Thursday, August 15, 2024

More Confucius


Paul vs. Socrates. 'Who will save me from the body of this death?' vs. The more you know, the more moral you are.
Somewhere the '500 words' of every language should come in. Osgod and Osgood, shown in Heinlein's 'Gulf'.
Kardashev. (wikipedia) Stage 1 civilization, all the energy of a planet. 2, solar system. 3, galaxy.
These are all 42s. the song of each book to be answered by the song of history toward Beatific Harmony.
Re: Confucius. Also eat the ideographs. Can they portmanteau: narradigm=a paradigm narrative.
Also, 'God's Promises to the Chinese' shows early ideographs as in Genesis 1?
Chuck (shalak)

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