Sunday, August 8, 2021

Expanation of 'god' abdicated

 Explanation of : "god' abdicated, Christendom, war--by request

The Japanese the uSA defeated in WWII thought that the Emperor was god--a significant number did, officially.
You can look it up. MacArthur told the Emperor that he could remain as Emperor, but that he had to 'step down' from being god.
He did so.
What does this have to do with Christendom? Well, all gods must step down.
Who are these gods? Look up First Commandment.
Who thinks they are infallible?
Eastern Church, Pope in Rome, 'The Science'?
Now, war. (We've done 'god' and infallible.)
Democratic wars are very bloody. (Hoppe 'The God that Failed')
It is unBiblical to war against civilians.
Doolittle, Hiroshima, etc. (3,000 died A DAY during WWII)And now there's 5th generation warfare, as we are experiencing now.
Modern War 1. Napoleon's  mass armies. 

Then artillery, tanks, insurgents and media, and nets (networks) and jets.
We should be good at this, we Christians, given our history. Stark 'Triumph of Christianity')
Look up St. Bathilda
There's a question about who started the virus. UNZ makes a good point that it was the uSA.
CONCLUSION: Emperor stepped down from being god. Other 'infallibles' will and must. The war we are in should be seen as such, and we should study our history (date in calendar helps us remember) to do it.

I hope that helps.


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