Wednesday, August 14, 2024

When will Confucius be eaten--a proposal

 When will Confucius be eaten?--A proposal

The propsal will come at the end.
Some background.
1--JBJ has said that while Israel was in exile, God raised up Greek Philosophy, Buddhism, and Confucius.
2--This is for us (the Church) to take care of later.
3--When will this be? When will the good parts of Confucianism be incorporated (eaten into the corpus, the Body)?
4--This prssupposes that God, theodically, has the whole of history as an opra before him.
5--We are to sing/act 9'opera-te) this after Him.
6--Oddly to many, I propose that the A of this chiastic work, is the first letter-words of the Bible.
7--Thus B house R head SH eat T cross.
8--And Acts 2:42, fellowship, Apostles' Doctrine, breaking of bread, prayer.
9--For fellowehip/hous, I propose to start with Nisbet's forms of society.
10--For head/doctrine we have the creeds and confessions so far.
11--For eat/breaking of bread we have General Purpose Technology (wikipedia) which is somewhat Marxist, but we know that Luther proposed that all flags have a loaf of bread on them.
12--For cross/prayer we have such things as Matthew 25:31-46 and all the prayers of the Bible.
13--I also propose that the firs 4 notes, a la Beethoven's 5th, are 2671.
14--So we need to place these in 120,000 years. (JBJ said that it's at least 3,000 generations of blessing, for Hebrew did NOT use the word for 'two'.
15---This would give us the 'score' of the 'opera'. (IIRC 'opera' is the plural of 'opus' in Italian (?).
16--Thus, we begin. We sing books, for God wrote books, etc.
17--Preliminary proposal. Rosenstock wrote of Jesus, Confucius (I substitue Lao-tse), Buddha, and Abraham.  Thus days of the week (dia) could be, alternatively and at the same time as 8531642 churches, and Sunday-Saturday: AlreadyDia (Sunday), Jesus All Times Dia (Monday), Lao-tseDia, AbrahamDia, BuddaDia (Thursday), add GreekTheaterDia and then NotYetDia (Saturday). This follows Rosenstock's Forward/Imperative, In/Sibjective, Back/Narrative, Out/objective

Love in King Jesus,

Chuck (shalak)

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