Monday, December 17, 2012

Psalmodic Response, at least 3 types

Dear Gentles:

JBJ wrote in 'Church Music in Chaos' the Psalmodic response is the ultimate theological dynamic.

Then, in the '318' discussion, he mentioned, iirc, that the complexity of 318-ness is to show us the greatness of God (paraphrase).

I'm proposing 3 types of Psalmodic response.

1--I call 'issachar'--What MUST be done NOW.
2--The eternal calendar (ERH) of the life of Christ and our response. Church calendar(s).
3--I'm working in 318 land.  We are His image.  He speaks to create.  We speak and work with our hands to make.  What?  Houses, both synchronistically (Tabernacle, Temple, etc. and Church, University, Christian State--and what might come next).

The Mystery of History is that there is a way in which the past is our future, and our future is in the past.  5th Word.

As someone would say, 'Developing'.

Love in King Jesus,

New 'Enjoy Comprehensive Beauty is a first letter chiasm of the Supper's Break, Command, Enjoy' Charlie
PS:  I'm demarketing this.  It's hidden in plain sight, as an antiques dealer will put what he really wants to sell in the back of the shop, under a bunch of 'other stuff'.

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