49 imperative stems toward organizing 'the next 1000 years--however long that is'
May 13: And now...49 imperative stems heading toward peace
corps' and jubilation. Lev. 25, Is. 61,
Luke 4, each of 49 books (Jordan's 'Rethinking...' here: http://www.biblicalhorizons.com/biblical-horizons/no-80-rethinking-the-order-of-the-old-testament/)
applied by abofseg--applied by oath formed small enthusiastic groups,
organizing the next 1000 years, however
ling that is as tribes without perpetual warpath, as the nation-state is
empires without slavery, and the Church
is Israel without exclusions, per Rosenstock (and much added) best
explained in these Dartmouth lectures: http://www.erhfund.org/lecturealbum/volume-12-universal-history-1954/
ERH in ‘Magna Carta Latina’ said that every Latin verb form is derived from a
shorter imperative stem, so, were we to do something similar with ‘imperative
stems’ for each book, we’d have a start of the flowering of speech, true
speech, that behind which one puts one’s life.
So, Hebrews: New! (somewhat vocative, a vocative being half
an imperative, a naming—live up to it (2nd, 3rd Word?),
Titus: Godparent all societies!, 1 Timothy: Author-ity! (sic), and 1
Thessalonians: WorkingWait (sic)?
BR S-H T, ‘In the beginning, Gen 1:1, 1st word)
can be seen as an imperative stem iffor worship +, were we to take the
letter-words, thus: B “house’ be the
house, enter the house, R ‘head’ bow your head in confession, listen to
readings and sermon application, S-H ‘eat’, communion (the meal seals the spiel
and the deal for real), and T ‘cross’ carry your cross out, now that you have
been torn apart/cue up to be put back together, transformed for battle.
Philemon--as Hammer to WWII, and Reacher to the Cold War, what literary hero for the holy war against the devil and his angels? After Lafferty's great 'What Was the Name of that Town?' there are many, especially detectives who help explictly reconcile the opposites of a dead person and how the person came to be dead. Thus, 'Remember!' as there was a machine that made holes in memory so we would not remember, in Lafferty! And for 2 Timothy, tentatively, May 21, 'Purely Preach'. But we need to oaths and the small enthusiastic groups.