Wednesday, July 22, 2020

What happened in 1985?

What happened in 1985?
A year may not be the appropriate time period.
THEEEOS (Bull), or Sabbath + 6 feasts, or 7 Creation Days, but I'm melding an event a year for BuildUP (7 weeks before Easter/Coram) with one event per year for the last 49 years, one per week. This is week 14 of Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar, First Corinthians, 1985.

What happened of most relevance to Christendom that year?

A note in the Symphony of History (ERH), A scene in God's Theater (RJR). something in Opera (play with music, musical is too light),Opera is 'works,' plural of 'opus' in Italian.
Assumption: GodTrinity is still active. How does he work?

Other things of note (ugh! an equivocation)--US off gold standard, Money 2.o (Altucher, altcoin, Satoshi bitcoin--blockchain), Deng de-collectivises agriculture in China,  biological knowledge increasing 4x faster than Moore's Law...)

After 1985, I'll be asking about the other years.

Gospels Layer keeps rolling along, more next week/sheba.

Also,I'm on substack

Love in King Jesus,  

PS: Yes, they put two 'n's in my name. 

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