Monday, July 27, 2020

One Page Summary of Eternal Calendar Company Enterprise as of July 27 A D 2020

One Page Summary of Eternal Calendar Company Enterprise as of July 27 A D 2020
1—Calendars organize our actions in time. Thus, this ‘new’ calendar will help you act more effectively toward Christendom, better realized.
2—Tribal social order, community celebrations. Empires, business, work schedules. Israel, ecclesiastical times. Greece, education.
3—The Eternal Calendar is the life of Christ and our response. This ‘Gospels Layer’ emphasizes response, particularly for small, enthusiastic groups,’ the next social order. ‘Universal History 1954,
4—John 21:25 tells us that if all Christ (TheBothAnd, Chalcedon) did were written in books, they’d be bigger than creation.
5—A Church Year is essential, but not complete. It’s the best we have so far of The Eternal Calendar.
6—Let’s take each Gospel—what can it add to our eternal calendar?
7—Matthew—Starts with physical genealogy, ends with assumption that we’re going, and command. Discipling ‘genealogy’.
8—Mark. ERH says empires/business, Bullinger says servant. Business Servants—and remember Proverbs 16:4. ‘Surely the Lord has made all things for himself, even the wicked for the day of calamity (‘evil’).
9—Luke. Jesus says he has fulfilled Isaiah 61 (Leviticus 25—Jubilee). I use Jordan’s 49-book Bible, to list each book, one per week, I re-retune them, and do it backwards, with a ’liturgy’ inserted, to make 53 weeks. (I have this on a grid). How does the book of each week show Jubilee fulfilled, and that applied?
10—John is a tour of the tabernacle. GodTrinity sill works that way. The last 7 weeks make a tabernacle construction, leading to Our Response of 7, 10, 12 things to do.
11—Weeks 30-38 are the Opera, the Symphony of History, that finds these 12 PSOFPEG—Productive Small Oath-Formed Profitable Enthusiastic Groups that we enact for the next Social Order—the next 1000 years, however long that is. Rosenstock held to Tribes, Empires, Israel, Greece, then He-Who-Reversed-The-Trend, then Greece is only a companion, never a social order, The Church is Israel without exclusion, the nation-state is Empires without slavery, and now we’ll have tribes without perpetual warpath. Jordan holds to a series of emphases on Persons of the Trinity, and after Christ, @700 years, the last 700 being University, and next—we don’t know.  That’s why I also name this (vocative is ½ imperative) ‘A Thousand Year Prayer’. Also, ‘Teaching Timing,’ also ‘Critical Path 1000’.
12—Other things go into the boxes of the 7x7 grid. Dates (Sundays Lord’s Days), books re-retuned backwards, entries from Fuller’s ‘Critical Path’ chronology of technology, entries from ‘The 100 Most Important Events in Church History’, a Business Servant, an event of the last 49 years, each year. Later, ‘grandchildren (through Jeremiah Time Project) may add Jeremiah’s 51 prophecies, Jordan’s 146 Psalms and Summaries, Grids are at event for Christendom (remember ‘all authority’) per heptad or decade, etc. This is not a final word, but D. V. it may be a helpful word. Grids are at chuckhartmanhistoryconductor, and in book forthcoming after next Easter (coram—celebration of resurrection anno mundi). More. Weekly at, Facebook, etc. Get on email list: More

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