Monday, July 6, 2020

Church Year Essential Incomplete Eternal Calendar

Church Year Essential Incomplete Eternal Calendar
Church Year Essential Incomplete Eternal Calendar
Jeff. A Church Year (there are several) is essential, but it is an incomplete eternal calendar.
The eternal calendar is the life of Christ and our response:  Rosenstock.
We know this from several passages, especially John 21: 25.
What follows isn’t a final word, but it may be a helpful word, as JBJ often wrote.
Now, to be too early is a sin. To be too late is one also. I’m too early.
When the grandchildren below, improve it, that’ll be the time.
I’m giving my children, grandchildren, and godparents some ferns (FRNs Federal Reserve Notes) that may be ephemeral and won’t last. These are for themselves. I’m giving them some Kennedy halves, that should still be valuable when thir respective grandchildren are asked to improve what I call ‘A thousand Year Prayer,’ and ‘Critical Path 1000,’ and ‘A Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar’.
In the meantime, I’m in a type of induced deep sleep, writing a little each week. A book will be out after next Easter.
The general idea is that Matthew is about making discipling disciples, in all areas. “All authority’ He has.
He commands discipling—those are the two inclusions of Matthew.
Simply—I simplify a lot—I use Buckminster Fuller’s chronology of technology from ‘Critical Path’ and ‘The 100 Most Important Events in Church History’. Others will add more, such as from ‘Timetables of History’.  Thus we remember.
Mark? Bullinger says it’s about being a servant. ERH said it was addressed to empires/business.  I pick a business servant each week. ‘Et’ is a Hebrew word which is made up of the first letter of the alphabet, and the last—a totality, and omegalpha unit.  Combine that with ‘mohar. And do a metathesis (buterly flutter by’ to get market.
Each week? Yep, for Luke, we use ‘this prophecy fulfilled in your ears’ from chapter 4, Christ speaking. I claim this refers to Jubilee, and the 49 books in JBJ’s ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament’—49, a nice resonance with a jubilee of years!—and ask each week/sheba “How is it shown in this book that Jubilee has been fulfilled, and how do we best apply that fulfillment?’.
So John. Tour of Tabernacle, some say. After 42 weeks, we do a Mike Bull thing and find the Transcendent Imperative since @1980, when ‘Fuller’ and ‘100’ both end. And we do a 7. Transcendence (seems to be rapid change) Hierarchy (old groups destroyed) Ethics: Garden/Church, ERH’s 4 fronts. Forward (revolution), In (mysticism). Back (decadence) and Out (war). How wrong are some, and what can we learn from them—Proverbs 16:4—and what small, enthusiastic groups (ERH0 can fulfill that function. (Oath-formed, productive,, profitable—CHH).
Ethics 2, Land/King/Civil Magistrate.
Ethis 3, World, Prophet.
#6: Oaths and Sanctions. Here we write the documents, for the 12.
Succession: And of we go.
These 12 are helped to be found by an Opera conducted from week 32 through 42. (More on that later, it’s still in develop[ment).
Oh, and I write the liturgical service structure over the year (‘coram’ I name it, celebration of resurrection anno mundi—face presence.
Later I’ll add Jeremiah’s 51 prophecies in and the 146 Psalms (JBJ), and I re-retune the 49 books backwards also, thus Hebrews to Exodus.
Thus we’ll have what difference the life of Christ made, as shown be what I consider at this time important from each of the 4 Gospels, and OUR RESPONSE—what we’ll do, DO.
That’s a simple summary I’ll give to my children, grandchildren. and godparents, with ferns and Kennedy halves, for themselves and their respective grandchildren to improve the effort.
I’ll keep in touch, and promote/monetize it in other ways through Charles Howard Hartman on Facebook, chuckhartmanhistoryconductor, and at Tom Hartman is my curator.
More to come. Friday< July 3, A. D. 2020, NumbersYMM!!!, RomansSheba, EphesusCoram871. OperaDia.

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