Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Strangeness 3 Bob Cook

 Dear Robert Cook

Here's why there's so much strangeness--3 reasons

1--New technology. We have a lot of it. From one-room country schools, to Khan Academy in my lifetime. And Rosenstock (FREE Dartmouth courses, transcripts and audio at www.erhfund.org) says any new technology increases space (I'm somehow working with African pastors on Facebook) decreases the time it takes but destroys old groups.
2--We're in the Fifth Wave of information according to Gurri in 'The Revolt of the Public' written befor Trump and Brexit. First Wave was wirting, second alphabet, so this is BIG. Add 'confirmation bias', that one can find easily others who agree.
3--So, since in Jeremiah Time I've done the 'plot of land'--The Next Thousand Years book--and the jeremiads (when you die, soon, you will be judged (Eschatological Evangelism) what I'm concentrating now on is working the the old home town. a--Self-sufficient in vegetables, b--microgrid for energy, c--old cars (EMP my be false, but...). And I'd promote 'the chess of pocket billiards'.

Chuck (shalak)

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