Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Intuiting the Gist/Geist of the Gestalt

Intuiting the Gist/Geist of the Gestalt
More Later, but as I work on 'the art form (of) the next era, I've been stopped, stopped in my step-by-step symphony of one anothering by an almost 'Flatland'-like intrusion of some aspect of the totality, which causes me to remember that Day 12 (and 8, and 1) can manifest at any time.
Thus, Day 12 is asking what reproduction of what type of man is each of the other 11 heading toward (prejection?). Day 12 is training conductors.
Day 8 is asking about the BBC series questioning the end of western civilization. North has responded, JBJ wrote a series on this, and in TNE wrote that God is doing something, we should not play God though. I think we can pray.
Day 7 would initiate about death and resurrection. The Fall and the Cross.
More Later.
PS: Somehow I need to get Berman's Admin Law as a Bib Problem, and material from Barzun about re-learning to read from monuments.

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