Friday, August 30, 2024

Summa So Far Sept 1, A D 2024

 Summa So Far Sept 1, A D 2024


I anticipated it would be a 3 generation project.

The Next Thousand Years A Prayer

Let’s take each of the 4 in each deck of a 3-decker universe.

FWIW it’s Esther Sheba of SardisCoram of Heptad 863. Sardis Yom


Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact in Jordan’s system

Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective in Rosenstock’s System.


Garden/Church Priest


1—Biblical Law. Add GregHartman’s (sic) ‘New Testament Imperativity’ (371) to Maimonides 613, and a modified Meyers’ 5.

2—Lyric/Subjective. Yes, I’ve written a few song of books. Ps. 117/150:6 is good. Singing Galatians (re: Leithart’s) and 2 John start.

3—Evaluation/Narrative: The 42x 4 of B R SH T. End with #42 Fully Forever Final. Filling in: House/Fellowship(Acts 2:42, start with Nisbet’s 7, yea 8. Add things like homo corporativus, etc. Remember Poul Anderson’s first work. Plumb SF depth. Head/Apostles’ Doctrine.  All the creeds, add new issues such as global brain, uploaded, Brin. Eat/Bread Bread. 25+ General Purpose Technology (Wikipedia), plus Luther’s ‘bread on flags view’. Here put Kardashev. Prayer/Cross. All the prayers of the Bible, Cross of Reality, ‘Respondeo’. More work on languages, much more. Singing as glorified speech. Principia Operatica.

4--Objective/Fact. ‘Contagious Disciple Making’ illegal in India, so entrepreneurship?


Simpler from now on.


Land/Civil Magistrate/ King. Key for all of this is that Jesus is King Now, has ‘all authority’.

1—Twelve Word Platform, modified by historical reality.

2—Song of starting up, modified by such as ‘The Man Who Stole The Moon’ (Mafia does it) and gethfennu (organized crime does it) in ‘Day of Burning’ (saved from nova).

3—Healthspan, but Eschatological Evangelism’. Isaiah 65:20. Time and Eternity both/and real.

4—Nations as trade routes. If good vision, reward programs could be replacement. Wunderbar, BRICS likes gold.


World/Culture (Marriage, Family, Business, Art)/Prophet

1—Wright’s ‘The Day The Revolution Began’. Ma’s covenant of vocation. Man to God, God to Man.

2—Local/Online Leader. Both/And

3—Build a Peace Tribe. What war(s) are we really in?

4—New. McCloskey’s ‘Bourgeoise Dignity’ and more. Jay Abraham.


GodTrinity lovingly drags us into His future, changing us. And as we are ton between the past and the future, the in and the out, our howls become music, and we the Singing Song. The hero is one between time, the first sufferer, the protagonist, Helping Explicitly Reconcile Opposites—In Necessary Exigencies.



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