Monday, July 27, 2020

Week 15 A. D. 2020

Week 15 A. D. 2020 Eternal Calendar Company Enterprise--ECCE!
SardisYMM!!! 3JohnSheba EphesusCoram871 Week 15 A D 2020
Anomaly, from Montgomery’s ‘How Do We Know There Is A God?’ I pick ‘Isn’t the story of creation only a myth? Montgomery’s case is that Jesus thought not, and He proved Himself to be God’. There is also the Horowitz view that DNA is attuned to something greater in the universe, and that it operates by sound and light, and thus, things can happen quickly. Hancock’s ‘America Before’ is worth perusing.
Matthew: From Fuller’s ‘Critical Path’—Pascal, Boyle Newton among much. From ‘The 100 Most important Events in Christian History’—Luther’s 95 Theses. What happened in 1986
Mark: Business Servants, Jack Ma
Luke: How does 3 John show Jubilee fulfilled, and the application thereof.
John: What tabernacle will we be constructing at BuildUp. Here Mike Bull’s work helps. ‘Those Wh Hove Fallen Asleep,’ but illustrates his method--

One Page Summary of Eternal Calendar Company Enterprise as of July 27 A D 2020

One Page Summary of Eternal Calendar Company Enterprise as of July 27 A D 2020
1—Calendars organize our actions in time. Thus, this ‘new’ calendar will help you act more effectively toward Christendom, better realized.
2—Tribal social order, community celebrations. Empires, business, work schedules. Israel, ecclesiastical times. Greece, education.
3—The Eternal Calendar is the life of Christ and our response. This ‘Gospels Layer’ emphasizes response, particularly for small, enthusiastic groups,’ the next social order. ‘Universal History 1954,
4—John 21:25 tells us that if all Christ (TheBothAnd, Chalcedon) did were written in books, they’d be bigger than creation.
5—A Church Year is essential, but not complete. It’s the best we have so far of The Eternal Calendar.
6—Let’s take each Gospel—what can it add to our eternal calendar?
7—Matthew—Starts with physical genealogy, ends with assumption that we’re going, and command. Discipling ‘genealogy’.
8—Mark. ERH says empires/business, Bullinger says servant. Business Servants—and remember Proverbs 16:4. ‘Surely the Lord has made all things for himself, even the wicked for the day of calamity (‘evil’).
9—Luke. Jesus says he has fulfilled Isaiah 61 (Leviticus 25—Jubilee). I use Jordan’s 49-book Bible, to list each book, one per week, I re-retune them, and do it backwards, with a ’liturgy’ inserted, to make 53 weeks. (I have this on a grid). How does the book of each week show Jubilee fulfilled, and that applied?
10—John is a tour of the tabernacle. GodTrinity sill works that way. The last 7 weeks make a tabernacle construction, leading to Our Response of 7, 10, 12 things to do.
11—Weeks 30-38 are the Opera, the Symphony of History, that finds these 12 PSOFPEG—Productive Small Oath-Formed Profitable Enthusiastic Groups that we enact for the next Social Order—the next 1000 years, however long that is. Rosenstock held to Tribes, Empires, Israel, Greece, then He-Who-Reversed-The-Trend, then Greece is only a companion, never a social order, The Church is Israel without exclusion, the nation-state is Empires without slavery, and now we’ll have tribes without perpetual warpath. Jordan holds to a series of emphases on Persons of the Trinity, and after Christ, @700 years, the last 700 being University, and next—we don’t know.  That’s why I also name this (vocative is ½ imperative) ‘A Thousand Year Prayer’. Also, ‘Teaching Timing,’ also ‘Critical Path 1000’.
12—Other things go into the boxes of the 7x7 grid. Dates (Sundays Lord’s Days), books re-retuned backwards, entries from Fuller’s ‘Critical Path’ chronology of technology, entries from ‘The 100 Most Important Events in Church History’, a Business Servant, an event of the last 49 years, each year. Later, ‘grandchildren (through Jeremiah Time Project) may add Jeremiah’s 51 prophecies, Jordan’s 146 Psalms and Summaries, Grids are at event for Christendom (remember ‘all authority’) per heptad or decade, etc. This is not a final word, but D. V. it may be a helpful word. Grids are at chuckhartmanhistoryconductor, and in book forthcoming after next Easter (coram—celebration of resurrection anno mundi). More. Weekly at, Facebook, etc. Get on email list: More

Asimov and Flynn

On page 494 of Asimov's Foundation trilogy is The Prime Radiant, societal mathematics, with mention of mental abilities.

It's inspiring, but misses the point of epistemological self-consciousness.

A contemporary application telling of psychohistorical principles in in Flynn/s 'In the Country of the Blind'. I believe it is no accident that Flynn ends with music, an orchestration in which there are times for solos.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

12 Small Enthusiastic Groups Opera Starts Week 30 Note: 4 questions


Host A 1149 The 12 Small Enthusiastic Groups

1—Coin your own money—a beer, etc. David Pizer to get to the far future you will need monetary vehicles more reliable the the present ones, maybe derived from Altucher's 'Money 2.0,; which search?  Keep me informed. Thanks Venture to the Far Future
2—Small town—use ‘Looking Backward’ the Coralville writer. Sports Lingo
3--Someday someone will make million$ (search 'Judge Judy makes over 100 million dollars a year' with 'Christian
Courts,' which also search. I will consult on the 'et mohar' metathesis' market. Bret L. McAtee, Thomas Weddle
From Week 10

The questions, four each of 12. Consider 4s of 5s
1--Psalms—5 parts, Bible in miniature. Adam F, Garden (Tentative: Money 2.0)

2--Lists in Jordan’s ‘From Bread to Wine’.  Beth, I, Garden (Tentative: Christian Courts)

3--Ox, Lion, Eagle, Man (and tribes thereof?). Carl, B, Garden (Tentative: Godparents for Eldsters)

4--Earth Air Fire Water Quintessence, and Days of Creation.  Donna, O Garden (Tentative: 12 Word Platform)

5--B R SH T (first word of bible, proto-liturgy House Head Eat (fang) Cross.  Fred, F, Land (Tentative: Personhood Day)
6, 7, 8--4 of E. T. Hall (‘Silent Language).  Grace, I, Land (Tentative: Small Community Town)

Hall’s next 4. Howard, B, Land (Tentative: Better Languages)

2 of Hall’s (10) 2x? Irene, O, Land (Tentative: Bild A Peace Tribe)

9--Festivals, 3, then  Passover Pentecost First Fruits, (Purim) John, F, World (Tentative: Speculative Fiction Applied)
10—Trumpets, Atonement, Tabernacles (Purim) Karen, I, World (Tentative: Longevity/’Cryonics’)
11--First 4 of 10 words, then JBJ’s 5 +8, 6 +9, 7 + 10 Lawrence, B, World (Tentative: Adjusting to rapid change)

12--7 days, three in chiasm Mae, O, World (Tentative: Beatific Vision/Heaven)


Next 3 oath-formed institutions, with individual mandate to re-form bad, aunto dominion mandate of society

Church, Marriage (family), Civil Magistrate

Too future/forward, revolution

Too inward, mystic,

Too back, decadent

Too out, war.

Examples (you help?) Liberation theology is too revolutionary, but we can learn ________

Theresa of Avila was too mystic, but we can learn ________

What of the other ten?

And what small, enthusiastic groups (ofsppeg) oath-formed, small, productively profitable, enthusiastic groups (peace, no warpath—explicitly reconciling opposites

JBJ 49

Host A 1150 JBJ 49
1--Genesis 8--Ruth 15--Isaiah
2--Exodus 9--Samuel 16--Kings
3--Leviticus 10--Psalms 17--Jeremiah-Lam.
4--Numbers 11--Job 18--Ezekiel
5--Deuteronomy 12--Proverbs 19--Daniel
6--Joshua 13--Song of Songs 20--Esther
7--Judges 14--Ecclesiastes 21--The Twelve
To complete this survey, consider the following for reflection. See if you can "fill in the blanks" and if the system makes sense.

Day 1: The Light of the Law given (Genesis – Judges).

Day 2: The Firmament People established as mediators (Ruth – Ecclesiastes).

Day 3: Land and Sea (Jew and Gentile) interact (Isaiah – Twelve).

Day 4: The Governing Light Established: The Wars of Numbers and Job: The Greater Son of Man (Ezekiel).
Greater Chronicles
Day 5: The Swarms of God’s Glory Cloud Established: How to Live (Deuteronomy & Proverbs): The Climax of the History of Israel (Daniel): These are the Apostles to the Circumcision.
1 Peter
2 Peter
1 John
2 John
3 John
Day 6: God’s New Man and Bride Established: Conquests of Joshua, this time in the world: Bride (Canticles; Esther) established.
1 Corinthians
2 Corinthians
Day 7: Sabbath: Failures of Judges, Ecclesiastes, and the Twelve are answered at last. God’s future comings (Thessalonians); the future of the Church (Timothy, Titus, Philemon); the theme of entering into God’s rest (Hebrews).
1 Thessalonians
2 Thessalonians
1 Timothy
2 Timothy
Genesis – ’aleph (thousand; cp. promise to Abraham)
Exodus – beth (house; in Exodus the Tabernacle is built)
Leviticus – gimel (ripen; or recompense, re-ward, requite)
Numbers – daleth (door, entrance; enter the holy land)
Deuteronomy – he (lo! behold!)
Joshua – vav (hook, nail)
Judges – zayin (weapon; God trains Israel to war)
Ruth – heth (living thing)
Samuel – teth (a winding; goodness?; mud)
Psalms – yodh (hand)
Job – kaph (palm)
Proverbs – lamedh (ox-goad; learn, study, teach; clearly fits Proverbs)
Song of Songs – mem (water)
Ecclesiastes – nun (sprout, propagate, flour-ish, generate)
Isaiah – samekh (support; something relied on, trusted in)
Kings – ‘ayin (eye)
Jeremiah-Lamentations – pe (mouth; fits Je-remiah)
Ezekiel – tsaddi (related to "capture" and "righteous"; both fit Ezekiel, the tsadiq)
Daniel – qoph (ape; eye of a needle)
Esther – resh (head)
The Twelve – shin (tooth, jaw)
Greater Chronicles – tav (sign, cross)

BuildUp One Per Year

Fill in these blanks?
Maybe one each in Garden, Land, World
Check Wikipedia entry for each year
2020 To Be Determined
2019 North, ‘Christian Economics’--Student’s Edition –Also, ‘Teacher’s.’ ‘Activist’s,’ ‘Scholar’s’
2016 Bledsoe Non-politician Donald Trump, elected President of the USA, 2016...
7 more
2012 Theopolis founded
2009 Mike Bull’s first main work
7 more
2006 Twitter
7 more
1995 ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament’
1994 “Crisis, Opportunity, and The Christian Future’
7 more
1991 Former Soviet Union
1988 ‘Through New Eyes’
7 more
Last 7
1973 ‘Institutes of Biblical Law’ and Rosenstock-Huessy dies—his grandchildren bless him (

49 Business Servants

49 business servants. Not the final word, bu< I pray, a helpful world

1 Deng
2 Moonshooters
4 Gates Rockefeller
5 McDonogh
6 Dartmouth Recorders
7 Eliz. I British E. India Co.
8 Innovators Abraham McCloskey
9 Ridley
10 Lloyd’s Coffee Shop--Insurance
11 Gramsci Prov. 16:4
12 Benedict
13 Gilder Time Money
14 Knights Hospitaler
15 Jack Ma
16 North Mises Rockwell Rothbard
17 Satoshi
Money 2.0
18 1694, etc.
19 Jacobs
20 Justinian Theodora
21 Patriarchs
22 Ford
23 Debs vs. WWI
24 Reformers
25 David Solomon Noah
26 Sears Bezos Hill Carnegie Walton
27 Barton’s Jesus Jesus
28 Festival Laws Ag unto City
29 Fuller Troy WWI, etc. CP
30 Abundance
31 ‘Genius of Beast’
32 B. T. Washington, Oprah Madame Walker, etc.
33 Franklin H. C. Anderson
34 5 Billionaire Chinese Women
35 Energy Medicine Horowitz
36 Ellison Bloomberg Buffet
37 Michael Jordan Walt Disney
38 J J Hill
39 Ayn Rand
40 Jobs
41 Merrill Schwab
42 Edison Tesla Westinghouse
43 Indulgences
Sixtus Sixth
44 Perot
45 Siegel
46 Musk
47 Toyoda
48 Barnum
49 You

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

What happened in 1985?

What happened in 1985?
A year may not be the appropriate time period.
THEEEOS (Bull), or Sabbath + 6 feasts, or 7 Creation Days, but I'm melding an event a year for BuildUP (7 weeks before Easter/Coram) with one event per year for the last 49 years, one per week. This is week 14 of Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar, First Corinthians, 1985.

What happened of most relevance to Christendom that year?

A note in the Symphony of History (ERH), A scene in God's Theater (RJR). something in Opera (play with music, musical is too light),Opera is 'works,' plural of 'opus' in Italian.
Assumption: GodTrinity is still active. How does he work?

Other things of note (ugh! an equivocation)--US off gold standard, Money 2.o (Altucher, altcoin, Satoshi bitcoin--blockchain), Deng de-collectivises agriculture in China,  biological knowledge increasing 4x faster than Moore's Law...)

After 1985, I'll be asking about the other years.

Gospels Layer keeps rolling along, more next week/sheba.

Also,I'm on substack

Love in King Jesus,  

PS: Yes, they put two 'n's in my name. 

Monday, July 20, 2020

John McDonogh, GREAT business servant and slave-free-er

Church Years from Wikipedia

Church Years from Wikipedia

‘Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar,’ aka ‘Critical Path 1000,’ aka ‘A thousand Year Prayer’ is additional. It concentrates on RESPONSE, and especially on the ‘small, enthusiastic groups (tribes without perpetual warfare) that Rosenstock-Huessy (erhfund dot org) audio of Dartmouth course, and transcript) discussed in ‘Universal History 1954’. I call them PSOFPEG Productive Small Oath-Formed Profitable Enthusiastic Groups. My work attempts to find them and form them for good work, via Church/Priest/Garden, King/Civil Magistrate/Land, World/Society/Prophet.I use ERH’s 4 fronts—forward, inward, back, out—to get to 12.

Here’s wikipedia link to church years, which are our present eternal calendar—the life of Christ and our response: Eugenrosenstock-Huessy.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

EphesusCoram871 One Page One Year

Host A 1142 One Page Year EphesusCoram871

1--April 12, A.D. 2020
2—April 19 Titus
3—April 26 1st Timothy
4—May 3 !st Thessalonians
5—May 10 Philemon
6—May 17 2nd Timothy
7—May 24 2nd Thess.
8—May 31 Colossians
9—June 7 Ephesians
10—June 14* 2 Cor.
11,12—June 28* Romans
12, 13—July 5 Phil.
13, 14-- July 12 Gal.
14, 15—July 19 1 Cor.
15, 16—July 26 3 John
16, 17—Aug 2 Jude
17, 18—Aug 9 1 Pet
18,19—Aug 16 1 John
19, 20—Aug 23 2 John
20, 21—Aug 30 2 Peter
21,22—Sep 6** James
22, 25—Sep 20** Rev
23, 26—Sep
27 John
24, 27—Oct 4 Mark
25, 28—Oct 11 Gr. Chron.
26, 29—Oct 18 Acts
27, 30—Oct 25 Luke
28, 31—Nov 1 Matt
29, 32—Nov 8 The 12
30, 33—Nov 15 Dan.
31, 34—Nov 22 Jer.-Lam.
32, 35—Nov 29*** Isaiah
33, 38—Dec 20*** Esth.
34, 39—Dec 27 Ezekiel
35, 40—Jan 3 A. D. 2021 Kings
36, 41—Jan 10 Eccles.
37, 42—Jan 17 Proverbs
38, 43—Jan 24 Psalms
39, 44—Jan
31 Samuel
40-42, 45-46 EAT
Feb 7
Song Job         
Ruth (this
43, 47—Feb 14 Judges
44-48—Feb 21 Deut.
45,49—Feb 28 Lev.
46, 50—Mar
7 Genesis
47, 51—Mar 14 Josh
48, 52—Mar 21 Numbers
49, 53—Mar 28 Exodus

*Between 10 and 11—Public Vindication (7s, by 12-1 ) June 21
**Between 21 and 22—September 13 (TBOTMOFA: The Battle Of The Mountain Of Festival Assembly, 4s by 4152637)
***Between 32 and 33—Dec 6 (Total Christ One, 8s by 8531642) and Dec 13 (Total Christ Two, 1s by 1-23)
Feb 7 This is Eliot/Anselm Time (EAT), for ‘We shall not cease from wandering and the end of all our wandering will be to arrive back at where we started, and to know the place for the first time’ (paraphrase) and “God is greater than we can possibly conceive’. Something is wrong here, for I had to deduct a week from the 53, but it is a time of confusion! Grandchildren and great gc will improve, D. V.
47, 43—Feb 14 BuildUp begins. Names of days of books are 1-49, one significant event each of last 49 years. Also THEEEOS leading to 7, 10, 12 TO Do.
Easter/Resurrection/Pascha/Pesach is April 4, 2021, the first Sunday after the first full moon after to Vernal (Spring) Equinox (days=nights). That begins the new year/coram (Celebration Of [That Is The] Resurrection Anno Mundi. ‘Coram’ means ‘face’/’presence’ in Latin. PhiladelphiaCoram 871 begins. Figure backward 7 from Sunday before Easter 2022, and forward from Easter Sunday 2121 to get overlap which equals Eliot-Anselm Time. Do this before or even during the first 10 weeks.
Psalms (146 JBJ, with summaries and summaries of each book), and Jeremiah’s prophecies (51, Bullinger) will be added later. Other 7s can be placed, e. g. Beatitudes. 30-37 Opera,
Why this ‘Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar?  See my short writing on a Church being incomplete.
Matthew starts with a physical genealogy, and ends assuming we’re going, commanded to disciple, baptize, teach. I use Fuller’s ‘Critical Path’ chronology of technology, divided into 42, and ‘the 100 Most Important Events in Church History,’ divided into 42. ‘Timetable of History,’ Barzun, Creveld, Nisbet, Berman could be added. So could Jordan’s Chronology, Ussher, etc.
Mark: Bullinger says it shows servanthood, Rosenstock says it’s meant for empires, where business started. I pick one business servant to highlight each week. Proverbs 16:4: ‘the Lord has made all things for Himself, even the wicked for the day of calamity’. Thus, all are His servants.
Luke: 4: Jesus announces the fulfillment of this (Jubilee) prophecy.  How does each book of week/sheba show this and the application now?
John is a tour of the tabernacle, and GodTrinity still speaks history (his theater (RJR), the symphony of history (ERH); opera), so, what is the transcendent since @ 1980 when Fuller and ‘100’ end. This will be written during BuildUp—for now it’s T great change H destroys groups (ERH: as we gain more reach in shorter time), so Ethics of Priest in Garden (ERH’s Forward, Inward, Back, Out), King/civil magistrate in Land, Prophet in World/Society. Then the oaths for these 12 discovered in Opera, and Succession—what to do next—7 (judgment), 10 (completeness), 12 (Israel/Church). This from Cascione.
See Jordan’s ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament’ for basics. I’ve re-retuned his seven 7s, and run them backward. From 5:12 to 7:12, the Ascension is pictured, if I remember correctly—Jordan says there’s a retuning, a move from saying to singing, and with instruments. Thus retune from 8 and 9—Resurrection and Ascension. 10 and 11, Pentecost and a. d. 70 WOULD INDICATE A RE-RETUNING. Further retunings seem odd.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

1 significan event for each of last 49 years BuildUp

1 significant event for each of last 49 years Please send your nominations here or to
This is for BuildUp of 'A Thousand Year Prayer,' aka Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar

Here's one:Only 14 FOURTEEN!! years ago. 2006

Put in BuildUp of A Thousand Year Prayer

PS: BuildUp of EphesusCoram871 starts February 14, A. D. 2021

Monday, July 13, 2020

Galatians 13 of 49 14 of 53

Host A 1140 July 12 Week 13 of 49 14 of 53 Galatians
Jeremiah Time
Jeremiah bought a plot of land, thus 'saying' with this action that Israel would return.
I'm giving godparents, children, grandchildren some 'ferns' (FRN--Federal Reserve Notes) and Kenney halves (40% silver) to have THEIR grandchildren improve ECCE! (Eternal Calendar Community Enterprise.(AKA 'A Thousand Year Prayer'/Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar'/'Critical Path 1000'. It's gestating, the book will be out after next Easter'.

Chuck 'tardema' Hartman
I’ve been busy getting the Opera set up. It starts at week 30, ‘players’ who are to find the small enthusiastic groups to replace are from Adam through Xaviera, etc.
The BuildUp 7 follow the THEOS, with Ethics as Garden/Priest/Church, Land/King/Civil Magistrate, World/Society/Prophet—these enunciate the 12 new PSOFPG (Productive Small Oath-Formed Profitable Enthusiastic Groups) and the oaths are articulated at week 6, and the 7/10/12 TO DO are at week 7, just before PhilademphiaCORAM871.
Developing, especially the 4 questions for each of the 12, which are in one of my notebooks.
Blog and website to come.

Jeremiah Time

Jeremiah Time
Jeremiah bought a plot of land, thus 'saying' with this action that Israel would return.
I'm giving godparents, children, grandchildren some 'ferns' (FRN--Federal Reserve Notes) and Kenney halves (40% silver) to have THEIR grandchildren improve ECCE! (Eternal Calendar Community Enterprise.(AKA 'A Thousand Year Prayer'/Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar'/'Critical Path 1000'. It's gestating, the book will be out after next Easter'.

Chuck 'tardema' Hartman

Monday, July 6, 2020

Church Year Essential Incomplete Eternal Calendar

Church Year Essential Incomplete Eternal Calendar
Church Year Essential Incomplete Eternal Calendar
Jeff. A Church Year (there are several) is essential, but it is an incomplete eternal calendar.
The eternal calendar is the life of Christ and our response:  Rosenstock.
We know this from several passages, especially John 21: 25.
What follows isn’t a final word, but it may be a helpful word, as JBJ often wrote.
Now, to be too early is a sin. To be too late is one also. I’m too early.
When the grandchildren below, improve it, that’ll be the time.
I’m giving my children, grandchildren, and godparents some ferns (FRNs Federal Reserve Notes) that may be ephemeral and won’t last. These are for themselves. I’m giving them some Kennedy halves, that should still be valuable when thir respective grandchildren are asked to improve what I call ‘A thousand Year Prayer,’ and ‘Critical Path 1000,’ and ‘A Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar’.
In the meantime, I’m in a type of induced deep sleep, writing a little each week. A book will be out after next Easter.
The general idea is that Matthew is about making discipling disciples, in all areas. “All authority’ He has.
He commands discipling—those are the two inclusions of Matthew.
Simply—I simplify a lot—I use Buckminster Fuller’s chronology of technology from ‘Critical Path’ and ‘The 100 Most Important Events in Church History’. Others will add more, such as from ‘Timetables of History’.  Thus we remember.
Mark? Bullinger says it’s about being a servant. ERH said it was addressed to empires/business.  I pick a business servant each week. ‘Et’ is a Hebrew word which is made up of the first letter of the alphabet, and the last—a totality, and omegalpha unit.  Combine that with ‘mohar. And do a metathesis (buterly flutter by’ to get market.
Each week? Yep, for Luke, we use ‘this prophecy fulfilled in your ears’ from chapter 4, Christ speaking. I claim this refers to Jubilee, and the 49 books in JBJ’s ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament’—49, a nice resonance with a jubilee of years!—and ask each week/sheba “How is it shown in this book that Jubilee has been fulfilled, and how do we best apply that fulfillment?’.
So John. Tour of Tabernacle, some say. After 42 weeks, we do a Mike Bull thing and find the Transcendent Imperative since @1980, when ‘Fuller’ and ‘100’ both end. And we do a 7. Transcendence (seems to be rapid change) Hierarchy (old groups destroyed) Ethics: Garden/Church, ERH’s 4 fronts. Forward (revolution), In (mysticism). Back (decadence) and Out (war). How wrong are some, and what can we learn from them—Proverbs 16:4—and what small, enthusiastic groups (ERH0 can fulfill that function. (Oath-formed, productive,, profitable—CHH).
Ethics 2, Land/King/Civil Magistrate.
Ethis 3, World, Prophet.
#6: Oaths and Sanctions. Here we write the documents, for the 12.
Succession: And of we go.
These 12 are helped to be found by an Opera conducted from week 32 through 42. (More on that later, it’s still in develop[ment).
Oh, and I write the liturgical service structure over the year (‘coram’ I name it, celebration of resurrection anno mundi—face presence.
Later I’ll add Jeremiah’s 51 prophecies in and the 146 Psalms (JBJ), and I re-retune the 49 books backwards also, thus Hebrews to Exodus.
Thus we’ll have what difference the life of Christ made, as shown be what I consider at this time important from each of the 4 Gospels, and OUR RESPONSE—what we’ll do, DO.
That’s a simple summary I’ll give to my children, grandchildren. and godparents, with ferns and Kennedy halves, for themselves and their respective grandchildren to improve the effort.
I’ll keep in touch, and promote/monetize it in other ways through Charles Howard Hartman on Facebook, chuckhartmanhistoryconductor, and at Tom Hartman is my curator.
More to come. Friday< July 3, A. D. 2020, NumbersYMM!!!, RomansSheba, EphesusCoram871. OperaDia.

Dutch Calvinist Stevin and decimals 17th C.

Dutch Calvinist Stevin and decimals, 17th C 

Here's the Wikipedia entry.

Mentioned inn Fuller's 'Critical Path' chronology of technology that I use for one of the Matthew parts of 'Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar'. ('A Thousand Year Prayer'.

He wrote in Dutch, thinking it was the best language.

'Muslim mathematicians were the first to utilize decimals instead of fractions on a large scale. Al-Kashi's book, Key to Arithmetic, was written at the beginning of the 15th century and was the stimulus for the systematic application of decimals to whole numbers and fractions thereof.[15][16] But nobody established their daily use before Stevin.'

Love in King Jesus,

Chuck 'Proverbs 16:4" Hartman
PS: This is an attempt to manifest that Jesus has all authority.