Saturday, June 22, 2013

Latest Full Count Of The Tribes Summary as of June 22, A. D. 2013 (12+ pages)

Host9862aPergamosCoram861The7x7Only [MAKE Tribes To Fill Niches]
Top is liturgical east, toward the front of the church



21—The Twelve
22—Greater Chron-icles

29—First John

31—First Peter
32—Second Peter
34—Second John
35—Third John

37—First Corinth-ians
38—Second Corinth-ians
43—First Thessal-onians

44—Second Thessal-onians
45—First Timothy
46—Second Timothy
Additional lectures and writing by James Jordan
Hartman supplied the grid. Some information about other orders and arrangements is here. Pointed out to me by C. Frank Bernard on Facebook.
© A. D. 2011 (SardisCORAM861) by Charles Howard Hartman.  Use freely, non-commercially, linking back.

Add: Appendix II of The Silent Language by E. T. Hall, p. 191 (paperback) 10x10 Map of Culture

To Justin Donathan, Facebook Someday this might supplement. JBJ's original is a few pages in. I haven't the grit to do this 'coram' yet. It seems to me that God wrote BOOKS, and we should honor that.  Systemics might be a valuable addition, that is, a picking out of '49' key systemic things--well Heidelberg does that, in a way.  But I'm seeking echoes of each book in a respective tribe, 49, so they can be put into creative tension rather than destructive perpetual war.  It's the task of many 'jubilees'--periods of 49 years. I know there are some who say jubilee is annulled, but we have principles, precepts, examples.  You might also see the '49 Tribes' post that merges 'Warriors of Light'.  Neat.
June 19, 2013--UT (ultimate, as in from gamma to ut, gamut). Tell of ERH (Stanford Encyclopedia, Wikipedia,, Multiformity of Man, (free online)  Peace Corps, etc)and the in-out-forward-back of  tribes.  In: Dancing Green (mating rituals—tribe to produce marriages), out: warpath (this  perpetual warfare is what we want to remove), Forward: altar, back:grave/totem pole/ancestors.
What the Uplift Tribe, UT has as its core is that each person has unique talents that each other is to help each the other to develop, to magnify.
So, In;  Bring All Ones In, Out; Not Fighting, but Inviting (en-livening as vital is life), Forward: Toward, unto this maximixation of the unique talent(s) of each one), Back: Remembering how we got here, the contributions of Tesla, the inventor of air conditioning, such persons as Tim Berners-Lee (hypertext), etc., monasteries, other organizations, the past uniquen talents developed as we hope and work to develop the ones in the future.
[More] Thus in an ages when networks (hierarchies not as needed) and jet planes can wreak bio-war and nano-war havoc, we, Lord willing, can avoid this 4th-generatin and fifth-generation warfare. [1st gen was massed armies in Napoleon, 2nd was artillery, 3rd was tanks]
What book/tribe underground railroads for slavery, abused, etc.?
Thanks! This came to me after vacation. JBJ says Moby Dick is a 'commentary' (or something) on Leviticus.  So I thought, maybe one of our goals should be to do something such as that for each of the '49' books in Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament.  Then we could 'prime' (per Gladwell's 'Blink'--a GREAT book) the culture.  Even, maybe, there could be 'tribes' all within the 49/Jubilee structure.  E. g. Crichton says that environmentalism is the religion of urban atheists. But the HARD part will be making these tribes, creating them, after the Bible books. Actually, one fellow, Eric Robinson, from our church did a great riff on Philemon and Paul's sarcasm (I thought of Don Rickles!  Woe is me).  Anyway, that's a goal. It'd help to do Ps. 119 and the 22 meanins of the letters of the Hebrew for the Hebrew, maybe, that Jim has listed.  Love in King Jesus,  Charly.  PS: there was something that flashed on my Facebook that you had commented on a post of mine, that's why I wrote.  Maybe it wasn't you?
JBJ says Moby Dick is a 'commentary' (or something) on Leviticus. So I thought, maybe one of our goals should be to do something such as that for each of the '49' books in Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament. Berman's 'Law and Revolution' for Deuteronomy? Then we could 'prime' (per Gladwell's 'Blink'--a GREAT book) the culture. Even, maybe, there could be 'tribes' all within the 49/Jubilee structure. For each Book, a work of culture, such as the two 'books' above, then tribes.E. g. Crichton says that environmentalism is the religion of urban atheists. But the HARD part will be making these tribes, creating them, after the Bible books. Actually, one fellow, Eric Robinson, from our church did a great riff on Philemon and Paul's sarcasm (I thought of Don Rickles! Woe is me). Anyway, that's a goal. It'd help to do Ps. 119 and the 22 meanings of the letters of the Hebrew for the Hebrew, maybe, that Jim has listed. Love in King Jesus, Charly.
Now, of course!, we're in the early stages of constructing Symbol, the Language, and all this must be applied.

Reading ERH's Magna Carta Latina (not a good way to learn Latin, compared to language labs and immersion) and he says that the choice of which Latin form of grammar was a big weaon against the Papacy anf for Henry VIII--what do you know of that? 2--Prepositions are from gesticulation. 3--The stem of a word is the imperative.
The big thing I remember from Latin 55 years ago in public school in Guthrie Center is that there is more than one way to slice up the world. Now that I've had learning from ERH and the speechthinkers, I realize the creative (echo) aspect of speech. And the speech forms of change.
Tribes of spies.  Runs throughout the Bible.  So maybe another 49 tribes of ‘systemic’ rivers.
Yes, mythic sandboxes that echo and get the gist of each of the books of the Bible would be a start toward 'priming' the culture, in a Gladwellian 'Blink' way.  So far I only have Moby Dick for Leviticus (JBJ) and Berman's 'Law and Revolution' for Deuteronomy as art works, and these art works should lead to tribes being held in creative tension (not perpetual war) in a Jubilee echo, the 7x7 of Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament.


Eric Robinson's Deep, Short Commentary on Philemon and Slavery

Eric Robinson's Deep, Short Commentary on Philemon and Slavery

The letter to Philemon is hilarious. Paul writes, "Hey, Phil, I'm always thanking God for you, cause your faithful and loving. That's why I am confident that you'll do what I am about to ask you to do of your own free will and not because I command you with the authority I have to give commands. It's about Onesimus...he is my child now because I shared the gospel with him like I did with you and he follows Jesus now too. I know he used to be your slave, but he was useless to you that way, so why don't you give him his freedom. I mean, if he owes you anything you can charge it to me; just send the bill 'attention my Father Paul' to the prison I'm sitting in for the sake of Jesus Christ. I won't even remind you that you owe me your life because I shared the gospel with you too. I'm just glad to give you this opportunity! Except you'll notice I sent Onesimus to deliver the letter even though he is my very heart, though I really wanted to keep him so he could minister to me in your name (it gets lonely in prison and I know how you want to help). I look forward to your reply since I am confident you will do even more than I am suggesting you do. Everyone says, 'Hi.' The grace of the Lord Jesus be with your spirit." (By Eric Robinson on Facebook, by permission)

FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 2013

49 Tribes--Breakthrough Toward Peace!

49 Tribes—Breakthrough Toward Peace!

I’ve been trying to help midwife ‘A 7th Layer of Social Order.’

How?  By psalmodically responding to ‘everything’.

This is similar to the process Solomon used.  He had to write the whole Torah in his own hand. That ‘primed’ him, in Gladwell’s ‘Blink’ terms. This worked because when he was confronted with his first recorded judgment, the case of the two harlots and one baby, he made the right decision.  Remember, there were no specifics that related to this case in the Torah.  He had to get the gist, the Spirit.  He ‘blinked’. He psalmodically responded.

Now, Jordan’s six are Tribes, Nations, Cosmopolitan, Church,Christian State, University. The last 3 are parallel to the first three, in a Father, Son, Holy Ghost sequence, I aver.

What’s next?  A hint may be this: JBJ says we are in Jeremiah Time, we are waiting.  And in the Decalogue, the Sabbath word (rest!) comes after the first 3 Words (non-Lutheran, non-Roman Catholic). And Israel went into Exile because She did not give the land rest.  Thus, we are in Rest, we are in the 4th Word.

What will come next?  Well, JBJ says that the 5th and 8th Words relate to Adam’s sin in the Garden. He dishonored the Father (5thWord), by stealing (8th Word) the fruit. 
Thus, something honoring one’s father and mother would fit.  Thus, Godparents for Eldsters. (Click on ‘See More’ for additional information at links)

Now to Rosenstock.  His sequence is Tribes, Empires, Israel, Greece then (Greece being a companion, never a social order He Who Reversed The Trend), the Church glorified Israel by getting rid of exclusiveness, and the Nation-State glorified the Empires by getting rid of slavery, and now we are tasked with the 7th Layer Of Social Order, something that will glorify the Tribes by getting rid of perpetual warfare, while keeping the small, enthusiastic groups.

I PROPOSE 49 TRIBES, IN JBJ’S 7X7 49-BOOK ‘JUBILEE’ MATRIX. Here’s JBJ’s original article:

Why 49, why peace, etc.  Well, there’s a connection between Jesus’ words in Luke 4, and the Jubilee. 21 And he began to say unto them, This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears. I claim that this refers to Isaiah 61, and back to Leviticus 25, Jubilee.

So we see 49 books, and 49 years before another Jubilee.

A small detour. We’ll connect everything later. Remember that we are trying to put 49 tribes into a Jubilee/Peace framework. Rosenstock: Peace is the explicit reconciliation of opposites.

We detour through the Warriors of Light process to get to 49 Tribes. Here’s Warriors of Light:

After some connection to medieval cathedrals being used as solar observatories via holes put into the roof, and the marking of where the sun shone on the floor throughout the year, we move to individual in the congregation being formed up as light.

The idea is that each will look at the sermon’s light through the lens of one of these 49 books, write a short commentary, and a book will in that way be written. This is very useful for evangelism, and for one anothering one another in sharing wisdom, as each become more of an expert on his or her book.

[If anyone thinks this is too difficult, I will conduct this battle/symphony for oh so small a fee, and it will have many more benefits, as you may read below.]

One of these benefits is monetization. Generally, we will use the techniques of Switzer and others.  Each participant will receive shares.  We call these 49ths.  Now, we will pay others for doing things in ‘49ths,’ and this would seem to decrease the money/currency coming to the first participants, but NOT IF WHAT THESE OTHERS DO INCREASES THE TOTAL REVENUE MORE. I’d keep control, this will be a ‘new’ form of ‘group-making and –operating’. More in another paper.

Now, the BIG reason for these warriors, each with his/her own lens/book, is to make ‘A Full Count Of The Peace/Jubilee Times’.  Hat tip, E. T. Hall’s ‘Silent Language,’ in which he has a 10x10 chart that describes a society.  Our 7x7 chart will make 49 ‘tribes,’ and put them into one 7x7 field of jubilee/peace.

If the tribes don’t exist yet, we’ll make a full count of them by creating new ones.  We already have the vision of a society based on the Bible, and the Jubilee, toward Peace, but it’s not yet finished.

[This is the type of ‘blinking’ that Solomon did, I pray, and that the art experts in Gladwell’s book ‘Blink’ did, as they were confronted with a statue and asked ‘Is it a fake?’  They had gut reactions, they knew but it was articulated in, for example, a blurting out of ‘I hope you haven’t paid for this yet!,’ or having a glass wall come between the art expert and the statue. I ‘blink’ this 7x7’.]

You ask, do I have an example, a seed, a start?  Yes, two. JBJ has said that Moby Dick is a commentary on Leviticus.  OK, we have an art work.  We don’t have a tribe.  But, though I’m ‘blinking’—articulating without strict deductions—I can hint that Leviticus is parallel to the Third Day (growing plants), and in the dark-empty-formless parallels, to the 6th day.  Great whales were made on the 6th Day, thus Moby Dick, the white whale, and…here we get a couple of tribes, thus: Crichton says that environmentalism is the religion of urban atheists.  Thus, the environmentalism tribe.  This is not good.  We can do better.  Something such as stewardship, and perhaps we can build on the Cornwall Alliance…perhaps not.

Here’s a second.  Numbers.  The forming up into battle.  We should have this as liturgical warfare on the Lord’s Day, but that is missing in our culture, mostly.  What we do have in pro football on Sundays.  And they call themselves warriors.  We need to build up the peace tribe of liturgical warfare.  How?  Perhaps a start is the simultaneity of ‘The Day of 7, yea 8 Names’ and ‘Super Bowl Sunday’ in A. D. 2012.  Here’s what I wrote then, and it has explanatory links:

This will be posted on ‘Build A Peace Tribe’ on the Facebook Page of that name, by Charles Howard Hartman (Facebook). [Godparents for Eldsters has its own facebook page and blog also}

Without the imperative, there is no future.  So, what should you do now?  Start with doing a Warriors of Light program in your church.  I’ll help.  Participation via 49ths will be given.

Monday January 16, 2012

Warriors of Light


Wouldn’t it be great if …we could have more emphasis in worship on how to battle better--that is, if worship formed us up, and shaped us, as does band practice, athletic practice, sales training, boot camp?

Here’s how to get that.
First some English, later some Symbol.

Tom Woods (yes, the ‘Meltdown’ guy) writes in ‘How the Roman Catholic Church Built Western Civilization,’ p. 112:

‘…Cathedrals in Bologna, Florence, Paris, and Rome were designed in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries to function as world-class solar observatories. … Each such cathedral contained holes through which sunlight could enter and time lines (or meridian lines) on the floor. It was by observing the path traced out by the sunlight on these lines that researchers could obtain accurate measurements of time and predict equinoxes. (They could also make accurate calculations of the proper dates for Easter—the key initial function of these observatories). …’

Let’s work with this.

Now, several keys to Dr. Jordan’s work include: Maturition. Redemptive History. Holy War.

Were we to apply Dr. Woods’ report using these 3, what might result?

I give you A First Possible Liturgical Battle Formation For Warriors of Light. A few implications of this formation follow.


Top is liturgical east, toward the front of the church. This is a 7x7 grid that did not come out in this format.

1--Genesis 2--Exodus 3--Leviticus 4--Numbers 5--Deuteronomy 6--Joshua 7--Judges

9—Ruth 10—Psalms 11—Job 12--Proverbs 13—Song 14—Eccl-esiastes

16—Kings 17—Jere-miah/Lam-entations 18—Ezekiel 19—Daniel 20—Esther 21—The Twelve
22—Greater Chron-icles

23—Matthew 24—Mark 25—Luke 26—John 27—Acts 28—Reve-lation
29—First John

30—James 31—First Peter 32—Second Peter 33—Jude 34—Second John 35—Third John

37—First Corinth-ians 38—Second Corinth-ians 39—Galatians 40—Ephesians 41—Phil-ippians 42—Colos-sians
43—First Thessal-onians

44—Second Thessal-onians 45—First Timothy 46—Second Timothy 47—Titus 48—Philemon 49--Hebrews
Additional lectures and writing by James Jordan
Hartman supplied the grid
© A. D. 2011 (SardisCORAM861) by Charles Howard Hartman. Use freely, non-commercially, linking back.


1—There is a Battle Formation Two. It’s retuned and flipped to show our more mature situation. Ideally, both would be used together.

2—Since most are seated in church now, we resonate more with Ephesians 2:6, ‘…seated with Him in the heavenlies…, and we are lights, as several places tell us, such as the one that says ‘…Let your light so shine…’.

3—What I am saying is that in one milieu it made sense to study nature by using a church as an astronomical observatory, but that it is more mature to add a layer in which we church members are the light. We do not only study other light, we radiate light. And as this light is shaped, one anothering, under shepherds, we are trained for shining as warriors of light also, outside.

4—How so? Here’s one way, a start. The back of each chair could be labeled with the appropriate book in the above formation. The congregation, part of her, would be ‘formed up’ in battle array, such that one person sat in each of the 49 chairs. That person would be that book, that book’s light, light. (Adjust for congregation size, etc.) 

5—A first application might be to the sermon within the liturgical context. How does Kings relate to the sermon subject, how does First John…? Potentially, each chair would write something about the relations and one another each of the others with it.

6—A second application might be to use Elder Roorda’s HAAG, the best articulation version so far of Lectionary Historical. In History At A Glance, the Ussher-Jordan time from Creation to A. D. 70 is placed within a 7x7 grid, each grid being of the size of approximately 9x9 years, 81 years. (Extra years are used at the end and the beginning). Thus, Genesis fits with section 1, the first 81 years (plus extras).

7--It would be better, however, to use the whole number of years until now for one grid. It would have approximately 121 years per section, and as a congregation got more used to this way, the future should be added. A first suggestion would be to have 242 years per section. (One could well use the 16 billion years, by stacking 49ths, starting with @ 320 million years per section of 7x7 grid, and getting down to about a minute for the whole grid. Using a future grid also, one would be able then to begin to ‘read’/’hear’/’sense’ the Rosetta Stone of Time, that is, the language, respectively, of the past, and of the present, and of the future, each of which is different and all of which say the same thing, like the Rosetta Stone. I’ll post on that.

8—More to come. Thanks. Chuck 

PS: It is too weird to think that Jeremiah-Lamentations may be the Leviticus of Leviticus. That is, can the heptamerous chiasm of the first 7 days be seen in some type of iteration going down the grid? And can Samual-Ecclesiastes be seen as an ‘Exodus’/Second Day’ iteration of this heptamerous catechism. That would be a jewel! One would need a prismator. A lensman, Doc, for a shepherd.

Thanks, Doug! The more one-anothering, the more 'kabod,' if each interaction adds weight.


[Add to Woods, Facebook/Newt, Nov. 30, 2011:
'How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization' was great. I took the cathedrals as observatories and added a self-reflective battle formation for we who are the lights now, Eph. 2:6, 'Let your light so shine before men'. Liturgical Battle Formation For Warriors of Light.]

[Add: ‘living epistles’. 2 Corinthians 3:2. King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men: This adds credence to each of the 49 ‘being’ a book of the Bible, for one anothering and discipling]
June 22, 2013

Hall has 10x10, JBJ’s Jubilee is 7x7, but should we add in the Resurrection, as Day 8—surely.  And then on to Ascension (in Church Calendar!) and Pentecost, and Public Vindication A. D. 70 (in Calendar of Peace), and The Great Day Twelve Last Judgment is in Opus 47! So, 12 x12, but that means that 144, and minus 49, leaved 95—but not as basic, not the same, as the Bible’s 49!  Yet…
And somewhere in my computer files is the tattooing of the Psalms on the year, which should be modified by the new knowledge of Selah that JBJ found from 1864.

--Added after printing what was distributed at church on Lord’s  Day, June 23
The Full Count Of The Tribes (from ERH).

I'm on the hunt. This is important! More important than I can know. I 'blink'. Per Universal History 1954, the challenge of our age/the next age/the neo-tribal age is to keep the small enthusiastic groups of the tribes, but get rid of the perpetual warfare of the tribes. How about putting them into the 49-book Bible, (literary conception) of Jordan--Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament. Further, this fits into Jesus' words of initiation and self-identification in Luke 4, that the prophecy (of Jubilee) was fulfilled in their ears, as he read Isaiah 61, based on Leviticus 25. So, the BABTOT, to Build A Peace Tribe Of Tribes, we need a tribe for each book, of the 49--for God wrote books. (Systemic tribes may be a possibility). The hint was also from Jordan, who indicated that Moby Dick, the novel, the art, was based on Leviticus. What other are works are based on one of the 49? That's our first task. Our next is to find OR MAKE a tribe for each book, and the art work, if needed. We must MAKE them, when they don't exist. From the Bible's liturgy, then, we make the culture. Hat tip: E. T. Hall's 'The Silent Language,' which has a 10x10 grid of culture. I propose two more--Berman's 'Law and Revolution' as expressing a gist of Deuteronomy, and Robinson's short, deep commentary on Philemon as a sarcastic (and more) way of getting a slave free in an oppressive society--that would make a good tribe, the 'Oddly Un-Tying [OUT]). The 7x7 grid is a few pages in in this calendar. As we go through this Calendar of Peace yearly (coram-ly) more will come to us, Lord willing. Peace! Charly
Note, new!  A ‘sponsor’ for each piece of ‘time estate,’ for all of these fit into the Calendar Of Peace. Sponsor for Days, for Holiday Weeks, etc.


  1. For Numbers: Anti-Genocide 'Tribe' Militia?

  2. Add, that there may be other organizatins than tribes—all the old and some new.
    Also add that Lanier’s ‘Who Owns the Future?’ may be the 8th Word, theft, of JBJ’s 5 and 8 after the Sabbath/Jeremiah period. (Crisis, Opportunity, and the Christian Future’

  3. Host15088PeacefulTribalism

    Re: Washington Redskins—a name change needed?

    It could be peaceful tribalism, a game instead of a war, you see? Kind of like Halloween costumes? An SF story of many years ago had Russian and American couriers, who took a long time traveling at near-light speeds, seeing that the British were advancing faster in technological progress. Why? Because they rewarded creators or sponsors of creators with knighthoods, and higher titles. The Russian and the American got together to find the equivalent in each of their cultures, respectively. For the Russians (this was long ago) it was something to do with the Party. For the Americans, it was organizing competitions, a la sports leagues, among populations groups/cities, iirc.

    Rosenstock-Huessy (Dartmouth, course Universal History 1954): The challenge of our era is to retain the small, enthusiastic groups of the tribes, but to get rid of the perpetual warfare.

    He also said that children’s play represents the battles won of earlier days.

  4. Adopt the key phrases in each language, he says:
