Sunday, December 11, 2022

Pastor as coordinator of maturity--this and TTT to Next 1000'

 Host A 6018 Pastor as Coordinator of Maturity (this and TTT to Next  1000')



Pastor as Coordinator of Maturity, Two Ways

1--Book of Layers of author-ity of Jesus Christ (Matt. 28: 18), mature congregation members each write a layer

2—Overseer, Superintendent, Epi-Scoper (Biship) of Home Churches, 80,000 per ‘Contagious Disciple Making’, a million (1,000,000 baptized), evangelism bigger than the parking lot

There are many ways to build the house of the kingdom. Here are a few. Baptists walked, Methodist rode horses. Stagecoaches, trains, planes, mail, radio, TV, internet, social media, YouTube and more. Theopolis, Africa as 21st century center of the church. Stark’s 3% growth per year. Personal Christ actions, Matthew 25: 31-46, Third Educational Revolution, and MUCH MORE.

Here I present a smattering of what Pastor as Coordinator of Maturity might be like.

2—Superintendent, Bishop of home churches. Read ‘Contagious Disciple Making’. In my present home town, of 10,000 there are 3500 ‘unchurched’. In other areas it’s more. Most of these will remain unreached because we talk to each other. And if they did evangelize these should use some such outreaches as Wooden Nickels for thrift stores. And a pastor, then, would need to use something similar to the Methodist circuit rider. He would conduct services one out of four weeks at one church or other. There are other options also.

1—Have various  people in the congregation show how Jesus Christ is the author of different parts of culture. Star twith the 17, yea 18 layers earlier.Pastor would coordinate. A book would be written each week/sheba (7, oath) coordinating all the layers. Each would divide the history into 42 parts, one for each part of the coram.  Maturity.

Each of these would be toward maturity.

Here are examples. They are for each week. They are not exhaustive, but examples.

Week 1—(Matthew) Fuller in ‘Critical Path’ says that Pound though Babel was the introduction of the alphabet (as opposed to writing such as ideographs, hieroglyphs). Thus, in Gurri’s formulation 2nd wave vs. 1st wave. Gurri, in ‘Revolt of the Public’ says that we recently have lived through the Fifth Wave tsunami of information. The amount of information doubled in one recent year. This destroyed confidence in institutions.

2—(Mark). Gilder in ‘The Scandal of Money’ says that the greatest move inhistory for freedom was when Deng and Jiang in China opened enterprise zones.

3—In a Wibberly ‘Mouse’ book, the scientist, Konkin (?) writes notes and leaves them around the laboratory. When hefinds them again, he is able to expand them. Thus he does research. (Planck searched all physics knowledge, then re-searched again. Rosenstock).

4—Tabernacle. Tabernacle of the Mouth, aslike unto letter-words/numbers in Hebrew. (John).

5—Jubilee. Each book. (Luke). Case studies, they are. Meditate Day and night. Love God, love neighbor--Matthew, hang all Law and Prophets.6—Music history. Second to Bible—Luther. Pin yin during China repression. Social CreditJeremiah Time.

6—Can’t read. Revelation (?). Add, sums u Bible. Try 7 churches as 7 phases of history?

7—Number 7. Mumby ‘Beyond Medicine’ (?)  I wrote these while half-awakening. Not Steiner’s  necromancy, but the mind is definitely different at that time.

8—Can’t read. Jeremiah?

9—ERH and Gospels. Leithart ‘The Four’. ERH in ‘Fruit of Our Lips’ holds that each is addressed, respectively, to Tribes, Empires, Israel,  Greece.

10—‘Repetition in the Bible, by Cascione. Psalms ‘tuned’ that way. See my 117.

11—PV, etc. .liturgy.

12—Opus 3, one of 48. Theodicy of The Twelve. See my tune.

13---Book a week (sheba).

14—Can’t read.

15—New types  of speech, people, organizations. Gardner ‘Beyond Belief’ Ch. 5, sums ERH.

16—See list of 17, yea 18.

17—Christian Courts Video Ministry,

18—Big Money. Tulip Time Tokens. Scale. Richardson. Casey’s nowfinance, as Gold Bond/Carlson now  hotels.

19—All  authority, e. g. Mao sends church members around China. ‘100 Most Significant…--pandemic.

20—Can’t read, maybe ‘what are  your 12 small  enthusiastic groups?

21—Riddles, as Matt. 13, and ’science’ vs. young earth, etc.

22—Search out those who disagree.

23—Get the book from Chalcedon about God creating writing at Sinai.

24—Bull’s work. THEEEOS, especially.

25—Community currencies,  Kenya Bancor. Gold, Russia China. Phyles Stephenson, Casey.

26—The Temple, The Temple’ and ‘America, America’ JBJ Western Civilization.

27—'Crisis, Opportunity, and the Christian Future’

28—ERH: ’Christianity is the science of timing’ and ‘The Christian Era is when liabilities become assets’ St. Lawrence, treasure of church: the poor.

29—Both/and (Christ God/man) logic. More  nreadable.

30—Time as syllogism substitute.


32—Science fiction, historical ‘what if?’. Historical fiction.

34—Final Cause, Bread/Wine, Omagalphic. Reverse Speech. ‘Out  of Revolution’  backwards.

35—What year, day. AM 4080 = A.D. 70.Days have same name as years.

36—Newton as liturgical. Called by apple falling, cleansed by ‘I don’t know’ but I can’. Past writing = Readings,  Sermon = first formulation, tested twice, then out for world. We all  should have this s pattern. It’s how God works. Take, Break, New Name, Distribute with command, we enjoy.

39, 40,41—Left open for now

42—Seems chaotic, isn’t. Glieck (?) book. Mandelbrot. 

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