Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The Complete Week Seven of 53, So Far

Why do another layer of eternal calendar?
This is answered in 'the Complete Week 7 of 53, So Far' at chuckhartmanhistoryconductor. Short: John 21:25
Also, I'm starting to progress on The Symphony included in wees 3, 10, 17, etc., and on the '7 to do' in weeks 7,14, 21, etc.
I'm in 'tardema'/deep sleep in my robot-like work (from 'From Bread to Wine'--thanks, Dan Dillard.
Is the REACTION to the corona virus, or The Great Default the transcendent imperative, to be Bulleanly filled out, as God writes in in history, or is it something else, such as ERH's adage about new technology--it increases reach, decreases time, and destroys old groups?

Love in King Jesus,

Chuck 'Critical Path 1000--A Prayer' Hartman

PS: If it's Wednesday, this must be PergamosYMM!!!

HostA1120  Week Seven of 53
After re-reading recent post, I conclude that I'm seemingly debunking much  This is not necessarily true.

I'll be writing more, because 'What's Happened Since 1980?--And What Should We Do?' is one of the key parts of Critical Path 1000-A Prayer'

Fuller's chronology of science technology ends @ 1980, as does 'The 100 Most Important Events in Church History'.

But since 'CP1000" is another layer of the eternal calendar, 'the life of Christ and our response': Rosenstock-Heussy, we need the response.

My general view follows the above-named ERH (Harvard, Dartmouth) that any new technology increases our reach, shortens the time, and destroys old groups.

Since 1980 has seen GREAT technological change, Abundance, the book, and see 'The Future is Faster than You Think'.

This causes events such as are depicted in 'Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds'.

My 4: 1--Yes, it's both not only worse than we imagine, it's worse than we can possibly imagine, and it's not only better than we imagine, it's better than we can possibly imagine. Hat Tips: Anselm, Dickens, scientifictionists.

2--Pray 1 Timothy 2: 1-4.

3--Get Ready To Help People Locally. I'd concentrate on seeds for gardening. Food.

4--Do your calling, the most important thing you can do, at which you would be most difficult to replace. I'm adding a Gospels layer to the eternal calendar, which prayer hopes to fine tune  our response
toward small, enthusiastic groups, per ERH in 'Universal History 1954' ( Every 7th week I work in it, and every 3rd on an example of The Symphonic Method.

These are posted on Facebook and at chuckhartmanhistoryconductor.
The standard readings for Second Thessalonians Sheba of EphesusCoram871, (if it’s Tuesday it must be PergamosYMM!!!).

Matthew, from Fuller’s chronology in ‘Critical Path:  9 key entries, from 1280 through 1390, starting with Compendium of Agricultural practices and Spectacles,  and ending with Metal types, Korea.  The idea is that you’ll get your won copy, for GodTrinity will reward our attempts to remember, as he plagues us with more forgetting when we evade remembering.
From ‘The 100 Most Important Events in Christian History’ we have dates starting with the Synod of Whitby (A. D. 664) through Boniface, and including Bede.
The Anomaly is the above re: the Last 80 Years.
Mark’s business servant is Elizabeth I and the British East India Company, the start of a naval-based trading cartel, that socialized costs (tax-paid British Navy) and privatized profits. However, some say that English law is what will propel India past China.
For Luke we answer the question, how dies Second Thessalonians show the fulfillment of the Jubilee laws by Christ, and how are it’s admonitions best to be applied?
For John, what sort of tabernacle is being made since 1980, and especially with the events around Covid 19? I’ll revisit this, but look at a Bullean arrangement, leading to a 7-fold response, one for each 7 weeks next year/coram.
Transcendent Imperative, Hierarchy, Ethics (Priest, King, Prophet/Garden (Church), Land (King), World (Society), Oaths and Sanctions, Succession.
I may write a summary/introduction to CP1000.

Dear Diana:

You ask, why not retire and enjoy life? However, in the ‘deep sleep’ of work I’m playing for the next 100 years with ‘Critical Path 1000—A Prayer’.

SOME BACKGROUND. A PROFESSOR AT Harvard and Dartmouth, Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy, showed that calendars are very important. They organize our times of life.
Calendars under which we live are derived from previous social orders. Community celebrations come from tribal social order. Work schedules and business production and marketing are from empires. Israel gives us ecclesiastical calendars. Educational calendars come from Greece. (60% of Iowa’s budget is devoted to schools.)
Now, he also said that the eternal calendar is the life of Christ and our response. Thus, ‘church years’.
But John 21:25 says if boos were written telling all that Christ did, the universe could not contain them.
So, there’s more to the eternal calendar.
Little old me is working on Gospels layer. Matthew starts with a geneology, end ends with commanding discipleship. I use Buckminster Fuller’s chronology of technology in ‘Critical Path’ and ‘The 100 Most Important Events in church history, and put them on a 49-book (53 weeks with holiday weeks) calendar. The 49 is from Jordan’s ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament in which the twelve minor prophets are one book, Kings is one—scroll couldn’t contain—as is Samuel, Lamentations goes with Jeremiah and Greater Chronicles includes Ezra and Nehemiah.
Bullinger says Mark is about servanthood, and Rosenstock says it is addressed t empires, which gives us business, so a business servant is each week.
In Luke, Jesus’ first utterance is the fulfillment of Jubilee by Himself. I ask for each book how it shows that, and what is to be our application.
Then Joh shows us a tour of the tabernacle, and we are to build them, and GodTrinity does in history, His symphony and theater, We have 42 weeks of chronology and that last 7 are a seven-fold work of what He’s done since @1980 when Fuller and ‘100’ leave off.
Inside I have a ‘Symphony’ which attempts for find the small, enthusiastic groups Rosenstock says are next, as new  technology expands or reach, shortens the time, and destroys old groups.
There’s more.  Each week has a short essay at chuckhartmanhistoryconductor. It’s not the last word, but I pray it’s a helpful word.

Love in King Jesus,


Dear Robert Cook:
You have posted a video of the front lines of the Covid 19 situation in New York. I’ll try to post this under that also.
I have arrived at 4 truths regarding recent viruses, lockdowns, etc.  I’ll mention one, give background, and then list the other 3.
1—It’s both not only worse than we imagine, it’s worse than we can possibly imagine AND it’s not only better than we imagine, it’s better than we can possibly imagine.
How so?  Well, one analysis of this virus situation is that it’s phase one of a Fifth Generation (nets and jets) attack, only with ‘state’ sponsorship. Here’s one summary. There are others.
The First (modern) Generation was massed armies—Napoleon. Second, artillery. Third—tanks. Fourth—insurgents with media (Viet Nam, they say). Fifth, then is networks—no hierarchy to induce to surrender, and jets (biological, chemical, nuclear, etc. transported world-wide quickly by jets.
I say that one of the worst case scenarios is that coronavirus was unleashed as a 5th generation warfare move—the first o many. There will be a second wave, and then a second type, accompanied by EMP (but read ‘The EMP Hoax’) and mor conventional attacks.
Other worst case scenarios include genocidal depopulation, a coming ice ages, a resetting of the bankrupt global debt system, Hell, etc.
And this is all in a matrix of ‘Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds.
BUT it could be better than we can possibly imagine.  Heaven. Consider Israel’s Exile, Consider 20th century wars. Consider that some downsizing needs to be done of one form of ‘government’. Creveld ‘The Rise and Decline of the State’. Kunstler ‘The Long Emergency’—oil depletion. Various idols are destroyed.
2—What to do? Pray 1 Timothy 2: 1-4 is one thing. 1 Timothy 2:1-4 King James Version (KJV)
2 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. 3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; 4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
3—Get Ready To Help People Locally. Food (gardening +), electricity (but see Ted Koppel’s ‘Lights Out’ about the fragility of the electrical grid, especially to cyberhacking). Social chaos. And more.
4—Do your calling—the most important thing you can do at which you would be most difficult to replace. For me that’s ‘Critical Path 1000—A Prayer’. Continued entries aiming at a Gospels layer of eternal calendar, the life of Christ and our response—Rosenstock-Huessy—are at chuckhartmanhistoryconductor. Included is the ‘our response’ part of ‘since 1980.’ And 12 ‘small enthusiastic groups’ mentioned as the next social order by ERH (Rosenstock-Huessy0 in his class ‘Universal History 1984’ on (I add’ some things.
I have a summary of what that is important—short—forthcoming, Deo Volente.
For now, I summarize that we should take sensible precautions, but remember that much described in the afore-mentioned  ‘Extraordinary Popular Delusions and The Madness of Crowds’ seems to be happening NOW.
Love in King Jesus,
Chuck ‘Principia Operatica’ Hartman
PS: A wise contrast in described in Sheldrake’s ‘Science Set Free’. Suppose you heard of someone living hundred of years, in India or a monastery of convent in the West. A scientist would go take a look. A scientISMist would say that ‘it’s impossible,’ are remain.
PPS: Rosenstock opined that any new technology increase or spatial reach, reduce the time it takes, and destroys old groups. Biological knowledge is increasing 4x faster that Moore’s Law, it is said, and Moore’s Law states that the cost of computing has been cut in half every 18 months since 1890.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Short Summary of Critical Path 1000--A Prayer

Dear Diana:

You ask, why not retire and enjoy life? However, in the ‘deep sleep’ of work I’m playing for the next 100 years with ‘Critical Path 1000—A Prayer’.

SOME BACKGROUND. A PROFESSOR AT Harvard and Dartmouth, Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy, showed that calendars are very important. They organize our times of life.
Calendars under which we live are derived from previous social orders. Community celebrations come from tribal social order. Work schedules and business production and marketing are from empires. Israel gives us ecclesiastical calendars. Educational calendars come from Greece. (60% of Iowa’s budget is devoted to schools.)
Now, he also said that the eternal calendar is the life of Christ and our response. Thus, ‘church years’.
But John 21:25 says if boos were written telling all that Christ did, the universe could not contain them.
So, there’s more to the eternal calendar.
Little old me is working on Gospels layer. Matthew starts with a geneology, end ends with commanding discipleship. I use Buckminster Fuller’s chronology of technology in ‘Critical Path’ and ‘The 100 Most Important Events in church history, and put them on a 49-book (53 weeks with holiday weeks) calendar. The 49 is from Jordan’s ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament in which the twelve minor prophets are one book, Kings is one—scroll couldn’t contain—as is Samuel, Lamentations goes with Jeremiah and Greater Chronicles includes Ezra and Nehemiah.
Bullinger says Mark is about servanthood, and Rosenstock says it is addressed t empires, which gives us business, so a business servant is each week.
In Luke, Jesus’ first utterance is the fulfillment of Jubilee by Himself. I ask for each book how it shows that, and what is to be our application.
Then Joh shows us a tour of the tabernacle, and we are to build them, and GodTrinity does in history, His symphony and theater, We have 42 weeks of chronology and that last 7 are a seven-fold work of what He’s done since @1980 when Fuller and ‘100’ leave off.
Inside I have a ‘Symphony’ which attempts for find the small, enthusiastic groups Rosenstock says are next, as new  technology expands or reach, shortens the time, and destroys old groups.
There’s more.  Each week has a short essay at chuckhartmanhistoryconductor. It’s not the last word, but I pray it’s a helpful word.

Love in King Jesus,


Corona Virus Considerations

Dear Robert Cook:
You have posted a video of the front lines of the Covid 19 situation in New York. I’ll try to post this under that also.
I have arrived at 4 truths regarding recent viruses, lockdowns, etc.  I’ll mention one, give background, and then list the other 3.
1—It’s both not only worse than we imagine, it’s worse than we can possibly imagine AND it’s not only better than we imagine, it’s better than we can possibly imagine.
How so?  Well, one analysis of this virus situation is that it’s phase one of a Fifth Generation (nets and jets) attack, only with ‘state’ sponsorship. Here’s one summary. There are others.
The First (modern) Generation was massed armies—Napoleon. Second, artillery. Third—tanks. Fourth—insurgents with media (Viet Nam, they say). Fifth, then is networks—no hierarchy to induce to surrender, and jets (biological, chemical, nuclear, etc. transported world-wide quickly by jets.
I say that one of the worst case scenarios is that coronavirus was unleashed as a 5th generation warfare move—the first o many. There will be a second wave, and then a second type, accompanied by EMP (but read ‘The EMP Hoax’) and mor conventional attacks.
Other worst case scenarios include genocidal depopulation, a coming ice ages, a resetting of the bankrupt global debt system, Hell, etc.
And this is all in a matrix of ‘Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds.
BUT it could be better than we can possibly imagine.  Heaven. Consider Israel’s Exile, Consider 20th century wars. Consider that some downsizing needs to be done of one form of ‘government’. Creveld ‘The Rise and Decline of the State’. Kunstler ‘The Long Emergency’—oil depletion. Various idols are destroyed.
2—What to do? Pray 1 Timothy 2: 1-4 is one thing. 1 Timothy 2:1-4 King James Version (KJV)
2 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. 3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; 4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
3—Get Ready To Help People Locally. Food (gardening +), electricity (but see Ted Koppel’s ‘Lights Out’ about the fragility of the electrical grid, especially to cyberhacking). Social chaos. And more.
4—Do your calling—the most important thing you can do at which you would be most difficult to replace. For me that’s ‘Critical Path 1000—A Prayer’. Continued entries aiming at a Gospels layer of eternal calendar, the life of Christ and our response—Rosenstock-Huessy—are at chuckhartmanhistoryconductor. Included is the ‘our response’ part of ‘since 1980.’ And 12 ‘small enthusiastic groups’ mentioned as the next social order by ERH (Rosenstock-Huessy0 in his class ‘Universal History 1984’ on (I add’ some things.
I have a summary of what that is important—short—forthcoming, Deo Volente.
For now, I summarize that we should take sensible precautions, but remember that much described in the afore-mentioned  ‘Extraordinary Popular Delusions and The Madness of Crowds’ seems to be happening NOW.
Love in King Jesus,
Chuck ‘Principia Operatica’ Hartman
PS: A wise contrast in described in Sheldrake’s ‘Science Set Free’. Suppose you heard of someone living hundred of years, in India or a monastery of convent in the West. A scientist would go take a look. A scientISMist would say that ‘it’s impossible,’ are remain.
PPS: Rosenstock opined that any new technology increase or spatial reach, reduce the time it takes, and destroys old groups. Biological knowledge is increasing 4x faster that Moore’s Law, it is said, and Moore’s Law states that the cost of computing has been cut in half every 18 months since 1890.

Week Seven of 53--Expanded

HostA1120  Week Seven of 53
After re-reading recent post, I conclude that I'm seemingly debunking much  This is not necessarily true.

I'll be writing more, because 'What's Happened Since 1980?--And What Should We Do?' is one of the key parts of Critical Path 1000-A Prayer'

Fuller's chronology of science technology ends @ 1980, as does 'The 100 Most Important Events in Church History'.

But since 'CP1000" is another layer of the eternal calendar, 'the life of Christ and our response': Rosenstock-Heussy, we need the response.

My general view follows the above-named ERH (Harvard, Dartmouth) that any new technology increases our reach, shortens the time, and destroys old groups.

Since 1980 has seen GREAT technological change, Abundance, the book, and see 'The Future is Faster than You Think'.

This causes events such as are depicted in 'Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds'.

My 4: 1--Yes, it's both not only worse than we imagine, it's worse than we can possibly imagine, and it's not only better than we imagine, it's better than we can possibly imagine. Hat Tips: Anselm, Dickens, scientifictionists.

2--Pray 1 Timothy 2: 1-4.

3--Get Ready To Help People Locally. I'd concentrate on seeds for gardening. Food.

4--Do your calling, the most important thing you can do, at which you would be most difficult to replace. I'm adding a Gospels layer to the eternal calendar, which prayer hopes to fine tune  our response
toward small, enthusiastic groups, per ERH in 'Universal History 1954' ( Every 7th week I work in it, and every 3rd on an example of The Symphonic Method.

These are posted on Facebook and at chuckhartmanhistoryconductor.
The standard readings for Second Thessalonians Sheba of EphesusCoram871, (if it’s Tuesday it must be PergamosYMM!!!).

Matthew, from Fuller’s chronology in ‘Critical Path:  9 key entries, from 1280 through 1390, starting with Compendium of Agricultural practices and Spectacles,  and ending with Metal types, Korea.  The idea is that you’ll get your won copy, for GodTrinity will reward our attempts to remember, as he plagues us with more forgetting when we evade remembering.
From ‘The 100 Most Important Events in Christian History’ we have dates starting with the Synod of Whitby (A. D. 664) through Boniface, and including Bede.
The Anomaly is the above re: the Last 80 Years.
Mark’s business servant is Elizabeth I and the British East India Company, the start of a naval-based trading cartel, that socialized costs (tax-paid British Navy) and privatized profits. However, some say that English law is what will propel India past China.
For Luke we answer the question, how dies Second Thessalonians show the fulfillment of the Jubilee laws by Christ, and how are it’s admonitions best to be applied?
For John, what sort of tabernacle is being made since 1980, and especially with the events around Covid 19? I’ll revisit this, but look at a Bullean arrangement, leading to a 7-fold response, one for each 7 weeks next year/coram.
Transcendent Imperative, Hierarchy, Ethics (Priest, King, Prophet/Garden (Church), Land (King), World (Society), Oaths and Sanctions, Succession.
I may write a summary/introduction to CP1000.

Week Seven of 53

After re-reading recent post, I conclude that I'm seemingly debunking much This is not necessarily true.

I'll be writing more, because 'What's Happened Since 1980?--And What Should We Do?' is one of the key parts of Critical Path 1000-A Prayer'

Fuller's chronology of science technology ends @ 1980, as does 'The 100 Most Important Events in Church History'.

But since 'CP1000" is another layer of the eternal calendar, 'the life of Christ and our response': Rosenstock-Heussy, we need the response.

My general view follows the above-named ERH (Harvard, Dartmouth) that any new technology increases our reach, shortens the time, and destroys old groups.

Since 1980 has seen GREAT technological change, Abundance, the book, and see 'The Future is Faster than You Think'.

This causes events such as are depicted in 'Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds'.

My 4: 1--Yes, it's both not only worse than we imagine, it's worse than we can possibly imagine, and it's not only better than we imagine, it's better than we can possibly imagine. Hat Tips: Anselm, Dickens, scientifictionists.

2--Pray 1 Timothy 2: 1-4.

3--Get Ready To Help People Locally. I'd concentrate on seeds for gardening. Food.

4--Do your calling, the most important thing you can do, at which you would be most difficult to replace. I'm adding a Gospels layer to the eternal calendar, which prayer hopes to fine tune our response
toward small, enthusiastic groups, per ERH in 'Universal History 1954' ( Every 7th week I work in it, and every 3rd on an example of The Symphonic Method.

These are posted on Facebook and at chuckhartmanhistoryconductor.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The Dartmouth Recorders Week Six

The Dartmouth Recorders Week Six
In Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief’ he mentions those who recorded Rosenstock’s lectures at Dartmouth.  Russell Keep, Leon Martel, and thirdly ‘a few others’. These lectures will be instrumental in doing good business world-wide, as they spread his thought. His grandchildren blessed him.
More later. Long hours. But remember how seemingly small actions can have large consequences.
‘Critical Path 1000’ will continue the Gospels Layer of the eternal calendar of the life of Christ and our response (an ERHism), or to use an ERH naming ‘He Who Reversed The Trend’.
Matthew continues Fuller’s chronology, the above is Markean ‘business servants.’ Luke asks how the book  2 Timothy  shows The Jubilee fulfilled, and the fulfillment applied ‘for our admonition (plus),’ and John asks ‘What is the Transcendent imperative since@1980?’.  Some say peak oil, others increase is biological knowledge 4x faster than Moore’s Law, others say significant theological and other work, one could mention FAANG (15% of market, just recently formed), ‘Life after Google,’ etc., but I would hold out for a formulation like unto Rosenstock’s—‘Any new technology increase our spatial reach, decreases the time it takes, and destroys old groups,’ along with his mention in Universal History 1984 that the next social order will be ‘small enthusiastic groups’—tribes without perpetual warfare, as nation-states are empires without institutional slavery, and the Church was Israel without exclusions/kosher.
A symphonic method in ‘Critical Path 1000’ attempts to help find these, founded on rue speech, being ‘oath-formed’. A prayer.

Charles Howard Hartman EphesusCoram871, PergamosYMM!!! May 20, A.D. 2020
PS: Also posting at chuckhartmanhistoryconductor

Monday, May 11, 2020

Week 5 Philemon

Week 5 Philemon
Matthew--Fuller from 1144, paper used in Japan, to 1270, pivoted magnetic compass and from ‘The 100 Most Important Events in Christian History we go from Jerome completes the Vulgate in 405 to the Council of Chalcedon in 451.
Mark’s business servant in Knights Hospitaler, formed to protect pilgrims, degenerating over the centuries, but inaugurating many financial reforms.
How does Philemon show the Jubilee fulfilled (Luke 4) and what is the application of that fulfillment?
John—what tabernacle is starting. I propose financing of time pilgrims per John Warwick Montgomery’s article in Christianity Today of May 10, 1968. Can degeneration be avoided?
Anomaly—try ‘How Do You Know God Exists>’ from the book of that title.
There’s much more to write about and explain, but were I to die tonight, someone should take over. It’s all on Facebook, in my computer, or at chuckhartmanhistoryconductor.  Son to, systems analyst, is my curator. An entrepreneurially-minded member of your congregation might want to help monetize the scientific method (completer) and/or Critical Path 10000, Gospels Layer of eternal calendar—life of Christ and our response.
Much of my thinking is working toward getting oath-formed small, profitable productive, enthusiastic groups, starting @ Week 35.
More will be transcribed from my notes. We’re working 12 hours a day, 7 days a week. I’ll get something online too.

Love in King Jesus,
Chuck ‘Critical Path 1000’ Hartman
PS: Books of DAY go down 49-1 until Public Vindication mountain/holiday, and then go 8531642 until Build Up—after Eliot/Anselm Time—when BuildUp goes 1-49. This will be the order of speaking in the Symphony, whose 49th initiation is ‘How will you show the life of Christ and our response from your book?’.
PPS: The order of books of WEEK is backwards from 49, and 8531642 in each groups of 7.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Neat poem re: Week Four anomaly

Neat poem re: Week Four anomaly(Please note that what this tries to do is remember, so that as we seem to want to forget a little, God won't send us a Great Forgetting--compare a little Philistine culture liked and He puts us totall under the Philistines, and similar action re: land laws disregardment and Exile)

not both the one
and the other
both the one
and the other

Thus the Sheffer stroke and Chalcedon are in Big Chalcedon

Matthew has conversion of Constantine, Council of Nicea, Athanasius' letter recognizing New Testament Canon in '100'
In 'Fuller' it's from 200 B.C. Phoenicians circumnavigate earth, to A. D.529 Closing of all universities--many entries

How does First Thessalonians affirm and apply the fulfillment of Jubilee from Luke 4?

Business Servant is John D. Rockefeller, and points to the question of how they go bad and what small, enthusiastic group can counteract it.

The tabernacle, echoing John, would seem to have its imperative transcendence in that surrounding the virus. For Chuck, it's additional income online.

We're working both our days off, so this is short.

Chuck 'Critical Path 1000' Hartman
Monday, March 4, A. D. 2020 Jesus All Times Dia, First Thessalonians Sheba, EpheseusCoram871