Friday, March 29, 2019

This Revolution's Next Money--7 Options.

This Revolution's Next Money--7 Options.

(Every revolution of the West had something new.) The Papal resulted in indulgences. Luther said no, they did something metal. England got a monopoly central private bank in exchange for it buying gov't debt in 1694. The French bourgeoisie were entrepreneurs and I've read that where Napoleon's armies went tariffs were ended. The Russians spent lives.
We are in a revolutionary time. (Jordan 'Through New Eyes')

1--Cashless. 2. Africa's mobile money, and in tough times they use cell phone minutes. 3. Bancor's community currencies for economic development. 4. LEs ('ellies) for life extension, brain uploading, etc. 5. 'Money 2.0'--encrypted per Altucher's 'Cryptocurrencies 101'/blockchain. 6. Strong men/godfather/political favors network. 7. What say you, translating 'treasures in heaven' appropriately, apropos this time.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Toward Peace: Respondeding and Changeding

Host 233 Toward Peace Respondeding and Changeding

Rosenstock held that the next social order would be small, enthusiastic groups. (Universal History 1954)
He held other things too, which I’ll list and discuss.
BiNow peace is the explicit reconciliation of opposites.
We will achieve that by doing the process of revolution, one to another. Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective, Planetary Service. (See Chapter 5 of Gardner’s ‘Beyond belief’).
And we’ll turn liabilities into assets, the mark of the Christian Era. As we continue, more and more sequences will be added, not necessarily explicitly Christian.
For example, Berman held in ‘Law and Revolution’ that the administrative law state was the chief liability now, perhaps the biggest threat to the Western legal tradition.
How can we turn that liability into an asset? By using the 5-step sequence of revolution on it, ‘oneanothering’ with other liabilities?
What other liabilities? We’ll find 11—that’s still in progress, but we have a GREAT example in Berman’s thought.
Rosenstock also said that we were losing the ability to speak in America.  By that he meant true speech, whereby one puts one’s life behind his words. These would be oaths and vows.
Thus, each small, enthusiastic group (tribes without perpetual warfare) would be oath-formed.
And, using a non-ERH saying, each would be productively profitable, ,not necessarily in marks or pounds or dollars, but in a currency, perhaps to be found or founded.
Thus we will produce (reproduce) man, in a new type, in each ofsppeg—oath-formed, small, profitably productive, enthusiastic group. Rosenstock held that the first 1000 years after He Who Reversed The Trend was about the Church, Israel without exclusion.  The second 1000 years, he held, was about the nation-state, empires without slavery. And now comes small, enthusiastic groups.
James Joran in ‘Through New Eyes’ holds that God is doing something new, but that we are not to play God, so please consider this ‘Toward Peace’ to be a prayer. Jordan held to 700 years, and Church, then Christian State, then University.  These are in counterpoint, both melodies at once, in the Symphony of History. (ERH mentions symphony of history in ‘Fruit of Lips,’ and elsewhere mentions that his musical talents have been put into history).
How do we get to this true speech?  We go in reverse as ERH did in ‘Out of Revolution’ with the revolutions of the west. Institution (failing), then persons (with lenses), then speech. Again, see Chapter 5 of Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief0.
And we are reproducing man, in a new type. A best example of that is the proletariat of the Russian revolution, but the French genius entrepreneur, the English gentleman, the German lay Christian might all be types. My memory and re-reading of ‘Out of Revolution’ would be needed. The key ‘new man’ would be ‘symphony of history conductor’. For ‘Opus 53: Conduct!’ I play all the parts, Toscanini. (It’s—an early version—on Google Sites).
There are 12 Days—Creation’s 6, 7 of Fall and Cross, 8 of Resurrection, 9 of Ascension, 10 of Pentecost, 11 of A. D. 70, and 12—The Great Day, Final Judgment.
12 books of the Bible.
12 Liabilities to be turned into assets. ERH: Any new technology increases the space over which we can act, decreases the time it takes, and destroys old groups.
12 Persons with Lenses.
12 Speech/Imperative stems, that will be the basis of the new small enthusiastic groups (ofsppeg). ERH in ‘Magna Carts Latina’ said that every Latin verb form is based on a small, imperative stem. ‘Ite’!
(Remember, more layers will be added, so the I Ching, Buddha’s 4 Noble Truths and 8-fold Path, etc. will be added.)  The scientific method follows the 5-step: Newton’s apple tells him to explain, he subjective doesn’t know yet but believes he can find out, he checks the Narrative (writing of others) and add his hypothesis to It, this hypothesis is objectively tested to become a theory that is in planetary service.  There are other 5s, and even other numbers.

CONCLUSION: I will add a couple more things at the end, BUT IN SUMMARY, WE GONE THROUGH MANY THREADS OF Rosenstock-Huessy art work, and there’s more to come.
Love in King Jesus,

Charles Howard Hartman, Pella, Iowa, March 25, Anno Domini 2019, I am ‘going’, responding to ‘Ite!’. I must/will respond, though I will/must be changed. Respondeo etsi mutabor.
PS #1: I believe herovolution. GodTrinity lovingly drags us into His future, changing us.  And as we are torn in the present between past and future, our howls become music, and we the singing song. The h.e.r.o is the one between times, the first sufferer, the protagonist, helping.explicity..reconcile.opposites.
PS #2:
If you
ever in your life had a bright idea, or a new instinct, or a
new change of heart,
Sir, make this the cornerstone of your understanding
of the universe and you
will understand that the universe begins with creation. And
it ends in incarnation, because that's the experience of every potent and creative
man in the world.
But you look outside and try to deduce by your little brain,
not by your experience of your heart how the world begins, and how it should be
run. You'll never
solve it, gentlemen. You'll remain a selfish, inarticulate
animal. If the spirit moves
you, you will see how simple
things are, gentlemen. Love begins, and hope
keeps you going, and faith. And in the end, your grandchildren
will bless you.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

John D McDonald and Mueller

John D McDonald and Mueller

JDD is the great 'popular theologian' and creator of Travis McGee.

One was to change the subject.

Another was to go into excruciating detail about non-essentials.

The subject should have been crimes during the 2016 election.

The excruciating detail you know.

MORAL:  Major in the majors.  JBJ and others do so.

Love in King Jesus,


Tuesday, March 5, 2019

A Million More Iowans--At A Profit

A Million More Iowans--At A Profit
AT A PROFIT. Simon Conway This is only a thought to develop during Opus 53 but why not bring in a million new Iowans? Jim Rohret, Robert Cook. Jake Porter. Emulate the railroads who went overseas to get farmers. (All Iowa had been 'given' to the railroads as development, per map in 'Out of Revolution'). Technology from space work could help make EarthShip-like mostly self-sufficient homesteads. Add tiny home technology with greenhouses. education by internet, etc. Give 'David tax immunity' (one of his rewards for slaying Goliath, and surely this in a Goliath of a task!) for bringing in so many. People pay coyotes large sums to get here. These would not be welfarists. Add stuff from FDR's promotion of self-sufficient farmers ('Renegade History of United States'), etc. These houses and a few acres would repopulate the countryside non-chemically. Much work remains--paying off those who've paid off the pols would be one tough thing. @20 each per square mile, and Iowa's 50,000+ square miles, and we'd have a million.
This would be peace--explicit reconciliation of opposites.
Why stop at a million, why stop at Iowa? @95% of Wyoming is or should be open.

Intuiting the Gist/Geist of the Gestalt

Intuiting the Gist/Geist of the Gestalt
More Later, but as I work on 'the art form (of) the next era, I've been stopped, stopped in my step-by-step symphony of one anothering by an almost 'Flatland'-like intrusion of some aspect of the totality, which causes me to remember that Day 12 (and 8, and 1) can manifest at any time.
Thus, Day 12 is asking what reproduction of what type of man is each of the other 11 heading toward (prejection?). Day 12 is training conductors.
Day 8 is asking about the BBC series questioning the end of western civilization. North has responded, JBJ wrote a series on this, and in TNE wrote that God is doing something, we should not play God though. I think we can pray.
Day 7 would initiate about death and resurrection. The Fall and the Cross.
More Later.
PS: Somehow I need to get Berman's Admin Law as a Bib Problem, and material from Barzun about re-learning to read from monuments.