Friday, May 24, 2024

Blurb for The Next Thousand Years A Prayer

 This is a work in progress. It’s a mess, but some gems may be mined from it. The 49 books of total Bible saturation are based on James Jordan’s ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament’ at The idea that the next thousand years will be ‘small enthusiastic groups’ is from Rosenstock-Huessy’s Dartmouth course ‘Universal History 1954’. Audio and transcript at Jordan has said that we live in 'Jeremiah Time'. This book is part one--the 'plot of land' that said we'd be returning from Exile.  I now will work 'for the good of the city'. These are enthusing times! See also Jordan’s ‘Crisis, Opportunity, and The Christian Future’. Beatific Harmony came t the author as he worked through this. and Charles Howard Hartman on Facebook.


Especially recently are 1--Rubber Band Evangelism, and 2--How to sing each book of the Bible

Still in in progress is response historical present and future unto Beatific Harmony

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