Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Rich 'passing the plate' economies of the world Lady's Ordination


What does it do to the economies of the world when we 'pass the plate'?
Pastors should study and teach--not necessarily preach: That's mostly one of the assurances (with cleanse and commune)-- this passing the plate as a parallel economy of voluntaryism.
One might read Creveld's 'The Rise and Decline of the State' along with '4th Generation Warfare'
The key thing now is Rosenstock's 'Universal History 1954' about small enthusiastic groups being the key for the next 1000 years in his chiasm of history. JBJ mentions tribes in 'Crisis, Opportunity and the Christian   Future'.
We ARE the ever new society. We should know it and act like it (3rd Word).
One of the footnotes in Peter Leithart's 'The End of Protestantism' tells of a book describing the centuries of battle between the state-adherents and the church, cities, and aristocracy.
Conclusion: Yes, 'heave' the money up. God gives it back to us to do his will, whether it be Confederate money, Weimar inflation money, bitcoin, or dollars, or partially gold-backed BRICS stuff.

Chuck (shalak)
PS: Gilder's "Life after Capitalism' is good. I remember superabundance (that we work far less in time of goods) as '11 bicycles'. We can buy 11 bicycles now for the time we worked then for one. Also MIGW. Money is time (who is the Lord of time, he doesn't ask), Information is surprise, Growth is learning, and wealth is knowledge. This should enthuse ministers of the Word!

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