Monday, December 27, 2021

3 Imperatives


There has been much disputing about this and that re: 'Covid'.
Perhaps a distillation into the imperative will help.
1--Do you calling under God. North defines calling as 'the most important thing you can do at which you would be most difficult to replace'. I command that you help others with their respective callings also. You never know what oddball will do great good.
2--Take care of yourself, health-wise, and psychologically--and take care of those in your authority.
3--Gurri. We're in a time of great change. His 'Revolt of the Public' is one of the best at describing this 'Fifth Wave'. It's as great as Writing, Alphabet, Printing Press, and Mass Media. He says that authorities must have Courage, Honesty, and Humility.

Summing up: Calling, Authority, Gurri.
Love in King Jesus,

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Do Your Thing: 'Ministry for the Future' and Jordan Bible

 Do Your Thing: 'Ministry for the Future' and Jordan Bible

This is important.

I read parts of Robinson's 'Ministry for the Future'. What I've learned so far is that when your chain saw is set at the wrong angle, the more you saw, the worse it gets. (Van Til).

He assumes the whole global warming/carbon thing, and the state/violence apparatus, so he gets what he gets.

Now, to move to the Jordan Bible. Surely that  is an imperative of the first part of 'Bible, Liturgy, Culture'. (More on that in later posts.)

49-book Bible ('Rethinking...). Use his Psalms translations--Hebrew Cadence and structure laid out. Use Luther--how'd he get 'Mighty Fortress' from 46? Also New Jerusalem's English acrostic of 25. Several 'translation' to get the gists

Dorsey--Gen-Josh. as one narrative. 'Song' is VERY good. Structure explains it.
You could even go calendar with 49 books and 4 weeks of liturgy. And 117 using Hebrew Cadence.Put in 'through New Eyes' commentaries, shortened.

Then you'd have something for thousands of years. Presuppositions show in both cases.

Lofe in King Jesus,

Chuck 'Did I tell you of the $60 billion?--third set of presuppositions--Hartman 

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Gary Christmas


It's been a good, creative year.  I'm glad I have 14 sets of grandchildren that I've sent money ahead to for the purpose of carrying on my work. Calendar for the Next 1000 Years, Money 3.0, time-appropriate Psam praysing, etc. 12 new layers to the eternal calendar.

I have recently had the results of my attempt to pull out a cramp in Louise's leg result in great gut problems. It's being worked on.

All the best to you and yours.

Thursday, December 16, 2021

The Jordan Jubilee Bible

 The Jordan Jubilee Bible:  His 'Rethinking'--49 in 7 sevens. Through New Eyes commentaries edited. His Psalms, and alternates such as Psalm 25 (English acrostic) from New Jerusalem Bible, 'Literary Structure of Old Testament excerpts--'Song' and chiasm through Joshua.  Bull's work.

Thanks, Mike.
How much?

Monday, December 13, 2021

America is Gone Bible Jordan Liturgy Year Culture Money 3.0

 America is gone. JBJ, from Christian state to university and now we know not what. ERH from nation state to small enthusiastic groups.

What to do? Well, 'Bible, Liturgy, Culture'. Bible--use JBJ's 'Rethinking ...' and do the 49 book Bible with 7 sevens. Add intros from Through New Eyes commentaries, material from 'Literary Structure of Old Testament, JBJ's Psalms translation (use many options, such as Psalm 25 as acrostic from New Jerusalem Bible, add Bull's work--again, among many).

Liturgy--write in on the 'year' from Resurrection to Resurrection. After 70 days, Public Vindication to inluude A. D. 70, Red  Sea, absolution. Another 11 to The Battle of the Mountain of Festival Assembly, Sinai, Readings and SErmon. Another 11 to Totus Christus, Connquestof Promised Land, etc. Include Europe--Constantine, Iceland.

Culture--is Money 3.0 more difficult than a foreign mission.

And write Psalms with these notes, 1 and 5 and 9.  But I've written of these.


Thursday, December 9, 2021

BH Jordan Bible Wilkins Leithart

 Steve Wilkins: Is there any interestin a

BH/Jordan Bible?

49 books, per his 'Rethinking..."
His Psalm translation and Hebrew Cadence
Maybe some of Mike Bull's 'sevens'
I'd say 8 1/2 x 11 to get the structures
Add some from 'Literary Structure of the OT;--the first 6 books, and the structure of 'Song'
Maybe two or more translation, since the New Jerusalem has Psalm 25 as an scrostic, but there's more
I have some money to invest. We'd need an editor, and someone to summarize the Through New Eyes books as intros.
I'd like to combine this with 'Money 3.0' per 'Ancient City'.
Chuck Charles Howard Hartman

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Jeremiah Time

 Jeremiah Time Money 3 point zero and more

For Jeremiah Time my ‘plot of land’ is 12 More Layers of Eternal Calendar, etc., plus Money 3.0 and Time-Appropriate Psalm Tunes. Since time equals logical steps (it’s difficult to  follow my workings now, but maybe in 100 years?) I’ve sent money ahead to various grandchildren of grandchildren.

My ‘work for the good of the city’ is about food, fuel (ethanol and conversion kits) and electricity. The food is easy (!!), the ethanol should work given that 50% of Iowa’s corn crop is devoted to it, and Brazil has 100% ethanol-fueled cars. The electricity and grid are tougher.

I’ve ordered many copies of the following: Ted Koppel’s book on the vulnerability of the grid, ‘Lights Out’ and a book on EMP (a novel   ‘One Second After) afterword by Newt Gingrich, and a book “The EMP Hoax’ which claims that there have been over 2000 nuclear bombs, and no EMP collapse.

I’ll do something in the old home town—there are more marketing avenues available for ‘Naming Rights’ pool game than there were in 1985 for the World Championship of ‘Avalanche’, but MY MAIN EFFORTS will be in my new home town, where a day of selling shopper ads will get me near decision-makers, and may 6 will  emerge that I can help make big money.

Now a little about Money 3.0. 1—‘We’ are late adopters, the pagans get there first. 2—90% are scams. 3—All until blockchain/altcoins was money 1.0. 4—There’s a lot of help on the web, and more will be coming. 5—Money 3.ois an IMPERATIVE, all else are at best ‘if-then’ or vocatives (names, ½ imperative.

6—The key use of CoinGood (not GoodCoin) is to give prizes for 3 things. A—Those who HAVE DONE Matthew 25:31-46 things. B—Those who will do what we set out as things that are rewarded with prizes. Early aviation prizes, such as that for a solo flight across the Atlantic, are examples. C—Suggestions for B. This gets cultural involvement. 8—At 100 million CoinGoods, 7000 each for each of the 15 categories would last @490 years,10 jubilees. I’ll put up $50,000 for 5 million to get it going. See the web, and Casey’s ‘Assassin’ pp. 304-314 for examples, or contact me with ‘CoinGood’ in the heading at

There’s more.


Love in King Jesus,


Chuck Hartman

PS: Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit those in prison, take in the stranger, give drink to the thirsty.

Whales a Challenge for Theology

 This is a tough on. Great statistics in short article. Plankton absorb much CO2, underwater ocean internet of things is VERY disruptive of important whales.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Time Appropriate Psalm Tunes

 Time Appropriate Psalm Tunes


Add Hebrew and Hebrew transliterations—sing Hebrew


n 'Magna Carta Latina' (I think) he (Rosenstock) mentions chanting as how men first cried out to God.

We can now do time-appropriate singing of Psalms, through JBJ, Cascione, and ERH, thus:

Count the number of times (JBJ) a concept is in a Psalm. Example: 117 with 150:6 as ending.This also follows Cascione's  Hebrew Cadence from 'Repetition in the Bible.

There are 5 commands to praise, 6 praisers (use KJV 'ye'), and 7 Praised.What  notes to use?

Put them on a 12 note octave--how?

Use 3 oath-formed areas--Garden/Church/Priest and Land/King, House/Husband-Marriage/World/Culture.

Then, using ERH's view that what's coming is small, enthusiastic groups, tribes without perpetual wafrare AS A PRAYER, WE FIND THAT THE FIRST 3 ARE lAW--1, gOSPEL--4, cALENDAR--9.

So, we play 9 for praise, 4 for praisers, 1 for Praised.

Put that in your Psalter and sing it, it might inspire the musically talented to do the more difficult ones.

