Friday, June 7, 2024

From 2016 forms of music


Good first half-day back to work
I don't feel tired. Everyone was glad to see me.
137/76-57 (average of 3) when I got home.
Louise drove in and back.
I had a thought that in 'The Symphony' the short arias/solos developed by each player might be a form of speech called 'Imperative Poetry'. An example would be the acrostics in the first chapters of Lamentations as practicing scales, and then the 22 NON-ACROSTIC as a tune. This would be akin (maybe inside out) to the song in the Bible that summarizes a covenant era (Song of the Red Sea, e. g.) as Jordan writes in 'Covenant Sequence in Leviticus and Deuteronomy'.
I do a variation of the medieval monk's 'Work and pray' as 'Worth and Think,' for thinking is thanking. Now that I'm back in that environment, I think more.
Love in King Jesus,
PS: Add two form of speech (instruments and dancing motes) from Vance 'Moon Moth'

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