Saturday, June 15, 2024

Science is Liturgy is History is Feasts

 Science is Liturgy is History is Feasts


Apple falls, 2. Passover, 3. Entry into a new situation, 4. Enter into church (Call) Song/hymn

Public Vindication ‘That’s strange’ Don’t know…yet. 2. First Fruits, 3. Arise, life from death, 4. Can hear (A. D. 70, Red Sea, Confession and Absolution—Cleanse)

TBOTMOFA Research, read others, contemplate 2. Pentecost, 3. New info, 4. Unto hypothesis

Sermon, 2. Trumpets, 3. Continue new info, 4. Continue (Sinai, Conversion of Constantine, Consecrate)

Totus Christus Testing, 2. Atonement, 3. Theory emerges, 4. When partake rightly (Conquest of Promised land, Conversion of Iceland, Communion)

--Song of each book, march through tabernacle--

        Exit, 2. Purim, as leader recaps feasts, 3. For the life of the world, 4. Leave assembly, taking with (Commission)

Three things, four as leave with Gospel—Aaronic blessing, night to day as candles extinguished, amening Creation, through Altar as future in Rosenstock’s tribal four, having sung a hymn

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