Tuesday, April 17, 2018

To My Classmates--What's Hartman Been Doing?

Also see 'Conduct History,'

 'But Otho Died Homeless,'A Mathematics Based on the Athanasian Creed,'

and all the 'PeaceCash' short posts.

 And...July 10...add this--Peace under the Prince of Peace: Find a Person of Peace, then...
Todmorden, Kenya, STEM, Koppel +
This is de-marketing. I discourage all but a few, or one. The opportunity now is like the gold rush, the railroad, organizing land, skills, markets and more after Rome fell. Liabilities into assets.
Charlie ‘edencity@aol.com’ Hartman

By June 28, I've now created Personhood Day (Page on Facebook)--when one ENTERS one's mother's womb.  It's about 9 months, or 40 weeks, before birth.  You have your own DNA. Mine is, I claim, July 4, since my 'birth' day is April 5.   See also community currencies and crypto, etc. at http://chuckhartmanhistoryconductor.blogspot.com/2018/06/christendom-advance-by-cooperation-in.html

To My Classmates (short) [Note; Link to this as chuckhartmanhistoryconductor sent to those at addresses below]
I’ve been quite taken with Eugen RosenstockHuessy’s work. A refugee from Germany, 1933, he taught at Harvard and Dartmouth, and was influential in getting the Peace Corps going, though that’s a minor thing.
Here’s his entry in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/rosenstock-huessy/
Also see ERHFund.org, here: http://www.erhfund.org/
Bur most importantly, his lectures were recorded in the 1940s and beyond, and they are free online here: http://www.erhfund.org/online-lecture-library/
Very influential for me was Universal History 1954: http://www.erhfund.org/lecturealbum/volume-12-universal-history-1954/
These are FREE, download them.
A good book, especially Chapter 5, which summarizes the Revolutions of the West is Clint Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief’.

Below are some things I’ve done under ERH’s influence, and James Jordan’s, and that of others. Conduct History has a good explanation at the beginning. The Symphony is from a phrase of his in ‘Fruit of Lips’.
I’ve put much on my FacebookWall—Charles Howard Hartman, and http://chuckhartmanhistoryconductor.blogspot.com/
START WITH ‘conduct history’. ‘TSOCHI’is wise. All my stuff is messy, like a newborn baby.
BookBricks --Toward Peace-- A Manual Shared with everyone in the world
Conduct History: How* and Why Shared with everyone in the world
Godparents For Eldsters Shared with everyone in the world
Summary June 24, A. D. 2015 Shared with everyone in the world
The Symphony Of History TSOCHI Shared with everyone in the world
The Symphony Of History TSOCHI Pt 2 Shared with everyone in the world
To: Lyle Avey ; Elmer & Linda Kopaska ; Larry Benton ; Karen & Bill Sparks ; Linda Wolfe ; Warren Brady ; Charlotte Burgett Pittman ; Nancy Campbell Wright ; June Crabbs Armstrong ; Mary Jane Crabbs Everding ; LeAnn Curl ; Mary Dayton Morgan ; Judee Vaughan ; Linda Emery Buttler ; Charles Hartman ; Gail Jones Campbell ; Denny Jorgensen ; Bea Kenyon Sheeder ; Thad Larsen ; Werdna Lemke ; rexlivingston ; Denny & Judy ; Dennis & Bev Menefee ; Sheryl Possehn Bacon ; Karen Purdy Shroyer ; Larry & Mary Railsback ; Marie Shackelford Gibson ; Keith Simmons ; Marilyn Tallman Hansen ; Bev Wenger bevwenger@comcast.net

1 comment:

  1. Charley (isn't that what you were named in school?), I believe I'm out of your league. Where did you get your formal education?
