Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Unzing SF

 6 imaginatives--we need Unz

(Unz has digitalized 150 years of American journals of opinion, and found something he did not expect. He calls it 'American Pravda'. Evidently many who supported FDR's domestic policies, but who did not support his WWll

'American Pravda'. Evidently many who supported FDR's domestic policies, but who did not support his WWll policies were blacked out, and did not appear in those journals).
I propose that we/someone digitalize all SF to find some key imaginative concepts. The church then should deal with them. Here are some examples. I'm sure there are more and better ones.
Cordwainer Smith: '...real money in the computer.' Also, someone called the equivalent of 911 to request assistance for a mentally disturbed (?) person. The answerer said '  you know what do do...' [Theory, this is about Christians helping.
A Poul Anderson story about saving a planet from a nova has 'organized crime' (gethfennu) as the only world-wide

organization able to act. He also has a story which floats the concept of (primitive?) nations as trade routes.
Henlein has corporate states (non-territorial) obliterating Acapulco. And Jack Vance portrays a society in which different musical instruments are used to address different (classes) of society.
Let's Unz' SF! (Johnson, in 'History of the American People' says that Mencken wrote that the American practice of turning nouns into verbs was a key. Some though it uncivilized. And how do ideographic languages show new words?
Love in King Jesus,
Chuck (shalak)

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