Sunday, June 2, 2024

Stuart Wooden Nickel Highway

 Stuart Wooden Nickel Highway

1--Towns used to pave roads into them to encourage tourists.
2--I see Wooden Nickels as doing something similar.
3--Spread them out on 1-80 to start, in Iowa.
4--They'd have a link To 'SIWNH' website and a map, 4 miles west of Des Moines.
5--Website would have 'deals'. FREE things. (I've read that McDonald's spends $1.91 to get someone into their drive-thru, gas stations might give a free small soft drink, etc.)
6- Profit for deals offerers and websit maintainers/wooden nickel buyers & distributers could be figured out.
7--Website could include ads, etc. for regular on line sellers from Stuart.
8--The whole could be used by other towns, maybe as franchisses.

Chuck Hartman

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