Sunday, September 1, 2024

Esther, The Twelve, Fact of Facts

 Esther, The Twelve, Fact of Facts

Last week (sheba) was Esther. Bullinger has good stuff on 'hidden YHWH'. It's good to study Hebrew. Dr. Leithart in 'Creator' does neat stuff with YHWH too-only the 26th time is 'full YHWH' used. The first 25 use the letters, but not the whole. And something about the 28th, 7x4. (My Kokintz/memory palace has been disrupted by new furniture!)
According the New Bible Commentary, The Twelve are not in our Bibles in chronological order.  there are 4 first, then an 8. This could be played on 7 white notes and 5 black.
The Fact of Fact is NOT Aristotle's 'either-or,' but both/and. Some Christian Logos/logic might reflect that. Re:
Goedel. Both very God of very God and very Man of very Man.
Love in King Jesus, Chuck

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