Friday, August 23, 2024

Forbiddden by Facebook

 Forbidden by Facebook.

Let me say that I'm VERY optimistic is the longest, longer, and long run, but that there will be som hicccups on the way, as Ted Koppel and Newt Gingrich have written. But see 'Superabundance' and 'Life After Capitalism' and 'The End ins Near and It's Going To Be Awesome'.
And both the Federal government ( and the Red Cross (.org) write that individual preparedness is of great

help in case of tornados, floods, hurricanes and other natural disasters.
(My relatives in the 1950s only went to town on Saturday nights)
Further, Ike cut the Army in half, and the reduction in the Federal government under Truman 1945-7 would be the equivalent of completely eliminating the Federal government today (george Gilder 'The Scandal of Money').
Given that, it's odd that Facebook would refuse to publish the link:  How One Wall Street Giant Is Prepping for “Financial Collapse” - LewRockwell
For churches, one should reference Matthew 25: 31-46.
Love in King Jesus,
Chuck (shalak)
PS: 'The Alpha Strategy' is wise. Buy 2x what you already use.

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