Monday, August 5, 2024

Rich Lady Ordination 2

 Rich Bledsoe had previously opined that cultural sexual perversion all started with sexual errors in the church, especially lady ordination.

I replied that this was VERY important. Rich thanked me.

Then I wrote: Dear Rich:

One could ask this question:  What are the good and bad things in culture, and how are they caused by liturgical errors?
 'Judgment begins at the house of God'
One could also ask this question:  What are the errors in liturgy, and what bad thing do they cause in culture? And vice versa--what good things are caused by good worship?
I have lists.

I don't want to end this conversation.
'I will fight on this front if it takes...' Grant.
Chuck 'liturgical miximalist' Hartman
PS: What are on YOUR lists?

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