Sunday, August 11, 2024

Moral, not educational Paul vs. Socrates

 But who would have thought this about China in Gilder's 'Scandal of Money'? And BRICS will have some gold backing. You don't know who is reading. Projects take 3 generation, Rosenstock who said his wourk would not be enacted until 70 years after his death,

NOT this generation unless you can talk to a Moses while in Pharaoh's court, or a Paul the Persecutor.

Babushkas prayed for 70 years, and USSR fell.

Charles Howard (Chuck) Hartman
PS: Read 'Superabundance' and ponder Socrates (smarter, ore moral) vs. Paul (Who will save me from this body of death?) It's a moral/vision problem, not an educational one.

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