Saturday, May 25, 2024

Torah today?

 Yes, meditate!

'However, if the Torah's purpose was to train Israel up in wisdom so they could judge based on principle rather than by letter, then it is complete and wholly sufficient for the purpose.

So, meditate, apply!

What does it mean TO US that...?
Thus, Torat (instruction) is valuable.
Let me give a couple of examples from Leithart's 'Creator'
1--He cites the war bride who must have her nails and hair cut as an example of pgagn thought's use for Christians.
2--He says that various persons 'baptized' certain thinkers, mentioning Van Til as 'baptizing' idealism...or some such.

So, yes, Torah is completely useful
PS: How about copying the song of Moses this year, to start?

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