Enter at your own risk. Reader Beware. And All That.
Chapter 1: There are
1700 residents of Stuart. If 1/6 of them
are on food stamps/SNAP/Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, that means
that almost 300 need food help.
Chapter 2: This can
be done in the tradition of Stuart’s founding.
In 1871, Stuart was founded along the Big Mover of the day, the
railroad, as a town to serve farmers in the area. By 150 years later, could we have a Stuart
along the Big Mover (the internet/web), as a town that is showing the way to
urban farmers and others, world-wide?
Stuart, 1871, Big Mover railroad, town to serve local
farmers. Now, Good Egg Days.
Stuart, 2021, Big Mover website Stuart Feeds Her Hungry,
example town to help urban farmers and others world-wide. Another layer of Good
E.G.G.s, Experienced Gardening Guides
Chapter 3: The rest
of this blog will be links that could be helpful.
Except for: Chapter 4: If your
outgo exceeds your income your upkeep will be your downfall. Thus, web presence as in website and videos
etc. should be used to produce some surplus to get us going. I’m thinking we could put up free ads for
locals, and make some money doing this. So, I’m looking for Good E.G.G.s, a
local coordinator, and a website surplus-maximizer. I have some capital for starting.
Here’s something on the latter:
[I’m sure that there are more
Making a living on YouTube
Here's some surprisingly easy ways people are
making a living on YouTube
John Cooksey recently posted a message on our discussion forum
in which he included a link to what the top 100 people who upload videos to
YouTube make.
When you view that list, you'll discover that several YouTubers
are netting more than a hundred thousand a month.
What's really interesting about these people are the kinds of
videos they are making. A lot are simple single camera videos. No special
effects, no graphics. No flying monkeys.
For example, the number one person on the top 100 list uploads
videos where she shows different Disney toys. That's all. Just a close up of
the toys while she talks about what she is showing.
She gets over 150 million views a month and has close to a
million subscribers to her YouTube channel. And for this, YouTube pays her an
average of eighty thousand a month.
The thing is, you could be making these kinds of videos. No
special skills are needed. And you don't even have to appear in the videos.
To see what I mean, check out the video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoc8d0gcf08
It has 75 million views!
You can read more about these kinds of videos in our discussion
forum athttp://www.bmyers.com, or see the list John
posted athttp://www.socialblade.com/youtube/top/country/US
When you see how much some of these people are
making each month, it might encourage you to post more of your own videos to
Chapter 5: Why don’t
I do this? I’m working on raising ‘a
next layer of social order’ by psalmodically responding, under Trinity. StuartFeedsHerHungry
is about honoring father and mother, so I might inherit having this calling
made real, as some time. I also follow
Buckminster Fuller in ‘Critical Path,’ who said that he invented things so that
they would be ready when needed. Thus: http://chuckhartmanhistoryconductor.blogspot.com/2014/04/what-kind-of-king-are-you.html
Chapter 6: Possible business card information.
Almost 300 of 1700 are on
SNAP/foodstamps. Can we feed them by ‘Growing Food, Not Lawns’?
Stuart, 1871, Big Mover railroad, town to serve local
farmers. Now, Good Egg Days.
Stuart, 2021, Big Mover
website Stuart Feeds Her Hungry, example town to help urban farmers and others
world-wide. Another layer of Good E.G.G.s, Experienced Gardening Guides
Search ‘Stuart Feeds Her Hungry’ online and as a Facebook
Page. edencity@aol.com
Chapter 7: Links.
[More will be added in the
comments as we go along, Lord willing]
Can Stuart be self-sufficient in
in 7 years?
and more, including newspaper articles http://search.aol.com/aol/search?enabled_terms=&s_it=client97_searchbox&s_chn=tt_unauth&q=Todmorden+self-sufficient
a link, but an idea: Covault (Mom’s maiden name) Gardening. Something such as this:
Your lawn, you pay us, we till, we plant, we weed (mulch), you harvest + eat +
enjoy. Some company in Oregon
has done this, and the second year they were completely booked up—alas, I can’t
find them again, maybe others could
nice vignette: Maybe
we grow both food and character. A story is told, which I modify, about
an economist visiting a fellow
economist in Switzerland
during WWII. The visitor told the Swiss that the garden he was working was
uneconomical, for the Swiss could buy the food more cheaply, given the man
hours expended, etc. The Swiss replied that he was not growing only food,
but character also.
Maybe we become
‘Stuart: Gardening City , USA ’ or Stuart: Nobody Goes Hungry, USA ’?
I have more that I
can send on request: edencity@aol.com
There’s much on
aquaponics, and permaculture. Please
Many organic seed companies here: https://www.google.com/search?q=organic+seed+companies&hl=en&sourceid=gd&rlz=1D2GGLD_enUS365US365
in Switzerland : https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=387491861355808&set=a.262921060479556.48404.261982733906722&type=1 Neighbors plan together. This
is called "Foodscaping"
20 fruit trees per residential lot, great investment
returns, greater than Google, he writes! http://www.economicpolicyjournal.com/2014/01/this-surprise-investment-has.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+economicpolicyjournal%2FKpwH+%28EconomicPolicyJournal.com%29
Three things about the founding of Stuart in 1871.
1—A town to serve
2—Farmers around the community
3—Beside the Big
Mover, the railroad
Stuart become the ‘Good Eggs’.
1--A town of good e.g.g.s—experienced gardening guides
2—Serving urban farmers around the world
3—Using the Big Mover, the internet
The money’s in the
website, and more.
Finally, I REALLY don’t know about some of these.
One million pounds of organic food on 3 acres? https://www.crisiseducation.com/landing/reports/4foot-farm-blueprint/video/index-grocery2.php?Contact0LeadSourceId=565&utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Facebook+Ads&utm_campaign=%5B4ft+BP%5D+%5BFB+Ads%5D+%5BLarge+Politics+12-29-2013%5D
100 pounds of potatoes in four feet: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=199391506927981&set=a.153416844858781.1073741826.153225174877948&type=1
on kitchen table, even apartments? $7
I also promised to show you how to grow
half of your own food in your backyard in less than an hour per day! It
is actaully quite easy; I've been doing it for years. This 27 minute
presentation will show you exactly how to do it along with step by step
instructions for getting started.
This is not some fluffy 'half your
food' either - I go into exact number of calories and just exactly what you'll
get out of it. And yes, you can do this. In fact you
could have this setup and be eating a lot of your own homegrown food in just a
short time. Click here to see:
$27 Wake up world ad-- http://food4wealth.wakeup-world.com/
21st century victory gardens: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=465190683612530&set=a.133526616778940.26327.115160461948889&type=1&theater
Have you read at your own risk?