 Not all is  in newspapers

Louise has written/collected asports history of Hartmans.

She leaves out a lot.

1.       In the 125th anniversary book of Guthrie Center, there’sone entry per year in on section. Some year in the 1930s there’s ONE entry. It’s something such as ‘Howard Hartman played a great football game.’

2.       His son, Chuck )The Kid) was once intentionally walked to start a slow pitch game. He stole home in fast pitch, supposedly threw out Wayne Gilman from  shortstop. 2 no-hitters in slow pitch, 3 outs in 10 games,. Chuck shot his age ambidextrously. 68, using 15” holes, and going around 9 holes twice and taking best score on each hole. Chuck stole home in fast pitch—a ‘reberry’ delayed steal.

3.       Paul Chumos made a 6-railer as opening shot (with an object ball, ‘Avalanche’ 1985.


All these are lost in 1404 Broadway house, Pella, only to be recovered in some archeloogical  dig. And don’t forget Bitcoin Pizza Day (10,000 for a $25 pizza order) and the $3000 lost because of lack or receipt for a $10,000 church donation.

But I have the glorifying updating of Capt. Stuart’s building of a community to serve food producers along the Big Mover. (Sustainable Stuart), and the glorifying updating of building the road to Dexter on Saturday morning (Stuart Wooden Nickel Highway.

And Toward Peace 12, a glorifying updating of the Eternal Calendar—first basic, Church Year. The life of Christ, The BothAnd, the #And, and our response.

What currency? What application of the Word?

 What application of the Word, what 'currency'?

Several trends come together.

First, Norman Spinrad's 'Transformation Crisis'
Second, Gurri's 'Revolt of the Public'
Third, Rosenstock's 'Technological change destroys old groups, while increasing spatial reach and decreasing the time it takes'
Fourth, Rosenstock's 'Small, enthusiastic groups are the next social order' after nation state, etc.
Fifth, Money 2.0--consider shekel of the Temple.
Sixth, Money is issued (a medium of exchange, a form of language) for purposes. Metals vs. digits.
Seventh, two new type of proposed encrypted currencies 2.0--one to get the truth out about the powerful, another to solve the climate crisis by making payment for downtake of C02 backbone of a global currency (Spinrad's review of Robinson's 'Ministry of the Future' in 'Asimov's').

But Eighth, we are in the Word, the Christian World--what language, what encrypted currency should we make--the future is what we make it, Norman Spinrad--NOW? We have examples, metals, digits, transparency, CO2 uptake.

Chuck 'calling for hard skull sweat' Hartman

imperative stems
spy on powerful
downtake CO2
treat as Jesus

Friday, August 13, 2021

My grandchildren will mature it

 My grandchildren will mature it

It took until A. D. 555 before Advent was celebrated, I've read. Christmas? 335

I have 14 assets of grandchildren to work on this, and have paid 'postage' and sent some Kennedy halves forward. I'll keep working.

In the meantime,I'll try to do one '12' a week.

Lovein KingJesus,

Chuck'all authority' Hartman

Host 4023 A Toward Peace 12

1—On Jordan’s 49-book Bible, see at Biblical Horizons, ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament. Re-retuned, and backward, so start with Hebrews, end with Exodus. (From Rev. 5:12-7:12 (Ascension pictured) universe is retuned. Days names from churches, thus re-retuned. Also days of Axial Age, pr ‘Christian Future, sandwiched between Already and Not Yet—Jesus, Lao-tse, Abraham, Buddha and add Opera (Greek Theater plus Song). What book?

2—Liturgy written on year, so where in liturgy?

3—Matthew, timelines at end, from genealogy at start. 2. ‘100Most Important Evens in Church History,’ and Fuller’s chronology of technology from ‘Critical Path’. More possible. Dive into 42nds.

4—Mark. Business Servants. 2again. Those come to mind and from the 7 Days (7 is Fall) of Creation. 7 ends with 8 Resurrection, 9 Ascension, 10, Pentecost, 11, A. D. 70, 12 Already Not Yet Great Day.

5--Luke—How is Jubilee anticipated, Shown  in book?

6—John. Tabernacle being built. Seen Weeks 43-49. How Tabernacle (furnished)?

--2 added, omegalphacity and bothand3and

7—ERH show in  ‘Fruit of  Our Lips’ that Jesus superseded, respectively, tribes by Matthe, empires by Mark, Israel by Luke, and Greece by John. He ‘omega-ed’ them so we could alpha. 1/49

8—Also 1/49 Jordan’s small book “Vindication  of Jesus Christ’. It show destruction of whoe Old Creation, so we could alpha toward the New Jerusalem.

9—Maimonides’ 613, 1/49thed, using Meyers’ 5: What meant to individual in old, to corporate, fulfilled in Jesus, corporately now, individually now.

10—Then 1/49 the 2250 commands (imperative stems, ‘Magna Carta Latina’: ERH) in the New—and articulate them  through civil magistrate and family/house/business.

11—25 key values of the Trinity, e. g., solved one and many problem, Greece and Rome couldn’t (Cochrane ‘Christianity and Classical Culture’)

12—Bothand, Chalcedon: Jesus Christ is both true God of true God and true Man of true Man, without Separation, confusion, mixture, division… . How manifested? See light as both particle and wave. What else is hidden in creeds? Logic: Sheffer stroke (not both the one and the other) can be used to derive Russell and Whitehead’s 5 operators in ‘Principia Mathematica’ so what math arises from both/and?

Both not both the one/

And the other and both the/

One and the other.


Sunday, August 8, 2021

Short explanation of mutual cannibalism

 Short explanation of mutual cannibalism--economic, , I should have said

This was brought about by the criticism of Jefferson.Thomas Sowell's 'Black Rednecks...' helps.
Some criticize Jefferson for owning slaves.That was the economic situation at that time.
Also, 2d, there still are slaves today . 'A Crime So Monstrous' UN and McCain.
That does not count other forms of slavery==addictions, sins, etc.The bigslavery is to 'the state'
Taxes now are, what 50% when all are included.We are 'Stockholm Syndromed' into it.
Now, some benefits redound to each of us, but we mutually destroy and 'eat' the body of the work of other people.Compare Jefferson--he didn't see any way out.
We don't even see our slavery.Freer societies in the future will wonder about us, judge us.

Love in King Jesus,
PS: Solution 1--more historical, futuristic fiction. The timeline in 'Probability Broach' is instructive, as is that in Szasz's 'Ceremonial Chemistry,' but instances abound.

Expanation of 'god' abdicated

 Explanation of : "god' abdicated, Christendom, war--by request

The Japanese the uSA defeated in WWII thought that the Emperor was god--a significant number did, officially.
You can look it up. MacArthur told the Emperor that he could remain as Emperor, but that he had to 'step down' from being god.
He did so.
What does this have to do with Christendom? Well, all gods must step down.
Who are these gods? Look up First Commandment.
Who thinks they are infallible?
Eastern Church, Pope in Rome, 'The Science'?
Now, war. (We've done 'god' and infallible.)
Democratic wars are very bloody. (Hoppe 'The God that Failed')
It is unBiblical to war against civilians.
Doolittle, Hiroshima, etc. (3,000 died A DAY during WWII)And now there's 5th generation warfare, as we are experiencing now.
Modern War 1. Napoleon's  mass armies. 

Then artillery, tanks, insurgents and media, and nets (networks) and jets.
We should be good at this, we Christians, given our history. Stark 'Triumph of Christianity')
Look up St. Bathilda
There's a question about who started the virus. UNZ makes a good point that it was the uSA.
CONCLUSION: Emperor stepped down from being god. Other 'infallibles' will and must. The war we are in should be seen as such, and we should study our history (date in calendar helps us remember) to do it.

I hope that helps.


Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Stuart 2 Tons A Day Vegetables

 Jim Rohret: Dear Jim. Self-sufficient in vegetable would requie, let's say 2 pounds (of the 4) per day per person, or @4000 pounds, or two tone\s It'd be a community effort. PS: Retaining our community in an internet world would require marketing TO that world. For instance, if one had invented a new sport, like 'Naming Rights' (which I have) YouTube, and a website, and marketing consulting on that would be the way t capitalize--local sales would be insufficient.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Stuart Teaches World -- At A Profit

 Stuart can teach the world. 1--Food, 2--Fuel, 3--Electricity. 1--As Captain Stuart founded a community to serve food producers along the Big Mover of the day, the railroad, Stuart 2021 can become self-sufficient , and teach other communities to do so, at a profit. Decentralized/centralized. And more--STEM, remote workers, etc.1--They grow veggies in the Arctic during the winter,. food not lawns, sprouting, portable farms aquaponics, etc.

2--Fuel. Ethanol. An early Ford car had a switch to change from gasoline to ethyl alcohol. Fill up at your nearest farmer's still. Brazil makes cars that run 100% on ethanol! Old cars, invulneralble to electro-magnetic pulse.. 3----Electricity. The grid is vulnerable (Koppel, 'Lights out'). Gingrich worries about EMP destroying the grid ('One Second After'). But Rockwell wrote 'EMP Hoax'--2000+ atomic bombs, no grid failure. With $, someone could buy (at 2x current price) enough kilowatt hours to let utility protect (Faraday cage) enough equipment to rebuild if/as/when EMP. Or 'Tesla' it! Stuart Iowa Home Town Catherine Rogers See A portable farm will cost $5,000. I have that. 20% food, stock, consulting fees. Also see 'Roseto'--when they had community, they had no heart attacks.