Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Heaven and NDEs and hynagogia

 Yes. I find that I 'write' things between sleeping and waking. Quality Time. hypnagogia Edison held weights which were released as he fell asleep and thus hypnagogia--ideas !

You mentioned heaven and NDEs.
Here are some things I’ve been reading that our helpful, but the big thing is how these are integrated into the Biblical framework.
1—Dinesh d’Sousa has a good book, comprehensive, from many fields.
2—Randy Alcorn’s books are wise and comforting.
3—Of course, Jordan’s ‘Through New Eyes’ and other works are necessary.
4—Howard Bloom’s ‘God Problem’ is good, given his assumptions, which are wrong. He basically does the whole Big Bang (name suggested by Hoyle as a joke) and hold that there are two ‘forces’ in all of ‘nature’—explorers and consolidators. The easiest way to think of this is to remember the bees. Bloom thinks, and writes, that these two forces are from the smallest sub-atomic particles, to the largest galaxies and more, including societies. His ‘Genius of the Beast’ is more historical/sociological.
5—But the key works I’m considering RECENTLY ARE BY Dr. Eben Alexander, neurosurgeon.
Alexander had a 7-day coma. His brain (neocortex) was attacked (a form of meningitis). He was not thought to be able to survive, But during that time, he had an experience. He was guided by a beautiful woman, and approached to core of existence, Love.
Only AFTER he awoke and was shone her picture did he realize that his guide was his sister, whom he had never known.
Now he uses his training to investigate, Books I’ve read are ‘Proof of Heaven’ and ‘Living in a Mindful Universe’ Key conclusions are that materialism is false when it claims that the brain produces the mind, and that the brain is a filter.
6—How are we going to fit this into a Biblical framework? a—The history of science is the history of discovering new things in a universe ordered by The Omnipotent Trinity. The word ‘scientist’ was invented/coined in the 19th century, ‘theology’ in the 12th.
b—We need to get ‘their’ hearts right. We need to work on ‘their’ will. Matthew 13:13-15 KJV - Therefore speak I to them in parables ...
13 Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand. 14 And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive: 15 For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their
c—We have the time. North has said that the attractiveness of 15+ billion years is that there is an equivalent time left to avoid the judgment. C—But the immanent judgment is also immanent. (That’s why I work on Beatific Harmony—singing God’s songs after Him, as we think His thoughts after Him. Why, in the Axial Age, when Israel was in exile, did God raise up Greek philosophy, Buddhism, and Confucius? So we could take care of them later, as we redeemed wage Holy War for our maturity. One such effort will be ‘God’s Promise to the Chinese’ which shows that early ideographs told Genesis.
d—Another such effort is ‘The Forgotten Heavens’. These 6 essays on cosmology, from Moscow, Idaho, show things we don’t usually think of, as a plaque is ereceted by the Coast and Geodetic Survey, honoring the man who got them to map ‘the pathways of the sea’ (ocean currents) from reading his Bible.
7—There’s more.
8—Much more.

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