Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Holy Architecture Steve Jobs

 Holy Architecture: Steve Jobs

According to 'Innovators' Jobs spent much time designing the atrium for Pixar so as to maximize serendipitous personal encounters (unto creativity).
God spends much Bible on holy architecture. 7 chapter in Exodus on describing how to build the tabernacle, and 7 more in how they do it exactly that way, priests.
One could even say that the New Testament is instructions in how to build the people/house of God.

Thus, 'All Scripture is God's Breath ('breathed out by God') and is profitable...so that the man of God shall have all his furniture ('be thoroughly furnished').
Designers of worship spaces should take note. There are unknown knowns, even unknown unknowns (Rumsfeld).
Thus, old woodcuts whow a preacher on high in a crows nest, with a curved sounding board over his head, with a standing body of listeners below.
JBJ has written of a vision in which worshippers come in through 4 doors (white, red, black, green) and sit on cushions around a table.
Pews came in during the Reformation. (And read in Leithart's 'Solomon...' about the English sentence--when it came in.).
So, there's a verse about action (on the Sabbath?) that says something like 'if you know what you are doing, good--if you don't, bad'. Designers of worship spaces take note.

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