Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Jubilee Layer of Eternal Calendar, And Jeremiah Time

Jubilee Layer Of Eternal Calendar, And Jeremiah Time. First, Jeremiah Time. Jordan has said that we live in Jeremiah Time--to understand our times, understand Jeremiah. I propose that Bullinger (Companion Bible) says that there are 51 prophecies in Jeremiah, and so we should do one per each week, 49-50-51 in the last week. This week’s prophecy is 1:4, and here is the list of all of them. Dorsey’s ‘Literary Structure of the Old Testament’ and other commentaries would be useful.
Jeremiah’s 49 prophecies, per Bullinger. (For good explanation of Jeremiah, see Dorsey’s ‘Literary Structure of the Old Testament’
1. 1:4, 2: 1:11, 3. 1:12, 4: 2:1, 5. 3:6, 6. 7:1, 7. 11:1, 8. 13:3, 9. 13:8, 10. 14:1, 11. 16:1, 12. 18:1,
2. 13. 18:3, 14. 21:1, 15. 24:4, 16. 25:1, 17. 26:1, 18. 27:1, 19. 28:12, 20. 30:1, 21. 32:1, 22. 32:6,
3. 23. 32:26, 24. 33:1, 25. 33:19, 26. 33:23, 27. 34:1, 28. 34:8, 29. 34:12, 30.34:1 (ERROR HERE, CHECK IT OUT—could be 35:1?), 31. 35:12, 32. 36:1, 33. 36:27, 34. 37:6, 35. 39:15, 36. 40:1,
4. 37. 42:7, 38. 43:8, 39. 44:1, 40. 45:1, 41. 46:1, 42. 46:13, 43. 47:1, 44. 48:1+, 45. 49:1+,
5. 46. 49:7+, 47. 49:23+, 48. 49:28, 49. 49:34, 50. 50:1, 51. 51:59 (these last 3 should all be read at week 49, EXODUS)
6. + (Bullinger writes) The Fig. Ellipsis (Ap.6) should be repeated in each of these passages, from 47.1 [“The word of Jehovah to Jeremiah the prophet] against”, &c.
The Eternal Calendar is the life of Christ and our response.
We live in other calendars also: educational, work, business, community--these are remnants of other social orders.
The first layer of Eternal Calendar is the Church Year.
But in Luke 4, Jesus declares the Jubilee, and I have used Jordan’s 49-book Bible, literarily-conceived, as something to write, from Resurrection to Resurrection, one book per week, with additions. I also name the years.
Thus: SardisCoram862. More will be explained each week.
1—April 1, Anno Domini 2018, Hebrews (49-2)
Genesis (1-49)
Sunday, KolYMM!!!, also AlreadyDia
Monday, SardisYMM!!!, JesusAllTimesDia
Tuesday, PergamosYMM!!!, Lao-tseDia
Wednesday, EphesusYMM!!!, AbrahamDia
Thursday, PhiladelphiaYMM!!!, BuddhaDia
Friday, ThyatiraYMM!!!, TheaterDia (Greek ‘out,’ per ERH/Rosenstock, and ‘History is God’s theater,’ per RJR/Rushdoony
Saturday, SmyrnaYMM!!!, NotYetDia
Psalm Week 1 (see end of document for what’s included—one per day, generally)
1—Week for studying All Psalms: Whole book structure (Bible in miniature, Luther) then, respectively Book 1, 2, 3, 4 5, and then Whole book structure again.

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