Sunday, June 2, 2024

How'd we get to Romans June 16?

 How'd we get to Romans June 16?

1--Take Jim Jordan's 49-book Bible. (Jubilee Bible?)
2--Remember that Jesus retuned to universe at Ascension, Rev. 5:12-7:12 (JBJ Revelation commentary)
a--1234567 becomes 4152637 by circle of fifths-like action.
b--A mystery--why 2 and 3 exchanges.
c--Name of days of the week via distance from earth; Sun = 4, Moon = 1, etc.
3--What about Pentecost and A. D. 70 as Days?
4--Yes, 4152637 becomes 2461357 and is flipped ('...have turned toe world upside down') AND MADE ESCHATOLOGICAL BY MELDING 8 AND 7, thus 8531642
5--Then, in homage to Rosenstock, whose 'Out of Revolution' treats the revolutions backward, we also go backward.
6--Thus we go from Hebrews to Exodus.
7--So, Romans. The key concept per Bullinger (use others, I blaze the trail , others will do better) is _____.Sing it per previous posts. In liturgy, we are near Public Vindication. Our response (priest copies, king adapts, prophet speaks new) is per history and future (God sings the whole, we are to sing after Him). The small enthusiastic groups of the next 1000 years is as far as I've been able to hear.
8--This is a supplement ot Church Year, Lectionary, etc. It is not a replacement.  Mush work needs to be done.

Chuck Hartman

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