Sunday, August 11, 2024

Calvinism and Coca-Cola (was Lady Ordination)

 Calvinism and Coca Cola (Was 'Lady Ordination).

This is another in the series started by Rich Bledsoe. The general theme is 'liturgy is causative, culture is downstream'. Dr. Bledsoe held that errors in the matter of sex in the culture were from the church's error regarding Lady Ordination.
Then came economy (and tithing, Randal), songs of whole books and total Bible saturation, and oddities.
Now I point to Paul Johnson's 'History of the American peope, pages 675-8 and following.
He states: 'Coke was probably the best single of the example of the way the American religious spirit was transmuted into a secular force while keeping its religious overtones.'
Starting from classis as sales territories, to rhetoric about a convert to Coke (salesman esp.) being born again, to the 'miracle' of the could go on and on.

Now, to other aspects of the general theme (see above) we go.
1--We need to work backward from societal problems to liturgical and church changes.
2--The last time I was in a Baptist service, they had an altar call wehn we would have communion. Here's a key--they err in bringing the revival tent meeting into the church as a service, but we err when we do not see communion as such a life-altering rededicatory event.
3--Since creation was by speech, we need to look more into cymatics, Search 'electronic cymatics'.
Love in King Jesus,
Chuck (shalak)

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